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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. I would advise Edinburgh (as a resident of Scotland). The highlands are quite calm and relaxing so I would more advise the Highlands. The Highlands and Edinburgh have loads of places to visit such as Edinburgh Zoo.
  2. I didn't get any?

  3. Yeah I seen it too. Hysterical.
  4. 2400 sounds like a cool number.
  5. oh? I'm puzzled? *Puts a puzzled look on*
  6. Ok this is getting off topic a bit. I'm sad to see dave be led into WoW and he has gone off the internet.
  7. Hey MrLlamaLlama. Business is looking good. Since your so good you should make a tutorial for people who want to learn about graphics and how to make them.
  8. My Strengths are Creativity & Computing. My weaknesses however are Biology & Spending money wisely.
  9. The delay is actually helping the production with GTAIV. Its helping the game get better, I'm happy with the delay.
  10. Also I hate today because my hand is killing after my school bag zip went and busted at lunchtime (12:44 - 13:28). I had to carry all the way to classes up until 3:15.
  11. @ Silb (Whatever his new name is) - I want that 100k. Gimme
  12. Welcome. Enjoy yourself here. OT: I just noticed i'm this topics top poster . I've welcomed alot of members.
  13. Well, I've never seen her like me. We were decent friends at the start, but then once I entered Puberty, it all starts changing, which means you actually have feelings for this girl, including these nice fantasies that you have when your asleep. She found out that I actually liked her, and of course, she wanted to end it. So, I did it for the both of us, so she doesn't get hurt. I hate how friends can be sometimes whenever you express your feelings. Then, from today, she's got herself a boyfriend and likes him, not me. It makes you feel like you've been rejected, which actually has happened to me. I basically let the depression flow through me everyday, it sucks showing my depression in front of her cause I don't really want to be related in any way. So yeah, I'm still depressed from something that happened ages ago. It's just so hard to move from something like this. So, I just have the live with it, I can't be with this hot girl. Sucks indeed. Now I just got to focus myself on more important things. Yeah, most girls change when they hit puberty. It amazes me that they just change. I currently don't have a girlfriend but by the end of this school year I'm hoping to have one. I have numerous ways I can ask the girl I fancy out. I have her MSN, Myspace and I know her for real. But she fancies someone else. I hate it when they do that.
  14. I guess we are all miserable because Septembers gone. I am sad today aswell. I had a test today also. @TM - I know how you feel my old Girlfriend dumped me and went out with someone else. I gained a new one though it made her well jealous. . Anyway everyone is miserable I am I know that.
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