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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. It's on topic, and would be discussion if someone came in here and did talk about this (Which I think there's no interest, and OP has been banned)

    A topic bump is fine, as long as the information is useful. Not anything like "OMG I LOVE DAT GAYMES"

  2. @Sky

    So qhat are you suggesting we do? Add more staff.

    @Tec & Gerard

    Agree with both of yous, I would rather keep the classics forum but just add it into a general GTA sub forum as well. So the forum would be called 'GTA classics and general GTA' I think it would work.

    Add? Not exactly. Bump one or two people up to S mod, and spread the forums that are left out to the regular mods. And bump someone up to admin.

  3. Uh, get something straight. It isn't bullshit. It's true. But we have no other activities to compare it with. He should have also tested it for things like, as I said before, reading a book. Until that gets done this whole report is pretty much useless.

    Who're you referencing to? I didn't say anything bout it not being true. But yeah, a basis is important. And right now, it's like trying to prove the earth rotates (with nothing around prove it from/with)

  4. Tell you the truth I DONT know...

    Never really tested fate... although I wanna just see what happens...perhaps the same as if you get busted by cops...lose coke (grams) + dirtycash, obviously the coke you were bringing too

    when my friend came over, then he's like ohh boring your just driving around (distribution)....then gang members start attacking...i got sorta cut (over the top) at them...you wanna f*ck around...OK!. pulled out missile launcher and blew them sky high from 5m away...lmao...then im like..ok yeh..now what!!

    the hummer (stampede) has excellent armor, but so slow...havent you ever got those mega bitch times when u do distribution eg..i start at marina storage, get package from ogradys liquor, then "Pedro's pawn shop is under attack!"...and then it takes you a while to get there..it would in hummer..i always use my fastest car..

    Yeah racing boat is the best, attack boat is a little slow but i didnt think you were so far..

    I do get that, but usually it's VERY near me. Last run through I took, NO ONE attacked me. Was pretty sweet, haha. Last time there were like 3 attacks and I died ): So now I just stay inside the truck until I absolutely have to get out.

    I haven't used the bazooka, haven't really had a use for it. And eh, I thought the attack boat would be the best because of the gunner, but I outrun the pirates anyway, so it's all good. I can't wait for the racing boat.

  5. Even if you take out the warzone, I still think that people will want it back and arguments will occur in other forums, which in all would be pointless.


    Not sure why we need a staff rearrangement although some staff such as Jared are quite inactive I dont think the staff have anything to do with this.

    I hope some changes are made but I dont want wholesale changes that will just drive members away rather than in.

    Bold: It does. Completely. It takes staff to run a forum. I mean, you have to have members too (obviously) but it's just going to flunk out with no authoritative figures making things run smoothly. Or people will just run rampant, either way, the forums would turn to be shit. Things are fine now, but there is much room to improve.

    Italics: If they want to argue and flame, it's their choice to be suspended (It hasn't been happening lately, though) I don't think you need twenty other forum members flaming someone you've had a conflict with. Like Chris said, PM them.

  6. He explained that the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex, located at the front of the brain, is associated with thinking, speaking, decision-making and impulse control, while the anterior cingulate gyrus, located in the medial wall of the frontal lobe, modulates internal emotional responses.

    Aren't these usually USED in a violent video game? I mean, decide if you want to risk going round that corner or go search for health first.

  7. Ah, okay, thanks. I've gotten pretty far since then, I'm doing the $100,000 deals in the Islands. That was it, I hadn't opened those up yet. I've been using the attack boat so far, but I just got the racing one so we'll see how that is (:

    What happens when you run into the coast guard?

    Oh, and I use the Humvee thing for Distribution, haha. I'm a bit paranoid :lol:

  8. Alright, I really can't be bothered to go through ALL of those new posts, but here's what I really want.

    1. Warzone delete. Why? All it does is encourage people to argue and stupidly flame. Like someone said, PM is fine if there is a problem between two members.

    2. FFaG delete. Why? In my honest opinion, it's fucking stupid and pointless. Period.

    3. Staff rearrangement. Why? With putting the appropriate people at the positions they should be, things will work smooth. IE: Don't put someone who pulls random things out of their ass to a S. mod. Obviously an administrative system where two (or more?) can work together to improve current standings with the forum.

    I do expect something to be done, if there isn't, well. I'll find a forum that does.

  9. Yeah, I'm to the point where I can take over the Marina storehouse. Is there anyway of going back and rubbing out the other gangs in Havana? I missed two.

    Oh, and I'm up to 'level 4' on the Rep meter.. thing. Which would allow me to buy Keys in 50K quantities, yet I ALWAYS get 20K or below? Is this because I haven't passed Downtown yet?

  10. Ah yes, I was wondering that to myself when had the game 1 year ago... Also, there's no need for a screenshot because we know (Or have) the game, so we obviously can check it out for ourselves, can't we? And yes, they both have the clothing except for the shoes, it seems they have Low-tops, but in different colour.

    Maybe you and a few others. Not ALL of us.

    Kinda does, that's funny :lol:

  11. kids wanting to fight anybody, then you kick there ass and they said they weren't ready or it was unfair..fuck pisses me off..

    Yea I know fucking bigshots full of themselves...

    Kinda like those people that have a VVT-I or VTEC engine (DOHC) and claim they lost the race because it's "broke." I mean, it's possible, but unless you're a dumbshit that fucks with your car and don't know what you're doing, they'd deserve it. Neither are a Godsend anyway, so really, it doesn't matter xD

  12. Well, I picked it up and I'm pretty impressed with the features and such. I don't want to go back through the topic in fear of something getting spoiled. I just got to the part where you do the

    Crate drop offs with Pedro's pawnshop

    Is there anything I should do now to make things better in the long run?

  13. Very informative, thanks (:

    Sadly, all I could find is Scarface, so that's what I picked up. It looks fairly promising from the instructional booklet and display, but don't all games try for this? Heh. We'll see what happens.

  14. Well, I really could go get both if I wanted, but I need to save.. and I do want one of these, haha. The Hitman series being the one that came out in a 3 pack for xbox / ps2 (Oh, THIS IS ALL I HAVE.) I've played Contracts, just don't know if the other two are good. But then there's Scarface that really interests me. Opinions?

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