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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. A GTA classic gun in that picture, The AK-47! Very cool Artwork at least something has been revealed in a piece of artwork.
  2. My Myspace I rerely go on it, I used to have an old Myspace account and this is just my new one. I mainly use it to talk to/with school friends.
  3. Why don't you post more than two words? "Fo' sure" was an unnecessary post. I don't think this topic should be closed because the member who made the topic wanted a discussion and he got one and the discussion should really continue. @ Ice: Any reasons to why it should be closed?
  4. ^ Ug. < Is Arucards Friend v Is Arucard?
  5. It is alright to post things related to GTA and movies. I sure hope it was about GTA though because my Youtube doesn't buffer. Please don't criticize people though, this topic was actually made in October and should not really have been bumped by Lou Park. I think everyone in this topic knows it's fake but at least discuss it more appropriately by saying your thoughts and what could have made the video better.
  6. Well, my favourite gang is The San Fierro Triads (Mafia?) the reason they are my favourite because I quite like Woozie the character and they dress in my favourite colour, black. Off-Topic: I guess your other topic you made about this was kind of a mistake?
  7. My Favourite is the Yakuza because I quite like the leaders ( ) and the cars. On the other hand my least favourite gang are the Triads because they are so annoying and they attack you without cause, I also dislike them because I don't like the Triad Fish Van.
  8. Really? Some people I dislike but not hate them. I know some certain members dislike me and a quote from them is "Traitor" he isn't in BM or DS but 3 members I know dislike me. They can indeed go to..... but I think they are ok now, despite him making numerous conversations on MSN saying flame stuff.
  9. Crocker = TW@ Not that I should hate anyone who doesn't hate me or I haven't known or met for a long time.
  10. 3300! Next Target is 3333 (Not really, I just wanted to extend the post )
  11. Welcome to the forums Jack! We all hope you stay active and I think this is the first feedback topic that The GTA Place have had in a while. Enjoy Yourself out there! Just like the Introduce yourself topic, we usually end up saying read the rules, if you haven't done so already.
  12. ^ Wrong < The best! v Not me .
  13. Normal mp3 players are ugly though. I generally hate the look of apple products, but their iPods are pretty neat. @TM: IE7 has a spellcheck. My FF does not.. uhm, can someone give me a link to a good spellchecker for FF? TV adds.. damn, for a day or two American TV is funny, but after that it just becomes down right annoying to have commerials every 7 minutes. Did lol a lot though. Here are some Dictionary Links: English - UK @ Mozilla.com English - USA @ Mozilla.com This page is the full dictionary page: Clicky!
  14. Rockstar Games have to test the games for a while and receive age ratings from numerous organisations. They also take the chance up until April 29th to find glitches. They also have to get all of the games manufactured and sent out to stores before the release date. I hope this explains why the release date is a while away?
  15. Hey man, Happy Birthday, I did see it but I have been at school so I couldn't have made one . I hope you enjoy it!
  16. Life is just so realistic Like at the movies.
  17. I remember you telling me this on MSN and I was like "are you serious". I've had something like that happen to me and my computer before. The closest thing to an "Exploding Disc" I have ever had was throwing a disc out a window with anger. I hope your able to play GTA: Vice City again soon.
  18. You know how parents/yourself set up rules in your house sometimes, what rules does your house have? ------------------- The rules in my house are: Go up to bedroom at 10:30 PM Nothing fizzy (cola etc) after 9 PM Must do either Dishwasher or Hoovering everyday. Must wake up at 7:30 AM before school.
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