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Everything posted by CroScorpion

  1. You need to re-install the game and do not install v2 because you can't mode it.
  2. There is no such a thing that will make your ass small, he he he he!!!
  3. This will help us with a lot of things but is an add-on or something
  4. Wow, thats a big Hard Drive I guess you are not bored.
  5. On what do you spend your Hard Drive write that here: My 120-gigs hard drive is big 40-50-gigs games 16-gigs multimedia 30-gigs other (tools, mods...)
  6. Avi: 8/10 Sig: 7/10 Seems OK but he is inactive
  7. Yeah, this movie is big thing and I love whole this thing.
  8. ... Then more 10 Big Macs and trow up myself ...
  9. You could add and Sparta on the list GTAP
  10. Yeah, me to, it's not my type I more like techno or rock
  11. Yeah, he could help R* and maybe we gonna see some peds listening iPod
  12. On the streets should be less prostitutes because in GTA SA is every second ped a prostitute.
  13. Yeah, it looks like "GTA Location" if all of that is true, post some pics of it.
  14. 10 days, damn this is a looooong weeeeeek
  15. Now this is a baby fire power, he he he
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