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Everything posted by Anthony.

  1. hate to sound like such a cliche but i guess i just came into terms with it all. At this moment iv'e only come out to most of my female friends but the thought of coming out to my male friends and to family petrifies me atleast until i've finished high school.
  2. I suppose around a year and a half ago. I was in such denial then
  3. I'm gay, but have no idea what catergory what i put myself under back then.
  4. Lol pretty sure I saw that EXACT same article from some fanboy on Gamespot.
  5. Well A few days ago I decided to move my room around. Once I got my desk in it's new position I set up the computer. Turn it on all works fine, Then the monitor just turns off. Start it up again monitor doesn't work. Keep doing it a few times works sometimes but not for long. Now I wouldn't say my monitor is ancient but it is pretty old around 6 years I think, I would expect a few more years from it. Has this problem occured to anyone else or do you think i just need to get a new monitor. Thanks
  6. As from the title you can tell this topic is about CHRISTMAS!!!! =]. What will you be doing, What will you be getting, Or do you even celebrate it. As for me I will just be chilling at home playing with my PS3 and being around family. Unforteantly today there were none at JB HI-FI or Kmart =[.
  7. Avi: 7/10 Sig: 9/10 Like the bottom left one..nice Person:Yeah umm good guy.....Bahaha i have your email now!!! scary
  8. Avi 7.5/10.......It confuses me :s Sig: 7/10.........Love it some very disturbing reads XDD Person:???Have you changed your name in the last month or 2
  9. Faithless-We come one.......My favourite song atm.
  10. I shall rent it out one day. Thanks for the tip
  11. Why is that every girl i talk to think theres fat and ulgy when there not. :S
  12. For some reason i find hentai funny???? I bearly ever watch it.Iv'e only watched one movie this year i have gotten over it. ROFL Last year half the people had it on there mobile at school..........Arghh good times XXD
  13. LOL yeah only 2 more sleeps. This is the first time its happended in years and i think we got around 10-12 gigs so im wondering how it all went??? <__>. Lol and i get accused for the downloads. And what make it worse is that everyone says its great...Only more tempting.
  14. ROFLMAO YAY i have got two happy B'day messages now LOL thanks
  15. No one loves me No one has wish me happy B'day I see no point in life anymore (Crys into pillow) You people disgust me
  16. Red Rooster chicken nuggets, chicken and chips with gravy.
  17. Well we have gone over the limit for internet. And the trailer wont load probably . Ill have to wait till next month now. Crud
  18. How could I forget Subway I usually get Satay Chicken on a 6inch italian herbs and chesse with a small drink and a cookie. They have the BEST cookies.
  19. ^^ No I live in Queensland, Ipswich or Ippy, The Swich or Ipshit. I thought they called it Hungry Jacks everywhere in Australia I should have payed more attention on holidays.
  20. Right now i eat at KFC so i can get a Pepsi drink and have the chance to play Rock Paper Sizzors and go in the draw to win $1000 or a Sony Viao Notebook or a PS3 & PSP. But i usually eat at red rooster i love there chicken. I also dont mind Hungry Jacks or like everyone else in the world calls in Burger King.
  21. I made a new friend on the weekend yay. And im going to get my own computer soon
  22. Avi:9/10 I see you finally got it looks good Sig:7/10 Perso:Good Guy
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