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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. ^^ Do you even know what you're talking about? It would be SO much easier to use a cheat device with an xbox. Modding the game through the xbox and disk would require a lot of work. First the chip, and the ability to actually edit code. You could invest that money into upgrading your computer to where you're able to mod a lot easier.

  2. Mike - You're just jealous of reliability! :P

    All the cars are starting to look terrible, imo. Some still look good.. some look bad. Evo's are nice looking though, besides yeah, the plastic slab up front. Mitsu beefed up the Lancer a little bit.

    And Jace, you might wanna mention that's the JDM/EDM(?) civic and not the USDM. They look quite a bit different around here.

  3. STi's are overrated. They're quick, yeah. Just.. overrated. Plus evo 10 stuff wouldn't fit, I don't see why you would want it. Heh. The impreza aftermarket is huge though. I love how stuff is for cars, we have so much to choose from.

    Ricers = suck. Who agrees?

  4. Is this whole damn topic about gay guys?!!!! Your makin me think nasty things!

    Shut the fuck up before you piss me off. If you can't be mature about it, get out of this topic and never go to serious chat. What are you? 10?

    edit: Holy shit. That was a total guess, and I was right.

  5. This should be pinned

    Why? It's sad she died, yes.. we didn't know her on personal level , even the original poster wasn't a great friend of hers. It's a death no one could really help.

    Condolences to her family, though. Must be hard not getting to see your daughter grow up.

  6. No way, too expensive and.. ew. If you want 50MPG, get a Honda CRX. I drove a Toyota (lol) Prius last weekend or so, terrible. I had to punch it to get anywhere, and even then it was slow. :/ I think I'm just used to the torque monster (Okay, 250 isn't that much.. but it's much more than this thing)

  7. It got to seem like they just didn't care on THUG2 and up. They wanted sales, more than wanting to please their regulars (The ones that play online tons and tons) and yeah.. if anyone ever wants to play online (Ps2) just tell me. Have them all except THUG2.

    And yeah, unrealistic added to it. It made it... kick ass. From skating a cruise ship, to a major city, or even a town fair.. it was great. Now that you mention it, realistic? (Note I can't watch these vids at the moment) is it like.. real skating? No really crazy stuff like THPS? And what's endophrin?

  8. Your Love Type: INFP


    The Idealist

    In love, you crave a long term, harmonious relationship.

    For you, sex doesn't come quickly - it takes time for you to open up.

    Overall, you are supportive, nurturing, and expressive.

    However, you tend to be shy and protective of your personal space.

    Best matches: ENFJ and ESFJ

  9. I've never messed with handling or anything on the Ps2. If you have a network adapter for it, hook up to online (DSL or Cable only I think) and download the codes from there. Or, if you have a zip drive, download the codes from the website (www.cmgsccc.com), put them on the zip, plug it into your 1st USB port on the ps2, and copy it from the zip to your memory card. You can do that from an option in the codebreaker.

  10. Heh, yeah. I loved the THPS games... mostly for the online play, but still. It was good up till THUG2. Things totally went downhill on THUG... but I still liked it a lot.

  11. Ah, that's what I was thinking... I say "Acura" often.. and that could get a bit confusing. Here, we have a fair amount of Dodges.. Chryslers are still for sale and such, it's just more of a rare sighting. The most popular ones, by far, are Toyota.

  12. General discussion topic of cars, woo! Figured this might be a good idea... for just talking about them, and some questions.. etc.

    Do ya'll have Honda AND Acura where you live? Or just Honda?

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