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Everything posted by Gycu

  1. I never had a relationship but here`s my advice ... Plan A : Tell her that you just met someone and fell in love with that person so she can`t be your GF because you recently got one ... Plan B : When she invites you somewhere ( to be alone with here ) refuse ... Invent something ( "My parents are waiting for ..." or " My brother f*$#ed my PC and I must fixe it before dad punishes me " or "My grandma comes to dinner .... Bla bla bla ... " And these only in extreme conditions Plan C : Contact CIA and enter that Witness Protection Program so they can change your name/location etc. Plan D : Kill and dump her into the ocean ...
  2. Those were made by someone else but this is one I made myself ... Not to good though ... Try it ! Click Here Note : If you have problems with posting the image, press Printscreen, save it, Cut+Paste the character and the background into a new file and then host it ... Also, not only GTA chatacters
  3. Hahahaha! Whoever made this is a genious
  4. This message appears everytime I enter Windows "Press Any Key to continue " But I can`t find the "Any Key " What should I do ?
  5. Tommy Montana Rullz ... Thank You, Thank You, Stank You, Golden Boy
  6. Ok I don`t want to see the posts like in this pic ... I want them normally ... Please help ...
  7. HELP ME PLEASE!!!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! I have a problem with TGTAP ... I can`t see your posts as ussually .. Please help me ... Here is how I see them ... I have to click every post to see it ((( Can someone help me to solve the problem so I can see your posts normally without clicking them ...
  8. Gycu

    Ask Gof

    How many sisters do I have ?
  9. Question : Why do I see the same car 2x or 3x both the trailer and the "new pics" ? It must be one of this answers but I dunno which one ... 1. R* wants to keep some things secret so that`s why they keep showing us 2x or more the same cars/peds in their pics ... 2. They had a limited number of vehicles/peds to put in the trailer and the demo that they gave to GI/PSM/OPM etc 3. "Clustering" is still in the game ...
  10. That is BS ! What if she has only 1 day away from my age ? If I f**k her I could go to jai for pedophilia ?
  11. Wow! Manu-Maniac that looks really good, I wonder the taste ...
  12. Wow! Never had a food fight ... never met someone who had it ... Never knew in other countries food fights are so often ...
  13. Speaking of foods/drinks , here is something you`ve never seen before ... it looks tasty doesn`t it ? Sarmale ... RO food ... All you have to do is put some boiled rice + tiny pieces of meat + cabbage + salt + peper + vegetable oil and voila !
  14. Mercedes CLK GTR ( from NFS 3 ) Damn this is one of my favorites ... This car can reach more than 300 km/h ... It could be a great choice for GTA IV Racing ... Also, I bet this will be the new Infernus In My Dreams At Least
  15. I don`t think so... Proof 1 : http://www.lamborghini.it/ I see no U in Lamborghini`s website ... Proof 2 : attached Image - LB Logo
  16. Guys, guys, guys ... Can`t you just STFU both of you ? ( oups! did I said it oul loud ? ) And insulting one eachother is not a sollution ... Lose the swears, calm down and then talk your problems ... Continue this fight into the Warzone Section ...
  17. That looks interesting ... it looks like heroin ( ) Hand me the heroin...eh... chilean tea...
  18. Ok Sil....berio ... Damn this food is so hot, I can barely eat it ...
  19. I guess is someting related to their religion, almost like muslims they have some weird laws ...
  20. BUG Mafia - Poveste Fara Sfarsit ( best from BUG Mafia ) Translation: BUG Mafia - Neverending Story
  21. I`m eating *mamaliga + chese + others Mamaliga = one of Romania`s traditional foods Pics :
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