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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. Some people don't bother to think if they can play that instrument or not. Thats why I waited before I got one and learned how to play the Bass Guitar and Keyboard at school, then I bought them. I haven't got an Electric Guitar but if I was to choose I wouldn't pick that effect but maybe a Black/Yellow and White/Red combination if you can choose multiple colours on an Electric Guitar.
  2. It looks quite good even though I prefer Black/White/Red Colours. I'm not a guitar fan (Apart from Bass (I have a bass)) but that is one impressive guitar. I hope you can play it .
  3. I quite like Radio X and K-DST because I like Rock and Alternative type music. I quite like the DJs style too, Sage is lazy and wants to die and Johnny "The Nightmare" Smith is kind of full of himself and is a member of Guns 'n' Roses (GTASAs version is Crystal Ship).
  4. Some times people internet goes strange, which causes duplicate topics to be made. it has happened to me before The GTA Place server was fixed. Please don't shout at people for errors what can't be stopped.
  5. Like I said a spam monster is behind you.
  6. I am 5'7" and I weight 9 stone. I have brown/blonde hair and grey eyes. You will never hear me say that again. I hate Ketchup, yet I love brown sauce. I dislike BBQ flavoured crisps from Walkers. I dislike Tesco.
  7. Damn, I'm not on that list . Oh well, not bothered really. Good luck in college and I hope you get better. I just wish I could've talked on MSN over the past few months, I have been waiting for you to come on MSN but when you come on I have to go off to bed or to my room. You are one of my best friends on this forum and I can proise you that you will always be one of my best friends. You kind of missed things on TMs forum too, many things actually, its not quite inactive now. Peace out man and goodnight.
  8. I think all of us will miss you man, I will at least. I have been missing you on the forums as of recently too mate. I haven't had any graphics help from you in a while what is kind of scary because I've been doing them almost 100 % myself over the past few months. It's sad to see you (Possibly Temporarily) go.
  9. Maybe you could try reinstalling the game. That way everything would be back to normal after you delete the whole game files before you install the game again. Then your game will be back to normal and you can find some more skins.
  10. My parents made up a rule - 10:00 PM curfew in the winter and 10:30 PM in the Summer. Must go to school unless ill, weekend or holiday. Must get good grades at school otherwise I'm Grounded. If I get good grades I get to go somewhere to eat or order a Pizza.
  11. Try and find the file across the internet. If you have gotten rid of it ask for one on here, I'm sure someone would give you it.
  12. yes it did it said this"ownloaded from crazymoddingcrew.com replace player.dff and player.txd in gta3.img replace player.bmp in \models\generic\ -jacob" So, you have to got to your models folder, go to the generic folder, backup your player.bmp, then replace it with the mod. The 2nd one, you'll need IMG Tool, open up the gta3.img and find the player.dff and click on replace, then click on the mod player.dff and just click close. what do you mean y backup your player file??? I think he means back-up your default Player Skin. It is recommended that you do back it up. Make a new folder in your Rockstar Games folder called "Backup" and put the skins folder in there with only the original Skin File in there. The default skin is the Greenish Blue Hawaiian/Palm Tree shirt with jeans.
  13. Oh no you got gobbled up by the Spam monster named Doopsey!
  14. I think the spam monster is behind you!
  15. I am afraid of Spiders and I hate (The Looks and Activities)Moths like MrLlamaLlama and Tec 9. When I see either a (Medium to Large Sized Spiders) Spider or Moth I run like hell or if its a spider in a bath, I stand there just looking at it. For some reason I am scared of cows after one started chasing me when I was on holiday. I used to be afraid of dogs but since I now have 4 of them I don't think I am scared of them anymore. I dislike Cheese, I dislike Liquid Chocolate (Hot Chocolate; Milkshake etc), I dislike Science, I dislike Insects or Arachnids, I dislike Egg (apart from when it's french toast or in things), I like White Chocolate better than any other chocolate I like liquid white chocolate I dislike Minty and Orange chocolates I like Custard Creams better than bourbon creams I dislike the BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Citroen car companies. I like some cartoons (Scooby Doo, Looney Tunes etc) I dislike Fog Anything else?
  16. My list Alphabetical Order: Arucard Azn Chris Ciaran Connor Gerard GTA Don Gycu Brun Huckleberry Pie Jace Lord Voldemort MrLlamaLlama Nate14 Noru Original GTA Master Paul.T Rockstarrem shadow539 Sky Spaz the Great TMTM Woozie YellowJacket
  17. I used to play games about Looney Tunes, I am even trying to find one so I can play it over again. It's called Bugs Bunny & Tazz: Time Busters what is quite good. I used to watch on Boomerang and Cartoon Network, The Magic Roundabout. I didn't like it but it was worth it and I knew that someone was going to bring up the following cartoon - Scooby Doo!
  18. I some how remember Looney Tunes a lot. They were best and Bugs Bunny used to own Daffy Duck . Elmer Fudd and Pirate Sam were cool too! Those are the four characters I remember the most from Looney Tunes.
  19. It wasn't a stupid video to person who posted it though. I believe you and a few others think that the video was a stupid video. But that's your opinion not anyone else's, I don't think it's stupid, it's actually quite interesting in my opinion. So maybe if the topic is left open then people can then discuss it.
  20. I just had a school Non-Uniform day (We wear school Uniform at my school) for a 15 year old boy at my school who died at the start of January, I didn't know him but we all paid our respects to him. We had to wear something Blue because his favourite Scottish Football Team was Rangers FC, alot of CFC fans paid there respects by wearing RFC football tops. Our school had a Raffle, Tombola, Cake and Sweets stall etc I was told to help set it up by my French teacher what I didn't really mind to be honest. I just had a moderate difficulty maths which contained Trigonometry, Formula. Integers, Probability & Time, Distance & Speed (The Physics Triangle). It was out of 35 Marks and I am hoping to get more than 70% this time. I have never failed a Maths test and I don't want to start.
  21. I have not really been interested in WWE as of lately. It has just gotten from Boring to Mega Boring. Right now I only record RAW and I used to record Smackdown since December I stopped, I record ECW because ECW is only an hour and is much less boring than Smackdown. I mainly only watch PPVs live, I want to see No Way Out because I have never seen an Elimination CHamber match live, nevermind two of them.
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