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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. I'm listening to a song on Real Radio Scotland (100 - 101 FM) but I don't know the name of it. Oh wait it's something by James Blunt but I have no idea what song
  2. Maybe the game versions are wrong compared to your save. If you have V.2 San Andreas and you have a V.1 Game save it or vice-versa, it may not work.
  3. Wow, you sure do really like colouring and bolding my name and writing poorly constructed sentences! Anyway it's because I'm awesome. And also because I love the YSAP series and I'm going to make an official YSAP topic later. A lot of people here really do suck a PS, I'm not so great myself but I'm better than a lot. I'm just lazy. I suck at PS! I gave up on it after I made my first Userbar It had taken me 50 minutes to just get the effects done and it takes me half the time to do the same on Macromedia Fireworks.
  4. Oh... Thanks guys Can't get much sleep today. Anyway, it feels a little bit better being a year closer to 16 (Scottish Adult Age). Also, happy birthday to Huck and the other two!
  5. I don't really use any Photoshop's but I do have one. But that's not what the topic title says. That amazes people when I tell them I don't use Photoshop.
  6. Has your account by any chance been used on another computer? If it has then I would suggest re-registering. If it hasn't then I would suggest getting support on the MTA Website by clicking here. The topics that can help you on there are in this forum. The topics in that forum that can help you get support are serial problems, account problems and problem with installation.
  7. I quite like them both, but if I had to choose between which was best (which was hard to pick) I would say the second one but they are both quite good. But the second one has "Cross" in a font that hasn't been made to be big and then it will look all pixelised.
  8. I got a PM on the MTA forums. I will tell you the result when it happens.

  9. No and no. I don't want to harass him.

  10. No I didn't get anything and I just checked again, still nothing.

  11. Woozie is the coolest non-Admin on here Well, me and him are like old friends from the old Venato Mafia (Not the new VM), With TG187, Quickdeath and a few other cool people. We did start to bicker at each other in September over something so small
  12. Sent the items If you haven't recieved anything then just tell me, ok
  13. Thanks but, I'll just take it for $1000... Send your money first then I'll send the weapons By the way, I'm not one of those people who just get the money and then no responce after that, I don't do that.
  14. 30 mins ago

  15. No offence but you come off as an attention whore. You claim to be "camera shy" yet you post a multitude of pictures. If someone is camra shy, they don't go about posting a bunch of pictures.... You also give us a "heads up" when you'll be posting more pictures of yourself....just DO IT. You don't have to warn us that you'll be doing it soon. Not trying to be mean but it's annoying when someone feels that they have to tell us that they are going to post pictures soon. Just post it when you're ready. Yeah, I posted a multitude of photos. I don't like getting my photo taken, I would usually cover my face up in those pictures but I never because they were taken within about 3 hours of each other. I would usually not want photos taken of me minute after minute as that get's on your nerves. I had to go and find those pictures as they were on my friends Bebos, if you go on my bebo you will only find one picture of me that I took myself using the webcam. It had taken me about 5 - 10 minutes to just find the pictures on their profiles. --- Expect more pictures of me on my birthday on Friday. Going to a restaurant with some friends, Pizza Hut I love pizza. I'm going to be taking a camera with me, not my phone.
  16. Nope, not so far.

  17. The Communards - Don't Leave me this way Just listening to my Fantastic 80's album.
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