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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. Yeah you did, something along the lines of following the railtrack and weaving about so that the helicopter fire misses.

    Something i'll have to try myself.

    Oh and Sky, i'm saving the game quite a bit though. lol

    Well, sort of. When you weave it just never shoots for some reason.. but all up until I hit a "one way" track i couldn't really anymore.. lucky for me, he got caught up in a power line or something. It's not so bad when you know what you're doing.

    Heh, I see. On my current save file, I've been killed many times. :P But I have the glitch from dating that cop and nurse which is very helpful :D

  2. TM, it seems you post more in our gang chat than some of our member...

    Yeah, It's some private stuff in there...

    You do realize those kinds of posts are what get you warned / fined right? Just tryin' to help you out a bit.

    And Jace, I posted how to do the level 8 trucker mission somewhere in DS private chat. Maybe I'll post it up later.. or even make a trucker mission guide.. hmm..

  3. Well Sky, I did it with about 50%. :P

    I'm at 52% now and just starting Las Venturas. Getting a bit bogged down again, i'm trying to maintain a 100% record of everything without dying and restarts etc. and it's become a bit tedious.

    WITHOUT dying? o.o Good luck to you. Last time I played, I couldn't get passed "You've had your chips" Hahah. Been about a week since I've played though. Sly cooper really has me hooked, heh.

  4. Gtastunting used to have a shoutbox, until people started abusing it's features by spamming..etc.

    Maybe we could try it, but immidiatley take it down if someone does something bad on it, or just ban the person that did it from posting on it, I don't know if that would be possible though.

    We've already tried it before. And it, ofcourse got spammed with advretising, flames, all kinds of stuff. No way I want that back.

  5. i would like to join the Dragon Stealths Mafia as the Don's bodyguard, the helicopter pilot, Limo Driver or the car importer or exporter

    Get some more posts and known a bit around the forum, without spamming ofcourse. Only then will we consider you. Oh, and welcome to the thegtaplace.

  6. They just seem to think different...

    EDIT: Could someone explain me what's freaky about a wallpaper of pictures of Kokane that she submitted to the forums herself?

    I was just kidding, really. :P I forgot to put teh /\/\3|_|_0\/\/ smiliez oh em gee!!1

  7. Could you make a really simple NIИ avatar? Black back ground, NIИ bold and in white, and with a border a few pixels away from it, but not "boxing in" the whole avatar. Like, there will still be black outside the white border line.

    I'll give you 100 for it.

  8. Toddlers are stupid, but true to life in The Sims 2. I saw mine spashing around in toilet water last night!

    HAHA. Good to see it's working for you. What're the new features in it from The Sims 1? I'm too lazy to actually go look it up.

    Question for everyone.. how long is an average phone convorsation for ya'll? Like.. to people that're really significant, like a best friend... hot girl... uhh, yeah. Mines probably around 15 minutes :/ Even with my best friends (3 girls) it's just like.. bleh. Not a long time at all.

  9. Okay, you're talking about one of the most critically acclaimed games in recent years. And the ending you're describing is only to Halo 2. We're talking about Halo 3. Not the imperfections of the past games, where there was few. I bet it's only overrated to you because you've never played it. I'm just guessing, but you are the guy who told me to get a PS3 when my Xbox 360 fried.......

    Heh, don't expect an imediate response from him. He's taking a vacation ;)

    Since this is a halo 3 topic, I was wondering if I were to get a 360.. would this be on top of the "games to own" list? And eh, I've not got much money, so I wouldn't be able to do multiplayer.. is it good without?

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