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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. I like it.. to me, it's a game that takes precision and skill to complete. All I have right now is the GT3 Steering wheel, which doesn't make it AS realistic, but it's more than a controller. No video game will ever be exactly like the real thing, but this brings it close. Need to pick up GT4 again..

    Haters get out, now.

  2. I can delete all the posts. And if you put everything in the first post, it'll look a lot cleaner and organized and people will be more willing to join. Trust me. I've been here for a little bit over 3 months YEARS now, a clean recruitment topic is important.

    Edit: Shit, I didn't notice that. I was thinking of November 03. And yeah, just tell me when because I figure you'll want to get everything up top first.

  3. Yeah, true, we were just chatting about PhotoShop, I guess it ends here then...

    They were talking about downloading it......... you can talk about anything, I don't really care. Just not warez or how to kill someone.

  4. In case you're wondering how we worked out the hottest member winner, we asked you for your top 3, the person you gave 1st was given 3 points, 2nd was given 2 points, and 3rd was given 1 point. We totalled up each members points, and the top 5 were as follows:

    1. Skyline (28)

    2. Chris (22)

    3. Gerard (20)

    4. Spaz (19)

    5. 888ball (9)

    Look at how much difference there is from Spaz to 888ball. o.o But yay. I won the hottest member award! :w00t: :w00t:

  5. This is why every time I made a WWE topic I put "FANS ONLY!" at the top, because of jackasses that come in saying its fake and that they don't like it "but used to watch it."

    Everyone is entitled to their bla BLA BLA BLA...SHUT THE f*** UP, there's my opinion.

    You're so defensive, calm down. And yes, we say it's fake. Why? BECAUSE IT IS. And yeah, thanks for attacking me and flaming outside the warzone. Sorry to give you PMS. :rolleyes:

    So uh. Do they still have Ray Mysterio and that Scotty2hotty dude?

  6. If you don't like the WWE then don't f***ing post in here.

    Sorry dude, everyone is entitled to their opinion in America. And I'm indeed an American, so I stated mine and said that I DON'T watch it. I used to watch WWF though. Years back though, it was cool I guess.

  7. So for me, Its now about finding someone I could share my mind with, sex is probably the last thing on my mind when it comes to relationships.

    Agreed. I'd feel HORRIBLE the day after or right after I sexed someone up. Especially if they're a virgin. Just my age would make me feel bad. Even more so with someone I knew very well. Egh, I couldn't see myself doing that at all.

    If you're REALLY wanting sex, I think you need a fleshlight. People say they feel just like one.

  8. I switched in to Physical Conditioning and Tech math 1 today. Conditioning is hard, but kind of fun. And tech math.. the teacher.. is eh, kind of wierd. She has an annoying voice >.>

    The plus side of conditioning is there's a few good looking girls in the PE class (freshman) and two in MY class :D

  9. Remember, a girl can never become pregnant on the first go.

    I hope that's sarcasm.... and yes, even with condoms, they can leak or anything. Malfunctions do happen.

    and lmao at the 3 condom idea. Someone in my health class in 8th grade asked if you could get pregnant from buttsechs lol

  10. Remember how I told you that I would have Family and Child Development this semester? I am one of two males in that class! Hmm, and those girls aren't that bad.......not much competition with that other dude!

    Haha. Pics or shens! :P

    I met one girl today. She didn't look that good, and she's absolutely insane. We'll just have to see who's in my two new classes (Got those changed earlier today)

    And some girl passed out from drinking 1/5 vodka today. I'm guessing that means 20 percent alcohol. She passed out in my 3rd period class and had to go to the hospital because of poisoning, too.

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