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Everything posted by Anthony.

  1. Haha PDP-1 just searched the pic http://www.bambi.net/computer_museum/pdp1_crt_front.jpg
  2. Very interesting wish we could find out more info about the Curtly fellow.
  3. Avi:7/10 Sig:8.5 Who doesn't like Spongebob and the Gta IV ani is pretty cool. Person: Good guy
  4. Heres mine GTA:LCS GTA:VCS GTA:SA GTA:VC GTA3 The Sims 2 The Sims 2:OFB The Sims 2:NL The Sims 2:Uni Simcity 4 Ridge Racer (PSP) DRIV3R NFS:C NFS:U2
  5. I havent pre orderd yet and wont.I will buy it off Ebay when i get my Ps3 for christmas off Ebay aswell
  6. Saw it was your B'day so I thought i might aswell say Happy Birthday.I bet your excited about hitting the big century next year.

  7. Just telling you that the map is going to be a slight amount smaller then San Andreas but with no countryside.
  8. Welcome skaterava and guyboating enjoy your time here.
  9. Maybe climbing up the fire escape on buildings and being able to access the rooms.
  10. I think im gonna like the feature were you break into the car through the window and im glad there keeping the girlfriends.
  11. Welcome to TGTAP all the new members.
  12. I am definetily going to see the 3rd one i really liked the other two.
  13. Well i have neverfilled the max amount of money posible but i still dont like have large sums of excess money. Its annoying in vcs when i get around 40G a day.
  14. I hope that techno stations back
  15. We went on a long drive around 3 hours to get to a next destination on our holidays in NZ anywayz im probably wont be back for around 9 days until i finish holidays dso
  16. Im glad theres a bit of a change if he is russian he looks like a good character personally.
  17. Hello havent been here in a while im in New Zealand and in an internet cafe should be home in 9 days it cold over here.
  18. Just 10 hours and 49 minutes
  19. The Hills have eyes Silent Hill All the Scary Movies
  20. Well thats a relief. But i had a strong feeling it was going to be a full length trailer anyways.
  21. That was a good video. I wish i could do that i noticed there was alot of graffiti around there
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