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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. This week is a special week for numerous reasons. Today - The UKs quite possible favourite Breakfast and desert has it's own day today and I can't believe we actually celebrate this tasty meal called "The Pancake". Another celebration what is happening the week is the Chinese New Year, This year is the year of the Rat in China. Discuss?
  2. People may have different opinions and you must respect that, some people don't think Doherty is a "scum", I don't and thats a fact.
  3. Hey Happy birthday in advance!

  4. I'm back from school and ready to Spam.
  5. 2 Elimination Chambers, How cool! I really have to buy No Way Out on PPV. I won't want to miss it. I Hope Triple H wins the RAW Chamber and Undertaker wins the Smackdown Chamber.
  6. The Greenwood is one of the best, not only has it improved from GTA:VC, it has became the vehicle we probably use the most during the first missions of the game.
  7. Word: PCIELO Clue: Something I hate now-a-days. The American _______ Force are much better and cooler.
  8. Not to criticize but you guys haven't reached your milestone yet. Maybe when you get the milestone you should post in here, it's better than posting every week "500 posts is coming up" or "Soon to be 300!!". No offense...
  9. It doesn't matter anymore. I already sent you your sig :P

  10. I almost forgot I was at a milestone there.... 3200
  11. Some more...... ------------ This seems to be a very useful and interesting topic. I infact think it is good enough to be pinned, I'm sure the other members of staff will agree with me so: Pinned + ------- This forum is not to be used for Flaming, If you continue I will close your topics and you will be warned, there will be no more chances after this. We will not put up with this especially since we are trying to attract new members not push them away because of flames to him. Unless he started it, then we don't want to hear about it. Closed + ------ I realise what this guy is doing and it is inapropriate behaviour for our forums. He shouldn't really be posting that kind of stuff and is encouraging other people to do it. So please those who have read it, Ignore it and report anything else suspicious about this particular member. If the report buttin isn't working please contact a member of staff and we will deal with it as soon as possible. ------ All those members whose sigs are larger than 500 x 200 please remove it or we will disable your signature if it isn't removed within 30 days of your warning. The signature will be disabled until we specify in a PM to you, we will try to be reasonable about this but if you ignore the rules we will have to take severe action. Please abide by the rules and try your best to follow them. ------- Hold on, please stop it for a second. I see other members don't approve of what you are doing, and neither do I. If you do not follow my following advice we will take action against you. We hate giving out punishments but it's our job so deal with it. I have been recieving PMs all night about you posting complete and utter nonsense, and sources say you have been PMing people Links to other forums and "to join it". We really do not want this to happen, you have been warned and if you don't stop a suspension will be put in place. -------- I can do more?
  12. Avatar - 8/10 (One of the best gangs ) Sig - 10/10 (MAde by one of the best) Person - One hell of a good member, he has improved a lot!
  13. Let me see. @ Gerard - I only post "Can someone please close this" when a moderator isn't around. I have PMed you a few times to alert you of things. The most recent thing would be Hazers comment in the Sexual Preference Topic. OT - Please can you stop doing that now, I have warned you before and I personally am sick of telling you. I will give you a Verbal warning and if it happens again you will get a warning in your logs. If you continue after that there may be more strict tactics against you. --------- Right, you have had enough warnings and we are getting sick of what you are doing, you've had your chance and we do not wish to an you yet but I am giving you a suspension of 7 days. When you come back you better had improved! --------- This topic has been posted too many times across the forums, this is about the 10th time we have seen this topic, this month. I will have to lock this. Locked + --------- Please don't do that, have a little respect for this guy. Your insulting him because you don't like what he's doing, you seem to be the only one who doesn't. This member came to me and said what you have been saying to him, personally I find it unacceptable, I will have to give you a warning and if you continue a severe punishment will dealt out. ---------- Thank You, <Insert Members Name> for informing us of this matter. A member on this forum has been acting a little suspicious lately. We have suspended him until we can gather a little bit more information on him. If you know anything please PM or Email a member of the Staff. ---------- You need to cut down on the amount of posts you have made, most of your posts are less than 5 words. If you don't stop we will have to take further action against you. You already have 2 warnings and I would think you do not want any more. I indeed hate giving out warnings, suspensions and sometimes even bans but it's my job and I must stick to it. ---------- Is that good enough?
  14. He (Hazer) won't be able to remove it for a while. He got a 28 Day Suspension.

  15. Avatar - 4/10 (Plain) Sig - 2/10 (Text ) Person - I don't really know you
  16. I suppose when I get a bit older I can get a job. There aren't any paper boy jobs around my area. w00t I just earned a few Dollars. Boosts my money up a bit more.
  17. Arucard already posted that hehe
  18. That is the GTA:SA Default Gravity Count.
  19. I meant to say that Yesterday. I have 1206 posts in here. Bitch you been ahead of me for a while, Sweet revenge (Joke)
  20. Uh, Cool I have almost got 1200 posts in this topic
  21. I can make some if you want, too.

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