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Everything posted by GTAPlayer

  1. That's great man, always good to wait a while before deciding to buy something, especially consoles, you can really save some. Well, anyway, atm, PS3 sure seems most interesting and I'm going to get one, but I'll wait a little longer.
  2. Looks like they want to take out cometetion!!! Hehe yeah man Well if you ask me, the Premium one (white one) looks better than the Elite you know.
  3. i'm not a technology guy, so, does anyone know what is the advantage of having 120 gig HDD? is it make the game fasterload, or i could be able to play better games? and what's an HDMI output for? anyway, if it's not important, i'm just going to get the regular one can anyone convince me to buy this so called "elite 360"? or maybe convince me not to buy it Alright man, here is a good description I found on the web about having a larger HDD: And you were also wondering about what HDMI is for and everything, well here is a good description about HDMI: So basically, HDMI delivers a real good picture. If you don't own a HDTV I don't see a reason for you to buy the Elite-version, you have no use for the HDMI port if you don't own a HDTV you know. And yeah man, as someone else mentioned, I think you can upgrade your HDD, but I heard that's a little bit of a hassle you know, also heard Microsoft will start selling separate 120 gig HDDs when the Elite is out, so if you go Premium, you can later upgrade your HDD, the Premium also looks better if you ask me. Anyway man, any more questions... Keep on posting or PM. This website should help you out pretty damn much --> Do You Really Need a Xbox 360 Elite?
  4. Rashon125, always madden eh, madden madden madden, hehe. Anyway man, playing Jet Set Radio on Dreamcast, still one of the best consoles ever made.
  5. Hehe, well maybe I'm confusing the Sentinel XS with the Sentinel.
  6. Well it says "World Exclusive" so I think you don't need to worry about that you know, I'm pretty damn sure they'll have some neat info about GTA IV that we don't know about yet. Edit: Yeah man, did it also occur to you that I perhaps didn't see the part that he thought it was 8 pages or something... Stuff like that happens sometimes. 10 pages, now we know, the more the better.
  7. Shit man, 8 pages you say? Not bad, not bad at all, real fresh. Hehe yeah man, it would certainly be funny if they just gave us some tiny info on each page you know, but I don't think that will happen, if you say there's going to be 8 pages then I'm pretty damn sure it will have pretty much info about GTA IV. BTW, why does it say 10 pages on the screenshot of the gameinformer magazine? --> GameInformer Certainly looking forward to see someone upload everything on the forums...
  8. Yeah man, who knows. I was just pointing out that I meant traveling outside of Liberty not inside Liberty. R* is good at surprising you know, so anything is possible.
  9. Listening to George Michael - Careless Whisper
  10. Yeah man, simply logic. Anyway man, we'll see what R* has in mind, but sure the sign makes me curious you know, will we be able to travel or not, we'll see. Edit: Of course, we'll be able to travel around Liberty, but I'm talking about traveling far away.
  11. Yeah man, that'd be pretty damn cool too, I can see it now, it's a hard way, but sooner or later, when the hard work pays off, you'll stand there, proud as the leader you are over your own gang, so that'd be pretty damn cool. Also, ps3 player, yeah man, small things can make the game better, much better, small, big, they are both important.
  12. ps3 player, what I'm just saying is, you said that you want a totally new city (on page 1), Liberty City as shown in the GTA IV trailer is going to be a completely new experience, you know, so I don't see why anyone should want a completely new city, it's going to be completely new in look and feel.
  13. Yeah man, having the russian mob in Liberty would be awesome you know, and I'm glad he's a russian, I was actually voting for a russian dude in another topic, and yeah man, the main character seems great you know, I'm sure he has a lot to offer you know. R* is just making the GTA-series better and better.
  14. Yeah man, well I wouldn't worry too much about how Vice City looks like, most likely it seems like GTA IV is going to take place in 2006/2007 so that means it has passed over 20 years since we visited Vice City in '86, so I'm pretty damn sure things has been changed you know. And it's nothing wrong with a new city, that'd be great, but have you seen the GTA IV trailer? I'm pretty damn sure you have, look at it, doesn't everything look "new" to you? So I mean, when I'm playing GTA IV, it's going to be like visiting a completely new city you know. And as I've mentioned before, it doesn't matter to me if it's going to have other cities or something like that, having Liberty City is totally great man, it's going to be one hell of a gaming experience.
  15. Sentinel XS man, and there was some cars on the list that I don't remember you know, but Sentinel XS was a pretty damn good 4-door vehicle. Yeah man, I remember I used to pick up homies with the Sentinel XS and drive to Las Venturas
  16. It's nothing wrong with books man, it's just that, reading books wouldn't really fit in the gameplay, know what I'm saying? But, on the other hand, it would fit in a cut scene or something. But reading newspapers would be pretty damn cool, I'd love to be able to pick up the Liberty Tree newspaper everyday, that'd be great man.
  17. Yeah man, going to Russia in a mission is a possibility of course as it seems like the main character has its roots from there. And yeah man, if you look at the beginning of the GTA IV trailer, there's a sign that says "Visit Vice City - $300", so that could mean there is a travel feature, and maybe you could travel to Vice City or any other city/cities? Or, it may be only possible to travel in a mission to Vice City or somewhere else, maybe that's why the sign is there, or maybe it's just there for the sakes of it, but I don't know man, anything is possible. Anyway man if you ask me, I wouldn't mind visiting Vice City again, or San Andreas or any other city, that would be awesome, but still, only having Liberty City is as much "awesome" as having other cities.
  18. Yeah man, happy easter to everyone! Well I haven't seen any easter bunnys, but maybe I will
  19. Yeah man, well it's been a while since I played VCS, the last couple of days I've been playing pretty damn much on my good old N64. I have the PS2-version of VCS if you're wondering Anyway man, on-topic, right now I'm playing GoldenEye 007, I really enjoy the snow levels you know.
  20. NEW Super Mario Bros, this game is great, especially if you've been playing the good old Super Mario Bros-series.
  21. Yeah well I don't think you need to worry about that you know, as far as I know, R* has already told us that they aren't going to put any kids in the GTA-series, ever. So I'm pretty damn sure it's not gonna happen you know. Oh yeah, there could be kids in the game, but then I'm talking about the cut-scenes when you're not able to kill anyone, like the baby in VCS.
  22. Well if the 120 gig HDD and HDMI is important to you then the Elite is a better choice of course, and the Xbox 360 Elite will cost $479.99 on the launch day in US, I'm sure the price is going to drop later. Anyway man, if none of these things appeal to you than I don't see a reason why you should buy the Elite-version, then you can rather go for the regular one. The best price I could find for the regular one (Premium) is $329.99, I checked on PriceGrabber.com Oh yeah man, on topic, I'm not getting the Elite, I'm going to get the PS3.
  23. Well right now I'm using the Nokia 3510i, and has done so since 2004. Yeah it's a little bit old and all, doesn't have many features but all I need is to phone someone, that's what matters you know. Yeah man, I could get a new one today but right now I'm not thinking about getting a new cell phone.
  24. Playing on my Junior SNES atm, Super Mario All Stars.
  25. Rap and country man, can't stand it, there's no passion in it, know what I'm saying, it's just... Ridiculous you know.
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