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K9 Krew

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Everything posted by K9 Krew

  1. WOW. I got my Posting rights suspended for spamming with a 4 word post and then this ^^^^^^^^^^^. Ever heard of a joke Bear
  2. BUMP Since everyone else has seemed to close all there lotterys i am rebooting up mine. I will do 5 draws and then this lottery will be dead.
  3. 1400 yay not to bad considedering i did'nt get any posts for three dyas...............SKYLINE
  4. yeah shen has gone nasty ever since k-fed got her into the drugs
  5. jesus and he gave me a nice cold beer and then i pissed myself with luaghter after seeing winnie the pooh get rejected at the pearly gates....
  6. not too bad still got a shit upload
  7. ^ nope firefox < likes firefox V alos uses firefix or thunderbird
  8. hey why did you change you name??

  9. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ where do you live?? 1. got my posting rights back 2. installed the battery into my mini chopper 3. ate a whole pumpkin pie
  10. were you talking about my one jace???
  11. it is thursday in in adelaide i did'nt know that
  12. well i know this might sound arragant but since thay have already had san andreas i don't think the place should be called san ..... but yes mexico city would be awesome
  13. why would it be called San Alberta ???
  14. I know this might sound wierd being that we are on opposing gangs but anyways Happy Birthday

  15. I'm playing Getaway : Black ..... i can't think of what it is called right now
  16. Ok JayD i need a sig: it needs ceasar and his lowrider with a green tinted background and it needs to say Wu-Zi-Mu or LCF but can you make both cause i don't know if i am am being kicked out of LCF
  17. well i don't have saints row but apparently you just get high, but i have used it and it is alright but don't do it
  18. yeah well jack thompson can go get hit by a truck
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