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Everything posted by Carlsberg

  1. silberio no probs dude.....i like you...i like you very much....all i have now is dick heads....dick heads everywhere yo.
  2. now the have a busy schedule and the rules say they can't act in any ads. 15 days before the match! btw i don't think it will help and India will lose to Bangladesh in Bangladesh!
  3. you are welcome dude! sorry for the late reply but i just saw the topic!
  4. i don't know but we call them sunsigns here in india!
  5. at last wuzimu is back and will make nice sigs! anyway this is for you--
  6. those car are the quick selling cars in india!
  7. anyway we have to wait a long time to get customers! jared gfx shop is the only fast moving gfx shop!
  8. there are more Toyota's here in India. Honda has some brilliant models like-- this is honda city ZI- this is honda civic- and this is the local brand maruti suzuki- and another one-
  9. yea you could use any of them , and its cost nothing!
  10. hey i sent you the money. where is my item???????? btw sorry for the double post!
  11. my first and most favorite racing game is NFSIIse
  12. spaming is funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!
  13. i just had the same problem and i had busted my balls but it won't work. its just a f***ing mod!
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