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Everything posted by Gycu

  1. I write with my left hand at school , I can write with my right hand, I was born this way so... most people write with the right one but I`m an " exception "... With which hand do you write better/faster? With the left one, with the right one or almost the same with both hands ?
  2. I would choose as always my right hand kiding WWYDI You would win 1 million $ with 999999 taxes, so you recieve 1 $ from 1 mil
  3. Well let`s see: GTAPlayer- funny guy, yes man he is a funny guy do you understand man ? TG187- very helpfull to me and he lives only 700 km away CroScorpion- cool guy, very mature IMO Jared- nothing bad about him Jace- cool dude Chris- mature, very mature guy Spaz/Anonymus- really a smart guy, wokes you up sometimes... Kokane: lol she`s hot compliment...
  4. A wise man said this, not really related with the throwing of a lady from EmpireState Building but...
  5. Avatar: 7/10 Sig: 5/10 Person: I dunno, cool dude...
  6. That would be cool, just like King Kong, but I want the people to scream while they fall... something like " I hate gravitty", just like CJ...
  7. Do you like my pics ? Low quality because are made using Paint... PopStar Games Yeehah! (it`s a) Male! PayneStation 2
  8. He did say crap after the Virginia Tech shooting so he hasn't actually been put to rest yet. Whats did he say, can I have a link if you have one please. I don`t have a link but I heard that he blamed violent video games played by teens for the Virginia Tech Shooting.BTW today is the graduation day there, from what I`ve heard from the news...
  9. Welcome Tommy ( Thomas aka thegta3guy ) and Jade... Funny, I saw a brasilian soap-opera whose main character was a muslim women called Jade... Welcome again to all new guys...
  10. Well I`m Orthodox...a religion specific to the Eastern Europe Countries...I don`t go too often at Church, but sometimes when I have some spare time, maybe, I pray everyday before I go to sleep...Altough people believe in God, the science proves it not...IMO the Universe was created from the Big Bang, and the scientists estimate that The Universe is about 15 billion years, how did the BBang happened, maybe it was God...and maybe God didn`t create Adam and Eve, maybe he helped the evolution of man kind...But I dunno what to believe right now... Maybe without major sins, `cuz we all commit sins, if you swear, is a sin, if you fight with your parents is a sin etc.
  11. Possible Max Payne Info... http://www.skinbase.org/rate.php?skins=25586 Wtf? Angelina Jolie as Mona Sax ? that would be interesting ...
  12. Sig: 6/10 Avatar: 9/10 I like it I like more Tommy D`Angelo on the LCF ava... Person: I don`t know him to well but he has over 2600 posts OMG !
  13. I think it is Area 51 not 52... Think be4 posting :) Joke...
  14. Here is my DeskTop Reply!
  15. Here are some interesting questions: 1.If aliens and UFOs exist, and they are complex life forms ( like humans, with intelligence and can build space-ships) do they have a soul ? 2.Will they go to Heaven ( of course if Heaven & Hell exists ) Maybe aliens don`t have legs/hands and other human body-parts, maybe they have tentacles or something else, or don`t need leg/hands... replacements, maybe they can do everything with their mind... easy to build a space-ship then... or a UFO to us...
  16. 66% to be more exact.This is normal, but still more than half in 2.5 years? and only 5 months `till the launching day, I expected about 70%...but I think the "hard" work is done and the rest of 34% are just minor things that don`t need too much time to be added Good improvement, looks like manual aiming to me, but I`m used with the PC version of previous GTAs so I`m only glad for who has a console... Thank God for that! I hope it will be a major improvement... Santa Clauss Is Coming to Liberty Town but telegraph poles? well that would be interesting...I hope for more skyscarpers interiors and this feature + Euphoria = cool, I hope for that when they fell to hear a noise from them, something like "Aaaaaaaaaaa!!!" Too much realism is bad...I want the Silver Vibrator back ! In GTA 3, Glennville Park had the dimension of a football stadium...I hope it`s 10x larger and 10x more detailed... Waiting to see this vast improvement I don`t get this point... It`s easier to recreate Edinbourgh, no need for phonecalls in NY, the phonecall bill for R* will be sky-high.I`m Kiding
  17. Movie: BrockePenis Mountain ( Brockeback Mountain ) Game: Need For Penis 3 Hot Pursuit ( Need for Speed 4 hot Pursuit ) Sorry if already said...
