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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. 5200 posts ¯\(°_o)/¯ I don't have a clue when I will get 5500, it seems ages away.
  2. If they do, I hope they get the side of the road right again (like GTA London)
  3. Yeah, lol Me wants: London, Manchester, Glasgow, Birmingham, Edinburgh, Toronto, Dallas, Sao Paulo, Lisbon, Paris, Madrid or Berlin to be honest. Anyone of those would keep me happy playing a Grand Theft Auto game.
  4. Isn't GTA IV set in a fictional version of New York? Or, are you meaning something like New York State?
  5. You should post up some examples of your work below all of your information to make members more likely to want something. They won't buy anything when there are no examples of your work because they won't know who good you are, they don't know what your style is etc.
  6. That sometimes happens to me except I don't install mods anymore because of the exact same reason, I don't really like mods now. Anyway, you could always try reducing some of the settings for the computer, the game or just not install mods.
  7. I usually walk into the town center to get my games, I funnily enough haven't ordered a game yet. The shops I got to are Game and I don't go to Gamestation very much but I have bought a game from there before but I just can't remember what the game was.
  8. Lol, ok? I hope you can wait a little while for the Tut, I could and probably will make more than 3 tutorials on 3 different effects. That could take until the last week of August or the start of September.
  9. The only creativity subject I've done in school this past year is Music. I had to pick one final subject and it was Music, simply because it was fun and I was good at it, except I do get nervous whilst around examiners, they creep me out badly.
  10. There's a sex shop in the town I live in, I've never been in it but I have walked past it a lot. But the answer is No, and I probably don't want to for a while.
  11. I don't even do art at school, so I took Graphic Communication instead, not because Art was boring, it was because Graphic Communication was more challenging as it involves architecture. I took it as a mistake really, it should have been art really.
  12. Well my top ambition would be something in the Graphics career track or Journalism career track. Edit: It is better aiming high in all subjects, that opens you up to more job possibilities.
  13. I'm crap at most or half of the subjects that I picked at school. I picked History and recieved three Grade 1's (Highest grade) and I was surprised with the results I got a few months back, especially since it was Scottish History - 1830 to 1930 (Farming, Population, Railways, Health). I got average results in French all because I couldn't remember most of the essay, my speaking was very good (Grade 2 - 2nd Highest Grade) and my listening and Reding were escellent (two Grade 1s). I am also good at Computing and Graphics but I won't go into much detail about those. THe rest of the subjects, well I am either completely rubbish at them or I am average (Kinda like Maths and English). I am excluding Physical Edu, Religious and Moral Edu and Social Edu - since you don't get graded on them.
  14. Nice poses and nice Jacket. I quite like the jacket. I have a 4-string bass that looks like that, except the umm pointy bits (I dunno what to call them) don't look quite as sharp on my guitar, they are rounded on mine. @ Cat Licker: Nice Effects, man.
  15. Lol, Yeah I know. But it looks better :P

  16. Lol. Anyway, just in case you all didn't know, the dog takes seizures every 3 weeks.
  17. Fuck, I forgot to update the list. I sold the aK-47 to Young Era. Sorry about that. So, $1200?
  18. For Chris: Look, Scotland has sun kthxbai That isn't even funny, that Pic you posted.
  19. @ Ice: Okay, will get it done. I will send the effects to you that I used in the tut that is coming @ Desert Fox: Brass Knuckles Stock: 20 Price: $15 Amount reduced: $10 Baseball Bat Stock: 1 Price: $30 Amount reduced: $15 Chainsaws Stock: 2 Price: $55 Amount Reduced: $20 Golf Club Stock: 1 Price: 30 Amount Reduced: 10 Katana Stock: 1 Price: 40 Amount Reduced: 20 Machete Stock: 2 Price: 35 Amount Reduced: 15 Tear Gas Stock: 1 Price: 150 Amount Reduced: 60 Colt .45 Stock: 25 Price: 85 Amount Reduced: 35 Colt Python Stock: 4 Price: 150 Amount Reduced: 35 Desert Eagle Stock: 10 Price: 200 Amount Reduced: 100 Stubby Shotgun Stock: 1 Price: 400 Amount Reduced: 100 Uzi 9mm Stock: 2 Price: 3700 Amount Reduced: 500 Ak 47 Stock: 1 Price: 1000 Amount Reduced: 400 Colt M4 Stock: 1 Price: 1000 Amount Reduced: 350 Ruger Stock: 1 Price: 1100 Amount Reduced: 150 Colt M60 Stock: 1 Price: 1500 Amount Reduced: 350 Stinger HS Rocket Launcher Stock: 9 Price: 2000 Amount Reduced: 1000 Sniper Rifle Stock: 1 Price: 5000 Amount Reduced: 2000 Quad Stock: 2 Price: 1200 Amount Reduced: 800 Faggio Stock: 4 Price: 400 Amount Reduced: 600 PCJ 600 Stock: 4 Price: 1000 Amount Reduced: 800
  20. What type of Graphics in particular? What style?
  21. Yeah, I'll do a tut but I know Photoshop CS3 Extended is nothing like Fireworks, in fact Fireworks is crap compared to CS3 Extended. What do you want the Tut to be about, Ice?
  22. I voted in the poll for the UK, as I couldn't choose between 4 UK cities (Manchester, Brimingham, London and Glasgow)
  23. Hey, what's up. We Haven't talked in ages.

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