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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. Let us know here if you want to help us try a little gang war on the weekend. We'll pay you back for any items you use in the test.

    Thought we were going with the other plan? Otherwise counting all that stuff is going to be a bitch..... and I'm in, ofcourse.

    @Vice city: You need to be in a gang to be in a gangwar dude..

  2. Yeah, that's true.. eh well.

    Once.. I got "mini-interviewed" by 3 cops.. all within 5 minutes. I was about 10... and yeah, it was scary. Then there was the time this old lady called the cops cuz I got in her driveway, wow. Not really stupid on the cops part... but yeah, still. The interview thing.... they all saw and KNEW the other one was talking to me about being in the road. (It wasn't just me.. it was like.. 15 kids..)

  3. I don't think atheist should celebrate religious holidays. GO GET YOUR OWN. If you want to celebrate it so much then become part of that religion. Don't tag along with the believers during our time.

    I would think most believers would want them to. To pull them closer / find God.

  4. I can answer your 2nd question... I want you to get to see how you go through. It's exciting and I wish I wouldn'tve read on it before I did it. Eating... maybe.. every 3 days.. and the game tells you if you're hungry. Saving the game is the same as a full meal.

  5. Who in their right mind would willfully perform a vow of abstinance?

    Heh. It's more important to some people than others. You've got the people that gives out sex like candy, the ones that will never get any (that want it), some that get it.... and then can get it.. but don't. I mean, damn. I could've lost my virginity in the 8th grade (Which... would've been really bad.) but I didn't.. because yeah, it's important to me that my first is someone important to me and not just some whore that fucks everyone.

  6. ^^ Heh, it's supposed to be teaching WHEN to brake.. not exactly how. Besides, if games didn't have different variables, all of them would be the same.

    The sad part about online racing games is that a lot of people wall ride and like to make other people crash to their advantage.

    Hey, wait a minute. I do that! Yeah, I'll admit I love bullying other peoples' cars and trying to PIT them. I watch World's Wildest Police Chases too much.


    I did it a bit when I played NFSUG 1 and 2. Pretty funny when some of them yell and their voice is all squeeky. Kinda view the GT series as a "world class" racing.. as in... racing the real way depending on how your car is setup and driver skill.

    Though the only online option I know of is x-link (I THINK that's what it was called..) Some website held a server so you could run through it and play with other people.

  7. One arguement towards this is that not everything has to evolve. As in, just because ONE monkey turns into a human, doesn't mean the other one will be a human too.

    But evolution is suppossed to be gradual, not a sudden change, so there had to have been a countless amount of monkeys all changing at the same time, so the new improved monkeys could mate. If that were true, the minority of monkeys would die out and the new and improved monkeys would take charge...but that hasn't happened.

    Er, yeah. I didn't really mean sudden change.. but like.. changing just into a human. There'd have to be DNA changes throughout time. It could've only happened in a certain part of the world and just went on from there. This makes me really want to know now.. haha.

    btw, the "new and improved" monkeys have already taken over :P

  8. Another problem I see is a flaw in evolution. If we all came from monkeys, why are there still monkeys around today? They aren't a migratory species, so a separate branch couldn't have transformed into a human. If animals came from algae, why is there still algae EVERYWHERE?

    One arguement towards this is that not everything has to evolve. As in, just because ONE monkey turns into a human, doesn't mean the other one will be a human too.

  9. ^^ Heh, it's supposed to be teaching WHEN to brake.. not exactly how. Besides, if games didn't have different variables, all of them would be the same.

    The sad part about online racing games is that a lot of people wall ride and like to make other people crash to their advantage.

  10. Due to society I still celebrate Christmas with my family, (used to celebrate Easter when I was young but not anymore). But then again, it's more of a Pagan celebration than Christian... weird isn't it?
    Especially decorating the "Christmas tree"... it was their way of worshipping it or something like that. I really wish I could remember, but I heard it at a Jewish church (for lack of better wording) the one time I went. Dad used to go there because some of his friends did.

    My dad is extremly gullible when it comes to pretty much anything. So yeah, when someone tells him something... like "Judism is the right way" ((I'm not saying it's not or anything..)) he started going to a Jewish church. So then Mike and Cindy (I hate them, honestly.) went back to Christianity.... and so did he. Which is why I never go to church with him. If he can't make up his mind about things (He switches churches a good bit...) then he's setting a pretty shitty example for me whom he's supposed to be "teaching."

    cause its pretty much a fact that a person called Jesus Christ actually lived.

    Not exactly. Some scholars believe that the gospel accounts of Jesus have little or no historical basis. At least in part, this is because they see many similarities between stories about Jesus and older myths of pagan god-men such as Mithras, Attis and Osiris-Dionysus, leading to conjectures that the pagan myths were adopted by some authors of early accounts of Jesus to form a syncretism with Christianity. 1 Sure, it says scholars believe.. but there's no denying similarities in things.

    Again with the Pagans.. who are these Pagans anyway?

    1 - Thanks to wikipedia

  11. I myself can't see the point of religion. I don't understand why people feel the need to believe that some superior being has supposedly created the world and put us all here. I think it's a illogical and I cannot see any sense in it - that is why I don't believe in God. I see sense in the explanation that we have evolved over millions of years. It makes perfect sense to me, and it's more natural. I guess that would make me agnostic?

    I feel the EXACT same way. And Chris, this will indeed turn into flamefest if we don't keep close watch on it. Because it's basically inevitable someone is going to bash someone else.

    But yeah. Basically, I feel like if religion was WRITTEN by man, then well.. I don't exactly trust it. If history "itself" was written by Eastern European white males (A good chunk of it) what're the chances shit is going to be changed / mistranslated / misinterpreted? It's a pretty good one, I'd say.

    I like to think nothing of it, honestly. It's far beyond mine or anyone elses comprehension. I just live life how I think I should and not worry about things. A little naive some people may think, but I don't believe in religion.

  12. I wouldn't feel comfortable at all trying it the other way around.. I'm pretty loving of someone right now either way. But yeah, I guess that and my family is pretty homophobic / anti-homosexual, and ofcourse I'd get.. well, "pushed out" for anything like that.

    Just wouldn't go through the pressure to go out and see if I like it. Maybe if it came along right to me or something.

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