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Everything posted by CroScorpion

  1. What do you think about this
  2. I would look very very very very funny, man it would look like you put your picture on a ball.
  3. I was sure I've done that Jace and now I can't change it. And, yeah, there is a big diffrence between 9 and 10.
  4. Yeah, school is spend only about 12 years of yor life and you gonna live eatlast 60 years (if you don't get killed )
  5. DirectX 10 can't support any grafick card.
  6. What do you think is R* gonna use Directx 10 in GTA4. --------------------------------------------------------- This topic was Jaces idea
  7. The trailer will probably be no longer then 30 se. max. 35 sec.
  8. I like that Hotel California one nice stuff you foud there chris82
  9. Crysis will use DirectX 10 and do you think that GTA4 will use it to? Talk about this.
  10. Because somebody else can take that stuff in front of my nose.
  11. Well I like: The Simpsons 24 Navy CSI
  12. OK forget the list of guns I want beafore here is the new one: -------------------------------------- 1 Minigun..................2000$=2000$ 2 Chromed Shotgun....350$=700$ 1 Tear Gas................200$=200$ To pay.............................2900$ --------------------------------------- If is possible because of packet 10% cheaper
  13. I need original handling file, can somebody give it to me, please???
  14. Yeah, you not the only one Wu-Zi-Mu and I use my PC about 8 hours per day, man.
  15. I'm not in gang but can I get some guns, if I can then I want 1-M60 2-Chromed Shotgun
  16. Yeah, AI in SA sucks. And one more thing when some street lamp fals on the street then your car or any other car can't pass without kicking it.
  17. One funny flash game is here, man.
  18. I didn't go to school eather. I have temperature, man.
  19. Or you can select files you want to unzip then press right mouse baton and chose Extract.
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