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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. I played for about a week when C_N and offcrcarman dude washere. and we know that was AGES ago. I kinda liked it... I just forgot about it like i forget about everything else.

  2. Eh, well dude. Have fun with that stuff, and try not to pick CSS over girls you hear? :P Been good having you here dude. And the shower. XD

    Drop me a line on MSNM or something.... it's Prelusion_(at)hotmail(dot)com

  3. Yeah... my Sammy has been quitting for awhile now... it went from like a pack a day (That's like... around 16?) to 1 or 2... or none. She said it's really hard to do because "it's just something to do" and the nicotine has something to do with it I guess. If you havn't guessed she's quitting because of the harmfull effects and feels disgusted that she's smoked like that for so long. I'm so proud of her. (:

    As for me... nah.. still havn't. Was going to try it, just to try it... but I've changed my mind. If I'm going to help encourage friends to quit or just not to, then I'm not. I mean.... that's pretty hipocritish no?

  4. Here's what I think of Anna Nicole Smith:

    oh, the world is in shock. Some fat fucking bitch who stuck a finger down her throat and got money for it from a diet pill company took one too many pills after brown-bagging it in the VIP room at a shanty Miami club.

    Not to mention she married some old dude for his money and killed him.


    I'm glad the bitch died. Her diet pills actually USED to work. Sort of. A chemical in the pill would release the fat into your blood stream but you couldn't get rid of it as you were sitting on your ass. So you've got fat all up in your blood which has VERY bad effects on you. Like dieing.

  5. How could you get it in the wrong hole? They wouldn't just JUMP OFF if you got it in the bumhole... but you're probably wearing a condom at that time. Atleast I hope. If you arn't then you're an idiot... OR you want babies / girl's on birth control (Which isn't 100% effective. Damn close though).... in which case you would probably know where it is........

    For kids without a mutual (love) relationship with someone, just jack it. I don't want to pay for your upkeeping with taxes. :thumbsdown:

  6. I like it all. If I'm really attracted to someone.... I like it all. If applicable I guess... I mean my ex has NONE OF THE ABOVE. Effing sad, I know.

    Sometimes I feel like I Just want to sex them up really much. Then I think about it and I KNOW it's not that... it's wanting to be with them. Most of you won't understand this unless you know quite some about my life.. but for Bear.. Spaz. Yeah...

    Yeah, I want to smack people. "You HAVE one and you can't even name it!?"


  7. Actually, AIDS and HIV virus can slip through the condom. Rubber is NOT a solid (Latex. Whatever.) Sperm cells are too big to fit through, but viruses can. I love biology.

  8. Some of it is alright... not much a fan though, sorry. And Civics... don't get me started on civics. Sure, stock form they're eco cars... but if you build one up you've got a beast.

    Some of them atleast... like.. Civic hatchbacks.. CRXs... RSX..

  9. But really, who's to say the people claiming they've had sex really have. Unless you get two people saying "We did it together" why should you beileve someone?
    They're probably embarrased they even did it with eachother. It'd probably be with their ex's.... or just a drunken party... would you really want to remember those moments?
    I know all about sex, I looked it up. WIKIPEDIA RULES!!!111!!!

    Uh, cool. I know all about sex. Spiritually. Person to person.

  10. Well, I kind of like the whole one-on-one thing. I know most younger people see the amount of people you've had sex with as a status symbol.... And that's retarded.... I'd rather have a LOW number((like ONE)) and be proud of THAT.
    I do not see sleeping around is something to be proud of. I say only have sex with people you care about.

    I love both of you. But that would be a kind of hard thing for me to do, when I imagine "having sex with people you care about" I think of... Tarah and Sammy. And you BOTH know how tight the friendships are there and I just don't know if I could do it.

  11. Yeah... well, we've got insanely rich, idiotic people living up here. Crazy woman driving Toyota Sequoias (Y'know.. one of the biggest SUVs they've made)... people trying to race Corolla's up and down the mountain, others trying to shoot at rocks with a laser and high-powered scope. It's pretty endless. Though, I WOULD like to hook up with this one girl.. she looks pretty good..

    I love nice looking chicks!

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