  18. Even tough I joined December 31st 2006 I never revealed my story Real name:Gabriel Birth place & age: 12th December 2007, age 15 First year of high school for me , doing pretty well here... I dunno how I ended up to speak English so well...probably watched lots of movies... I like video games and football I have two sisters ( OMG! ) I aint a rich man, so I don`t own a console but the PC is enough for me I hate racism and I would like to meet an afro-american, never met one before... Gycu Brun is my alter-ego
  19. I`ve noticed that GTA 3 has two boxarts but I don`t think the PC version has " the fault" It isn`t too different only that the helicopter isn`t placed on top left as ussually and maybe other changes But I saw last year a different GTA 3 Boxart on the web, it was almost like the classic GTAs one, it had a white background and it was a car with other objects on top, I don`t remember and Fido was shown on it... I`m currently searching for a picture right now but as well it could not be the true boxart, altough I remember I saw the GTA 3 title on it... Anyway this is a new start so we need a new boxart... Edit: Found it, and I`m sure I saw a GTA 3 boxart with this shown ( the red car ) ( It`s very small, I`ll try to find a larger one )
  20. Cool, but that guy acts like a retard... And the Pokemon video had 23 and a half million views, that`s with 2 million more than the whole population of my country !!!
  21. I was kiding with the R* logo and the rating, noticed the smile following the sentence?I put a spoiler just in case Only now I noticed the boat on the VC boxart... I never said the girls shown on the boxart are major characters...Or did I ? Every boxart has Helicopter(upper left), cars and motorcycles or bikes ( except GTA 3 ) , other main characters , at least a gun Sorry if I mentioned as similarities some cases that appear only on 2 boxarts...
  22. Best from Spidey Series...I really liked this movie, more humour,more action, more villains, more power,more special effects, more dramatism... BTW The guy who wrote the IMDB article for SP3 said that this movie is a waste of time, and money ( 250 million$) and the previous Spiderman Movies were better and other shitty comments like this is a f***ing moron..."Biggest 2007 dissapointement" my a$$ ! This movie is great.
  23. OffTopic:This happens to all of us, at least to me, about 3 days after I joined some guys insulted me badly...partially my fault...for a minor thing a guy told me to get a gun and shoot myself and other insults... I said too that I will never post anything on this forums..you must get over it... No one hates you, it`s your mind !
  24. Anyone here watched Kill Bill vol.1 and vol.2? The Kill Bill movie was a drama, with lots of fights and shoothings just like Max Payne, and well Kill Bill was a great movie, and Max Payne will have the same style but of course different storyline/characters etc.
  25. Yes I think everyone noticed it. Well I think since is a new series, the box art should change... Here are another similarities between the boxart of previous GTA games ( GTA 3 Series) 1.Helicopter-top left 2.The main character is never shown in the boxart 3.There is always at least one car in the boxart 4.Except GTA 3, which didn`t had motorcycles, every GTA boxart has a motorcycle, oh and San Andreas boxart has a bicycle 5.GTA Vice City,GTA San Andreas and LibertyCityStories have a gun shown on the boxart 6.At least 3 other GTA characters shown 7.Only one chick shown on the boxart looking very sexy 8. 9.Maybe it`s just me but check out the Vice City and San Andreas Boxart on the upper right, on the VC one you see a Lamborghini Countach parked near the Ocean View Hotel, and on the SA one you see the Groove Street sign , both Ocean View Hotel and Groove street are a major locations, major houses and also a the first missions happen there. 10.No GTA boxart has a boat shown except the Vice City Stories one. Sorry for going offtopic.So we might see the same similarities but I hope R* will change this...
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