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Everything posted by Gycu

  1. Welcome to The Forums Of Lost Heaven Ryder Johnson kiding Hi, Ryder, my name is Gabriel (nickname GycuBrun) I`m 15 and from Romania (Eastern europe) ,welcome and N`joy you` stay! Kids:Play GTA, you have only to win from this game!
  2. Welcome to all new members and don`t forget: rive Carefully (besides GTA ) And my 3-year-old-sister played GTA SA too, funny watching her burning peds with the flame thrower
  3. Just finished to listen " You Will Never Walk Alone" (FC Liverpool`s song) And now playing Simplu-Mr.Originality( English Language inside don`t worry) Just check it out, you have nothing but to win!
  4. Gycu

    Game Graphics...

    Amazing.The only word to describe today`s graphics from games.I tought of a topic like this when I`ve read an article with the title Dot>Line>Square>3D>Art from a magazine about games, video games, especially graphics Since the 2000` the graphics evoluated, just look at some pictures from Max Payne 1&2,Mafia and just take a look at GTA 4,Alan Wake,FIFA 07, Oblivion,Crysis,Gears of War...Amazing graphics... High-Definition...What can we expect?Can we expect better? How do you see the future of game graphics? I say in about 10 or 20 years it will be impossible to say that a picture if from a game made in 2020+ or the real life...Of course if the game simulates real life with less fiction (like GTA and others).No one would of tought in the 80`s how realistic the video games will look in the present day, isn`t amazing to just try to imagine the graphics of a game made 10-15 or 20 years in the future? Look at the sky in Gears of War,looks at the water from GTA 4, looks at the character detail of Alan wake, look at the trees from Crysis.It`s 2007. All these combined but at least 2x or 3x "better"....It`s phisicly impossible to say if it`s a game or reality if the game graphics keep their evolution as they do now... Al this due to the graphics card evolution...what can you expect from a gfx card like 8800GT?A game with outstanding graphics. So the question is : What do you expect from the future game graphics? Or how do you see games in 2015 or later?Just imagine... Like me? a game from whose pics look 99% like real life...(Like if you show to 100 people the pics and 99 people tell you the pics are from real life but infact they are from a video game made ten-fifteen-20 years from now or later... )
  5. Correct, but the cablecar doesn`t have the acces that a plane has (is stiff and it moves only forwards and backwards ) but is better than nothing , I still hope for helicopters...
  6. RO: Te iubesc! ENG: I love you! FRA: Je t`aime! SPA: Te quiero!
  7. Hey guys do you like my pic?
  8. Yes this game will rock with all those features, and I hope we`ll have helicopters and bikes... And looks like the theme will not be mafia neither gangsta, it will be a unique one, you work for yourself... But I`m still sad about the map size, it was supposed to be at least 2x bigger, many people wanted this, but I`m cool with the map size chosen, BUT I wanted to see what`s at the end of the tunnel in Shoreside Vally, looks like we`ll never find out
  9. I dunno if it`s true...Probably the slowest... And I dunno which one is correct
  10. Hello!Enjoy your stay and drive carefully .So from what country are you ? I`m from Romania....
  11. Avatar: 7/10 Sig: 9/10 Person: I like you , I hope you just never give up like a real Spartan!
  12. I don`t care if the pics are token down, I have everything in my mind, even though are just some new screens and the main character`s name, they can`t delete that, only if they have MIB device for erasing the memory
  13. So when will be legal to post scans?Today,Tomorrow or no one knows? Edit:Just look what demologik said http://www.bleacheatingfreaks.com/makeacountdown/?id=273081 looks like in 6 hours we`ll have scans with readable text, maybe real maybe not....
  14. Well the original source was a member of GTAForums, his nick-name is demologik, are you sure you want a link Well I`ll give it anyway check in the middle of page 15 http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtop...1432&st=280
  15. Yes but I`ve heard of a countdown of I dunno what scans (http://www.bleacheatingfreaks.com/makeacountdown/?id=273072) but I dunno what will happen when it reaches 00:00:00, but we might get more scans or something, or maybe some pics from what we ca actually read what GI wrote in their 10 pages...But I still dunno
  16. I really hope Heaven exists but we might just dissapear and stop existing, just without not knowing nothing, do you guys remember something before you were born? where was your mind than?in that place you`ll probably return after you died...
  17. Yes Chris thx, I`ve already found that out 30 minutes ago, demagogik a user from another site posted the first 3 scans and yes this is true... Good news for who didn`t knew BTW!
  18. So guys looks like his name will be Niko Bellic (possibly croatian).I dunno if this is true or not but that`s what I`ve heard, and I might have a proof (posted before on the New Protagonist Topic 25 minutes ago). Here is that pic again:
  19. Hey guys some news here, I think the protagonist`s name is NIKO BELLIC.And I have a proof: -the pic is probably from GameInfomer Magazine dunno if it`s true -this pic belongs to a guy at GTAF...
  20. work as a Firefighter/Paramedic/Taxi driver/Policeman/Builder(on cranes or something like that) and maybe you have to take a picture of all myths from the game ...
  21. Once upon a DECEMBER... Edit: Lol, I think I`m the first one who voted for December, that`s strange...
  22. 2 words: fammily& friends, aren`t you gonna miss them?
  23. Here is my idea Chris, I used it on a site because any name I tiped it was already taken so my idea is to use you ID Card, In my country you have an unique CNP, mine is 1911212314005 1male ( 2 for females) 91-year of birth 12-month of birth 12-day of birth and the rest (314005) are unique ID numbers I don`t know how is in England but if you have an unique no. on you ID my advice is to use it... So I`m saying that you shoud use numbers instead of letters, pretty unique and it makes you a misterious guy
  24. Well, we all have an end, we don`t know when but we now it will happen, are you guys scared that you will die, and everything will be gone? ME, well I`m pretty scared, but I just hope I wont die soon... What about you?Are you scared that the Grim Ripper will take your life and than you will stop existing?
  25. I don`t think cars will fly, because flying needs fuel, and Earth might lose it`s Asian petrol in 20 years, than a car will be like a treasure, `cuz no the fuel price will grow 50x...Petrol will be a dream in 50 years from what I`ve heard, but maybe scientists will find another thing to power up the vehicles...
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