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Everything posted by Gycu

  1. The Incredible Hulk for PC that came this year, sure it's fun for 10 minutes but after that it's useless Citisens Raging Agaist Phones aka crap. It looks like a PS1 port, it plays like one too ... lol guy I checked reviews of Big Rigs some weeks ago, LOL is all I can say.
  2. RIP My grandfather, Teodor, died last Monday at the age of 83. I've been busy with the funeral this week so I didn't had time for the forum, now I'm back, for the millionth time.
  3. Gycu


    Lol, I flamed a few members, didn't get a single warn :|
  4. Gycu


    I don't care which IPB version they use, I care less too about upgrades, and considering the size of the forum the staff is right to be strict. GTAForums is good for laughs and arguing whereas TGTAP has more warm people and staff, the coolest GTA downloads database and you can aquire friends more easily. When there aren't interesting topics here ( rarely but still ) or the forum is deserted it's a good alternative.
  5. lol guys the 8800 GT for $150!?!. I would so own that card by now, unfortunately where I live is $250-$300 ( overclocked ) , and these are the lowest prices, went to other stores, in there it's almost $400. When do you guys think R* will release the official system requirements? It should happen before the release of the game right? We must know ASAP.
  6. Gycu


    They disabled my signature too but I just asked a moderator to enable it again via The Signatures Topic. Pretty simple ... TBH I tought GTAF is sh1t but I think it' cool now, I check it everyday and sometimes is "better" than this forum, but TGTAP still PWNS. TGTAP has chaged a lot that's probably the reason.
  7. you're the man, man! :D

  8. I leave for two days and when I come back, I find this Yep, gotta improve my stealing abilities 'cuz my parents will never give me money for the upgrade I want and deserve.
  9. Martian life found on Mars, How is that possible ? srsly now, I tought it was obvious that there once was life on Mars, and also water, and where's water there's possibly life. It's known for many years that some bacterias could survive the harsh conditions on Mars ( −50 °C ). I said many times, under the ice of Europa ( one of Jupiter's satellite ) it could be water, and also life, and maybe even some sort of alien fish. @I©e: Well Mars' craters indicate that the water wheter evaporated or leaked deeper into the planet, so maybe they took some samples and analized them. Anyone seen the movie Ghost of Mars ?
  10. Yeah! totally forgot that, but that's it, I say Leo DiCaprio dies in many movies, of course I won't name any.
  11. From Gycu to Gycu Brun and now GycuX, one could only speculate what's next First it was Gycu, because I wrote GycuBrun and the last part was no visible, then I changed it to Gycu Brun, as in my full nick-name since '97 and to add a little bit of mystery to myself I'm now Gycu X on here, the GTA SA multiplayer and other games. I might change it to Gycu Brun X or something else but it's good as it is right now. It's hard to call old emembers their new names when they change it, for example when he was Donkey Porker peoplw would still call L-RiC as Tec9, Kapitan Kreshenkov is still Silberio for me etc. You can't forget your first username.
  12. Fail! Fail! Fail! My favorite ...
  13. mr. Nathan Trash aka Nate14 sends his regards to the forum, nah kidding he just says hi! hes been busy and off-forums for some time now ... he'll be back.
  14. Usually games inspired by movies suck, sure there are exceptions, but I wouldn't like a crappy game to ruin Dark Knight the movie's reputation ... It would have to be a great game otherwise, dunno what to say about it.
  15. I'm at rave Looking like a slave High off chronic Gin and tonic demonic Body smelt like vomit Pussy poppin', acid droppin', dope heavy guy Heroine mescaline pencil leads wanna try? Blue pills, golden seals Got Bizarre actin' ill Drugs kill (Yeah, right) Bitch I'm for real Shut your mouth you dirty slut You know you want it in your butt I'll bleed in your cunt Let Bizarre nutt ~D12 - Purple pills My favorite part of the song.
  16. I'll do the same but only because there is no effin theatre in my city it was one but it's now a sucky party club called Hollywoood. I was tempted to download it but I heard the quality is awfull and boy I want to watch this movie with a decent quality so I'll wait 'till Christmass and maybe even rent it from the only movie renting store in the city. :duh:
  17. Yes and No. I went with one of my friends, he was gonna buy for another friend one of those "dolls" *Will Smith voice* if you kno' what I mean. We just checked the prices back then, he didn't buy anything thou. The friend I went with said the saleswoman was masturbating when we entered the door, I noticed something about it, even heard a zipper sound but didn't think of that ... Maybe she was testing new products
  18. I just added mine, interesting thing Chris. Let's see where are people from Join now boyz!
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