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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. Oh yeah, there it is.


    Looks fairly good, I might look out for it as I have plenty of spending money.. :P

    Heh, it's pretty good. The races get a bit repetitive.. as.. most of it's on a highway unless you're drifting or grip racing (Racing on the drift course!) It's got a fairly good amount of mods for the cars.. think there should have been a few more though. Eh well. I think it's PS2 only.. and.. I wouldn't spend more than 30 (USD) on it.. but I've already spent 40.. so meh.. oh well.

  2. Don't. Condom breaks and you're fucked. Both ways. Friend's done got is girlfriend pregnant and he's 15 and she's 14. :|

    Plus, what's it matter to them if you've done it or not? They probably want some too if they care THAT much..

  3. There's a game? I thought only the DVD existed?! lol

    Oh well, haven't seen it but I thought the film looked quite good. You can probably get it quite cheaply now anyway.

    I had no idea either. I just saw it at walmart and bought it and hope its gonna be good. :P

  4. After this post, I will have more posts than Bear for the first time since I joined. Oh, and I'm gonna start up Tokyo Drift in a few minutes.

    Heh, I just went to wal-mart and bought the game. Didn't think anything of buying the DVD as well. It is good?

  5. Dogs arn't wildlife if they're in your house Bear :P It's just a way of celebrating and having fun for people.

    And I never understand what that one dude says. I'm not gonna say names :|

  6. Haha. I doubt too much. He's got a Stage 2 WRX :w00t: If I had a van to waste.. I'd do that. Just for the hell of it.

    edit: Ciaran, I really don't know how much it costed. Probably a good bit. Along with time and effort.

  7. I hated gang wars :/ They're just really annoying to me. Reapeating the same thing over and over again.. and just initiating for some of the territories sucks.

  8. I've never heard of it before... tell us how it is when you get it! Seems kinda interesting. Though.. I dunno about living my life like that. Missions? Like.. stealing crayons and an extra piece of cheese on a hamburger? haha.

    How long do you have till it gets here?

  9. What I heard is that both Nintendo and Microsoft are making money on their respective systems.

    And TVG, XBL is only $6 USD a month. Who's the cheap bastard, now?

    50 dollars a year. That I'd probably waste somewhere else, anyway. That would buy him about 3 gay porn mags, duh! :mellow:

    I'm kinda glad the controllers arn't shaped like dildos boomerangs anymore. They looked like they'd be a little hard to hold on to.

  10. Mostly On my friends forum Guests could actually use the shotbox and do what they want, I guess the same happened to him, Getting flamed by Guests, So it's best to Never use a Shoutbox in a forum.

    Thanks for the known information, bud.

    Since all we're doing is repeating the basic same thing over and over.. I guess it's time for a *CLOSE*

  11. They might have more Racing Missions atleast where you can go off-road, On a Highway, or any place were you can race would be good.

    You do realize they already have this right? :mellow:

    I see you guys want a lot of improvements.. but, what kind of improvements? I'd like smarter AI and equal cars (not all the same, though.) Like.. the race with the sunshine.. that race was.. hell. And the one with the Phoenix... you could basically blast right past the competition.

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