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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. Yup :) I stayed up all night. Let's go chat in the Gang Chat topic :P

  2. Yeah :P I've been waiting for my birthday for like a year :P LAWLZ0R

  3. Happy Birthday!

  4. Lol, Isn't it weird tht something happens to him at the draft. Something is gonna happen next year which isn't much of a surprise really.
  5. btw, I haven'nt recieved a reply yet from BrophY.

  6. I'll add Jace on to that list. I forgot about him. Number 21, damn I need more numbers. Those numbers mean nothing by the way. I was only doing it to see how much people I wanted to meet .
  7. Done your sig, Check the topic :). I will send you them too.

  8. A week already over for the summer holidays . 7 more week to go though and just 3 more days until my birthday. I am quite lucky compared to the other people at my school, I have my birthday during the summer, I have never had my birthday on a school day before and I am glad of that So on Friday I am going to Pizza Hut with two girls to obviously get pizza and it is at 18:30 to 20:30, nighttime. Last year I went to M&D's or Scotlands Best Theme Park () and only one person managed to come because everyone else was in the USA, China, Spain, France and Italy. That was a real crappy birthday . So it's 4:21 AM right now, the sun came up about an hour ago, well not the sun, it has been pissing it down all morning. I am awake because I have to look after a dog what has seizures every now and again and my mum hasn't had that much sleep in 36 hours. I volunteered to do it as it comes with advantages like coming on TGTAP all morning and checking up on my site.
  9. I found Highwire quite easy apart from the ending where you had to pick up the bloke's car. Anyway my least favourite mission would have to be that mission that you have to go to a biker place and shoot the bikers just to come back to an apartment in Little Haiti to find out that the guy who sent you there ran off, now you have to kill him. That mission was just boring, easy, but boring.
  10. Here is another one for ya: Why does Tommy fall off the motorbike after a little tap against the wall or solid area at a very little speed?
  11. I always thought it was at the Gentlemans club in Saint Marks. But it is obviously in Liberty City.
  12. At least this case of Mr McMahon being injured or killed is more believable. At least it looked real unlike the Limo Blast last year.
  13. Yeah, I remembered it but I never got around to it.

  14. What do you mean?

  15. Today is TMs 16th Birthday. Happy Birthday mate!
  16. When people say that the whole of Britain is called "England" now that really get's on my nerves. When the Republic of Ireland is said to be in the UK but it is not, that also annoys me even though I'm not Irish. My sister when she is in a bad mood. Britain's Americanised Culture.
  17. Oh right... You gave me a very small about the size of the Report button, so I made it a bit bigger so you could fit in some sizey text in.
  18. Haven't seen you round much... Miss you though (I assume Woozie misses you too.)

  19. I miss you :(

  20. not yet. Haven't checked for about 2 hours

  21. What happens to planes and helicopters if they fly over Area 69 and what noise does the helicopter or plane make as what is about to happen is happenning.
  22. Oh Hi! I didn't realise you left me a comment :o. I didn't notice that you were advertising my graphics store in your sig either :P Thanks!

  23. There are 8 counties (Inc. Cities) in San Andreas: Red County Flint County Whetstone Bone County Tierra Robada (San Fierro) (Las Venturas) (Los Santos)
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