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Everything posted by CroScorpion

  1. That's not good name maybe (but it is just a joke) Love City
  2. And maybe we gonna know when the trailer comes.
  3. Yeah. LV is a good location but it was seen ya know what I'm saying.
  4. Yeah, some rap songs are grate and some sucks, man.
  5. I know that talking about, man I can not wait!!!
  6. OK, I love FF because it is faster and less PC "enemies"
  7. Yeah, nice locations but I would rather want to see Chicago then London.
  8. Well your can join online gangs on this page and I would like that there is less gang membrs on the streets then in GTASA.
  9. Well, it was nice day, I got B and I won in a bike race against some of my friends.
  10. Yeah, XBOX can hold small amount of space so it will be something about 7-8
  11. Yeah I forget mention that some rock one or maybe but just maybe hip hop
  12. Yeah, they are good, I love that fuel thing just like in Mafia, man it is good.
  13. Is it just for me or the clock is now ticking faster on R* official page.
  14. Yeah, I agree with you GTAP young Superman and what about Maried wit children
  15. Yeah, Tokyo, China are nice locations and those cites have some big gangs, ya know, R* can put those cites if you ask me.
  16. There is a mod for PC version that allow you to go to LC, but there are some "holes" where you can fall down to nothing.
  17. No, just some games (I think) have XBOX Live feature, and in new GTA4 I would test some new cheats.
  18. Yeah, that city Honolulu is nice it could be called Tropic City
  19. Yeah it's a good city, GTAP, but it's not having any much crime.
  20. Wow, my 600th and like it was yesterday when I join TGTAP.
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