After contacting GOD HIMSELF , and selling your soul five times over, you get an indestructable PSP. Soon after you receive the glorious device, you are met by my pony with the rare Daltosisotos and it tramples you, eats your inards rectum to cranium, humps the unrecognizable remains, then roams around devouring others while you rot on a cold sidewalk in front of hundreds of people with horse shit and semen all over you. Seeing as you sold your soul several times, Satan collects you after you die and you face eternal suffering for your meretricious device. You remain in the form you were in right before you died, and all the other residents of hell make fun of you. Your PSP is then stolen by a five year old homosexual child who utilizes it as a device to play only barney related games.
I want everyone in the world to be armed with a nuclear missile.