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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. Yeah... but i'll have something to talk about...

    Anyways, how the hell would i gain respect if i told i was gay?

    I aint anyways...

    ....... Oh.

    For being honest, seriously. A lot of people are afraid to come out of the closet *cough*

    Sounds like you're being a little homophobic there, bud. Might wanna re-word that before I decide I wanna whack some heads with the mod stick.....

  2. Not many people believe I have that at all. They're like "OH MY GOD YOU'RE LIEING!"... kinda annoying. I got sort of offered sex. If I wasn't a virgin, they 'didn't wanna take that away from me' so yeah... uh.. pancakes.

  3. Basically when the deck goes up your ass, or I guess it could mean crotch, too..

    I don't see why people hate on mongo, it's just different. Just like people ask me if I'm right handed.... and when I say yeah, they ask why isn't my left foot forward, haha. Did you find a board dude?

  4. Heh, tilly, I was jokin' man :P But yeah, I'm never saying the "L" word.

    I've learned it takes one solid motion, and it can't be a half-arse attempt. You try hard to get it right, then it comes as second nature I've heard. True? I've got riding down decently, I skate goofy (I think.... right foot forward, left foot push).. but switch is extremly awkward. Feels like you're stiff and can't move much

  5. Yeah, took me a month to learn an ollie at first. I got so mad and irritated considering I knew what I wasn't doing. Commitment & keeping the board under my feet.

    Yep. Like the guys on skaterscafe say, "It hurts more to bail than commit" haha.

  6. girlfrend broke up with me.. SHE was hot. nicest ass ive seen almost ever.

    Pics or shens..

    yeah i loved her. alot.

    Mistake. Girls freak when you say you love them. How long did you wait before you said this? I've done it before, and uhm. Yeah, big mistake. I either no longer talk with them or our relationship as friends is trashed.

    I gotta decide whether I want to go out at 2 or not.... cuz I'm sure I could get my mom to let me go skating for a bit. Sure... 1.5 - 2 hours seems crazy to try and learn the ollie each day, but it's something I used to know... and I think I can learn it back if I keep going at it like mad. I even know what I'm doing wrong >.> it's the commitment. Yesterday I landed something, could've been an ollie... or just a half-ass something.. and the board shot out and i was on my ass, haha.

  7. Haha, no dude. I swear, they wern't too good, but they were a lot better than me. They were white, but I said while :P no spelling mistake there. I mean like, even this ~7 year old was ripping up the ramps, made me feel bad, haha. But eh, I mean I'm basically learning over again. For 3 days of actually skating (out of 4).... riding normal is decent, and I can pop the board up.

    That indoor one looks really nice, too bad it's down. I don't have pics of mine, doubt I'll ever get pics unless I go do a photoshoot with someone. Which is pretty doubtful, I want to experiment with that >.>

    Oh btw, congrats on 2K when you get it!

  8. If I were to get in a fight... I'd use the little bit of boxing I know. The stance and hits alone would probably win fights around here, cuz people around here are IDIOTS.

  9. Outdoor, both of them out here are. It has decent flow from what I saw, wouldn't know firsthand, ofcourse. I saw one concrete chip, but it wasn't in the way of anything. I still have a lot to learn, but it was fun, even if I was pretty much trying to ollie by myself for like 2 hours, while little kids schooled me. haha

  10. Yah, it looks cool. So that's the kid at school that is kinda obsessed with anal?

    Let's say so. B)

    And how do you know what anal is? You're like 12 or something

    Age insults are stupid. Sorry.

    And yeah, haha. I remember seeing a shot like that in a vid (I think it might've been the darkstar vid) or a magazine. And indeed. Half my head is missing. :mellow:

  11. Men (and boys) are stereotyped to where all they want is food and poontang, buddy. :P

    Which is true with a lot of dudes, to be honest. If anyone tried to deny that, they're either well taimed, religious, or both.

  12. *pics*

    The first one is older now from when I had short hair and a cheesy thumbs up.

    I'll find that damn digicam cord soon and then I can post some clear shit.

    do you like anal? :) I like anal

    @Bear: you look like a frickin emo, those pics scares the crap (litteratly) out of me!

    and where the fock is my camera. :hug:

    edit: wtf, i could swear bear posted some pics of a girl with black hair. :S

    What the fuck? Space saved for a pic a little later.

  13. Haha, nice story kokane, how romantic. :P Guess you have a pretty wild sex life.

    Too right having sex in the elevator :thumbsup:

    A bit crazy though you could have waited now you knew the guy

    Some people just don't, and I have no comments on that.

    It's in the eyes.

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