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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. Probably get my own. Unless she gets a newer one in the next 2 or so months. Which I think I would get one, regardless. Going to try for an Acura Integra (Might be Honda Integra out there, not sure) or something like that.

    This gives me an idea for a topic..

  2. I agree with what Chrisman said, completley. But yeah, Jared. The media... is usually full.. of well, shit. We get what they want us to hear, not what's really real. It makes him seem "more mental" by saying he stalked girls around school. I mean, he might have.... I don't think we'll ever know 100%.

  3. Use the siren at times, and don't use it at times. It helps a bit. I always tried to get 3 patients every time, unless there were no more in the immediate area. Take them back to the hospital. That way, you can get to an area with more and get 3 more people. Unless you don't get a time bonus for two people (I don't remember to be honest, it's been awhile)

    It's a pretty tedious task, maybe take a break for awhile doing something else. Good luck.

  4. There's been a few shootings, some drug busts.. nothing really big. Things are gonna get crazy, though. Which is why I'm going to try to accomplish most things I want in life... this summer. Before things get so bad we can't drive or even go outside.

    offtopic: What part of VA do you live in OGTAM?

    ...I don't live in Virginia...

    .. Oh. Sounded like you lived there >.> Eh well.

    A meth lab got blown up recently.. he had it in the woods where no one would find it. Didn't die, but he'll be off to prison for a good while. That's just one of them. Drugs around here are horrible. To the point there are pretty well-known dealers in my school, and a big one in my 4th period class.

  5. Nah, it's still hers. I drive it when I'm with her, only have my permit so far. Whenever I get my license (a little more than 5 months left) I'll probably drive it from time to time. Not sure how soon I'll be able to get the vid, especially since she hates when I beat on the car.

  6. Nope, auto. Automatics are usually better for drag, believe it or not. It's got a Corvette servo (harder shifts) and moved shift points (because it used to break transmission brackets?)

    It handles sooo good though. if I can ever do it, I'll record a vid of me going up my mountain from the cockpit view. Shit is friggen crazy.

  7. The engine is just a 5.0 liter 305. It's pretty badass.. but.. sadly, with newer technology, it's severly outdated. Probably keep it original because it's worth a pretty good bit. More than "normal" 92 Camaros.

    And yeah, all the F-body (Camaro and Trans Ams / Firebirds) look similiar. Funny thing is, when I was younger.. we had an orange T/A like that. Wasn't in near as good shape, and had the "honeycomb" wheels. Was still pretty cool. Then an '85 Trans am, which, my dad bought new off the lot... years before I was born. I'll have to scan pics of that thing later, it was so nice.

  8. Shuddup about Spartan in here. If you want to discuss it, make a topic in the warzone or something, I don't care. This is "serious chat" so get back on subject, and not on your feelings on what he said, alright? Alright.

    My 4th period teacher showed us that vid two days ago, was pretty scary. What origin was he, anyway? I wonder what his home country thinks about this... incident.

  9. There's been a few shootings, some drug busts.. nothing really big. Things are gonna get crazy, though. Which is why I'm going to try to accomplish most things I want in life... this summer. Before things get so bad we can't drive or even go outside.

    offtopic: What part of VA do you live in OGTAM?

  10. Alright guys, enough with the insults. If you can't prove a point without using indecent language, then you shouldn't be trying. You say an opinion, so can the next person. Even if it's extremly offensive, there's no need to flame outside the warzone.

    It's kind of scary thinking about it, we had a lockdown practice today (SUPPOSEDLY it was planned a week or two ago, what a coincidence... or.. was it?) and yeah.. I do feel for the families and such. It's just none of my business, I'm not a huge social person, I like to mind for my own things.

    Thinking about it.... IF those people were my good friends and family, I hate it. I would go... pretty much off the deep end. Depending on the people. I suppose I'm saying close family and close friends or mates. Excommunication with once-loved ones is pretty hard, I couldn't imagine them being gone forever.

  11. Usually if you have an SD or xD card you can insert it into the printer or computer it'll bring the picture folder up from the card. Before we got this printer, there was a cord you'd plug in the back of the computer to the camera and look at them that way.

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