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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. I noticed when he was talking about going around NYC... he mentions meters? Possible hint? Or maybe he's native to the metric system.

    When I was reading... it.. reminded me of a story line. Possibly foreshadowing or even metaphoring? I don't have much to say with either, but it's something I observed....

  2. Reference to old one: http://www.thegtaplace.com/forums/index.ph...ic=1304&hl=

    I've been extremly bored lately, and have nothing to do... so I figured.. why not do another one of those? Granted, my grammar and writing skills have greatly impoved since then, so logically.. it should be better. I'm really just looking for ideas besides my own, ones that will be cool to read.. by the reader.

    Did I mention $10,000 for the best idea?

  3. Parents should watch... period. Though, if that happened.. I would've never played any of the GTA games. Still though... I can't go through at wal-mart and get a mature game. No matter how much I grow out my facial hair, they always say "I.D.".... and I'm like.. "BITCH"... it's their job though. Thing is, you could just find some random adult there to buy it for you, and there isn't a damn thing they can do about it.

    Immature kids... like.. my (15.. same as me)cousin, who says San Andreas makes him want to be a gangster just like CJ is... THAT'S who do not need to get ahold of these games.

  4. Nine Inch Nails - The great below

    NIN - Hurt

    NIN - Right where it belongs

    Tool - Parabola

    Tool - Disposition / Reflection / Triad

    Alien Ant Farm - Forgive and Forget

    empire! empire! (i was a lonely estate) - Lilly I have something to tell you


    Fort Minor - Back Home

    FM - Cigarettes

    FM - Out the back

    FM - The hard way

    A project uknown - All of the songs..

    Element eighty - Echo song

    And a lot more I can't think of right now..

  5. I just skimmed over the first page so far..

    Get the farmers in Afghanistan to grow them poppy seeds (herion things)

    You mean opium....?

    But this girl that I talked to (One of my friend's friends) the other day (she was really cool and good looking too..) does coke.. >.< egh. FUCK YOU DRUGS.

    edit: and geez guys, if someone is argueing right in the middle of the topic.. tell me so I can fix it.. which now it's a bit too later. Make your OWN topic, and stop argueing in here.

  6. Around here, the teachers say "Once its on school campus, it's OURS (the school's) until you go back off." Which is complete BS how they say that. I'm forced onto campus each and everyday, and you have to say everything I have on me is yours? Psh, fuck you.

    American school systems are whack..

  7. I am now SUPER GIRL!

    the reasons are:

    I bought an amazing jumper with the Superman Symbol on it. It is truly spectacular.

    Went to the Wong Kei in Soho where the waiters are famously rude but they loved me and kept calling me Super Girl! I felt accpeted.

    aaaaaaaannnd I'm Sky's friend.

    So now I am offically Super Girl. Go Me! :D

    Haha, SOOPER GIRL! Didn't do anything today really.. went out for a bit to Wal-mart and such. Some chicks in Kohl's (Department store) were checkin' me out... hehe, ofcourse... I did the same. All I have to hope is that they wern't under 13 and I'm good.

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