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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. He got addicted to SA:MP I was talking to him on MSN yesterday and he left The GTA Place because of SA:MP.
  2. @ Spider-Vice - The screenshot is quite old, so therefore you cannot assume that the fast loading of the city will effect the graphics. Look at a few newer pictures and you'll see . Also good find but it could have been better looking at some more modern pictures before you posted this topic. Sort of like comparison thing, something that you'll come across a lot more comparison up until April 29th. Good find though (If you posted this back in September, we would all be surprised )
  3. Papa Roach - She loves me not (At least attempting to listen to it. Poor YouTube video buffer)
  4. I'm going to be changing my display name soon to my real name, which is Thomas. My current display name (TFY) is my initials which is Thomas Frazer Young . So yeah the "TFY" Era is going to change with a permanent display name at least until July. My new name in a week will be Thomas. (With the Dot)
  5. Welcome to the forums guys! I hope you have a good time and please take a moment to read the forum rules! Please enjoy yourself and try to stay active! Also as of recently some members who have now been banned have been flaming members left, right and center, so please don't do what these members have done and just enjoy yourself!
  6. I know this is late but GTA Don gave me them.

  7. < That is an Avatar and Member Info Panel! v This is a sig!
  8. It would be an Idea if the price was different depending on the way you got Wasted. e.g.: Being Ran Over: $230 Burned to death: $320 Falling from a high place: $500 $100 all the time was really boring.
  9. Grand Theft Auto 2 (PS1) Grand Theft Auto 3 (PC) Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PC) Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PS2) Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2) Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (PS2) Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories (PS2) Grand Theft Auto: Vice City PS2 Map/Poster (Crimson Colour) Grand Theft Auto: Vice City PC Map/Poster (Blue Colour) Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PS2 Map/Poster Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PC Map/Poster Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories PS2 Map/Poster Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories PS2 Map/Poster ------------------ I don't really collect anything else by Rockstar Games for GTA.
  10. I was wondering that too? Nice banner by the way. It looks very cool and awesome . The car sigs look the best in your gallery, I attempted to copy your Idea with a GTA Sig Car (I meant Car not Sig ). <
  11. You coming on MSN...?

  12. Do you have MSN?

  13. Maybe you shouldn't use names Spider-Vice. Maybe also say Suspension at the end of you statement not ban, usually Bans occur after a Suspension.
  14. "I see this friendly discussion also turned into a flame topic. Maybe you should stop flaming or you'll all get some sort of warning or suspension. I don't wish to hand these out but you guys are forcing me to. The member who started flaming has been put on a 24 hour suspension to calm himself down, if he continues inform me or another member of staff and we'll deal with it." "Look, you have been told before to stop saying one ot two word posts, please listen to us for once. You have now got yourself a warning and if you continue we will think of another way to make you stop."
  15. I suppose it could be a faulty disc or it might be better to reinstall GTA San Andreas.
  16. I sed hoo sed tat? wa ite aroocord or spedo-veece?
  17. Yeah I think, so Here it is Your Graphics card - NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400 Requirement - 64 MB DirectX 9.0-compatible graphics card Is yours Direct X compatible?
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