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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. A lot more accesible rooms and some more 'secret' passages would be good for me
  2. Nope, I don't think so. As long as it isn't free games and all that. It's fine
  3. Lol, no. I can get the feeling of Rural when I think of Leicestershire, but I haven't been there so I wouldn't know
  4. The files are nice handy addition As for the last part of the announcement, will that be taking place within a period of about a wekk, two weeks or so? Edit: This very post was full of spelling errors
  5. I think you must have done the Print Works at the very least. I also think you need to have done the Interglobal Films too. You may also need to do the Kent Paul missions (With Love Fist).
  6. An addition to Ivan's sentence: ...because there are no screenshots yet (At least not to my knowledge)
  7. Lol, I was one of the first people on TGTAP you knew on here :P With ogm and a few others.

  8. Hye mate, just about 50 posts to go until you reach 6000.

  9. I haven't went to McDonalds in months, my own record.
  10. Lol, I don't see any black people in my street right now, but there are some here where I live. It's getting more common to see people from different cultures and different climates in the UK. The population of these people, In my opinion is getting higher in the UK, especially from the likes of the USA, Jamaica and African countries mainly.
  11. If your in Firefox, go to the toolbar and click View >> Zoom >> Zoom in or just use the Ctrl + hotkey, to make text smaller use the Ctrl - hotkey.
  12. We don't know if this game will be in 2D or topdown yet. Remember the DS is new console for a GTA so we can't speculate at this time whether or not it will be 3D or 2D.
  13. That is kind of scary. I don't think it was ever intended to happen but it did.
  14. I am actually looking quite forward to it. It sounds rather interesting and different. Yeah, I can't wait for it, although I don't have a DS but I would like looking at the pictures to see what it will be like and how it will be played.
  15. Some 14-15 members here are way more mature than you so who cares? Ad long as someone is mature, there's no prob. Shut the fuck up,kid.You're not even old enough to play GTA.I know girls who are cooler than you. Ugh, this is why I don't post in public topics anymore because someone either ends up being flamed (or being the one flaming) or it goes very off-topic and this topic is full of both. Lol, yeah. I didn't even know that there were so many black people on here, it shows that we are kind of against racism
  16. Who the f*ck is Rick?

  17. v bit late

  18. Even though your banned, I thought I'd give an old friend a happy birthday!

  19. what happened to the gta sector?

  20. No, No Remake at all and No remake at all. I think they should go somewhere different.
  21. Well, I haven't received the money yet.
  22. You're just new, you should wait a few months before you request, get your name around in a good way then people will start responding to you in an appropriate manner. But if you get your name around in a bad way then people will be less likely to send you the weapon. So wait a while before you request
  23. If you get some more money, you could probably afford the gun you want.
  24. Is Ann Summers all around the UK or just the one particular shop where I live. Edit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ann_Summers ^ That answered my question
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