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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. but im not gonna calm down

    i dont care about what you people say

    its not a big deal to me

    That would be a best suggestion, to calm down. You calm down, they calm down. You don't calm down, your topic is getting gone. Just chill. All there is to it.

  2. And my GF's real pissed off, i completely ignored her to go out motorbiking with my 'guy - buddies' as she calls them, i think i'll phone her, hopefully she won't be mad

    That's woman for you :P

    I love them though<3

  3. I'm gettin a BMW X5 soon, does this make me a dumbass?

    Yes i am going to use it as an offroad vehicle

    I'd say they're pretty efficient on the carbon levels, it is a BMW. But I just couldn't see one being used for offroad, haha. We have an '85 Bronco right now.. woo. V6 carb powered. Woo. It puts out it's fair share of "gasses" >.>

  4. Handsy.... touching, lots of touching. Grabbing in more... 'sought after' places.

    I have to ask you people that have sex. Have you ever fucked to NIN's "Closer"? I think that'd be so kickass.....

  5. So now members opinions are bullsh't, huh?

    Look, I just said if it was worthy of pinning it would be up.. all the staff have their own opinions, and so do the members. I just said I don't think it is, therfore I'm not pinning it. If someone else wants to come along and do it, fine by me. Don't care.

  6. Gerard -- you took me wrong. I mean, I might've said it like that, but it's not what I meant. >.> I DO believe it is thinking patterns, or something of the like. Which technically you could say people are genetically gay. As thinking patterns are of the genetics of the person.

    The thing is you arn't born with 'memory' of anything. You go by instinct.... which goes to thinking pattern, I'd guess.

    If any of that makes sense..... say I.

  7. @Nate: All monkeys are (still supposedly) the same. That's why the theory is kinda flawed.. heard of the "missing link"? There's a scientific term that means "rapid evolution" which means the evolution happened really fast. Like, over one generation of monkeys. But y'know, I don't know about it, and even more so don't like talking about it because we've got no proof of where we really came from.

  8. 2.)If the monkeys made us why are there still some monkeys. But, one monkey making us doesn't mean all monkey's have too.

    I hate this question to death, sorry Nate, but you gotta think :P

    Just because it happens to some, doesn't mean it happens to all. Ofcourse, if we came from monkeys at all. At times I want to believe in it, just to score in more with chicks, to be honest.

  9. I'm to lazy to stand infront of the mirror at all. I do get some comments about that at school though..
    People who look different are often popular and don't get mistaken for others.

    Or just extreemly hot. That works too.

    Eh, people that look different are often popular? Not in America. You're only popular if you look like the rest of the "popular" kids.....

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