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Even More GTA IV Possibilities


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The Grand Theft Auto IV debut trailer is still 19 days away, but we've already got a good idea of where the game might take place. Tokyo has been rumored along with Paris, London, and other European locations, but if a new rumor is true, then New York is looking like the winner. NeoGAF user VALIS is claiming to know this inside information: "Friend of mine was just contacted today to be on the GTAIV soundtrack. He was in the 1980s NY hardcore band Breakdown. He had a laugh at the lowball offer, but of course he's not gonna pass it up. Might not mean anything. But if you did want to play Kojak... Late 1980s setting? New York again? Nah. Not necessarily." Complete lie? Was Rockstar Games just testing the Internet for rumors? Will we buy the game even if it takes place in Antarctica? All are very possible. Thanks to reader Lawl for the tip!

All I know is that if I don't get to blow up the Statue of Liberty I'm trading it in after I beat it. When I'm old and frail I want to die in one of two ways, but preferably both. Either by riding my wheelchair into a tornado, since that would be awesome. Or by jumping off the top of the Statue of Liberty and ruining the tourist attraction for the whole country. I don't care if there's restriction fencing, my 170 year old ass will saw through it if I have to. People ride over Niagara Falls and jump into the Grand Canyon all the time, but there can only be one shithead who jumps off the Statue of Liberty before they shut down its tours forever. After that the Statue of Liberty is basically a Tom Fronczak grave monument memorial, and I rob the entire country of their symbol of pride. Let's see you pay for a better tombstone than mine.

- TheLastBoss.com

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Yeah it's weird that this guys band is from the 80's, and that it was New York based. Mind you, R*'s offices are in New York, so maybe just hooking up with a local artist here?

And there's a possibilty it could be for an 80's station, such as Flash, rather than having yet another GTA set in the 80's. It provokes a few thoughts anyway.

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Nothing is wrong with NY man, it's a great city for a game like GTA you know, it's a really big crime filled city. But damn, again? I mean, come on man, Liberty City was based on New York. And NY has been used in other games as well, for an example: Driver, Parallel Lines, True Crime New York City, The Godfather etc, know what I'm saying. Now I'm sure it would be awesome with the next gen graphics and all, but I'm still hoping for another place.

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The Grand Theft Auto IV debut trailer is still 19 days away, but we've already got a good idea of where the game might take place. Tokyo has been rumored along with Paris, London, and other European locations, but if a new rumor is true, then New York is looking like the winner. NeoGAF user VALIS is claiming to know this inside information: "Friend of mine was just contacted today to be on the GTAIV soundtrack. He was in the 1980s NY hardcore band Breakdown. He had a laugh at the lowball offer, but of course he's not gonna pass it up. Might not mean anything. But if you did want to play Kojak... Late 1980s setting? New York again? Nah. Not necessarily." Complete lie? Was Rockstar Games just testing the Internet for rumors? Will we buy the game even if it takes place in Antarctica? All are very possible. Thanks to reader Lawl for the tip!

All I know is that if I don't get to blow up the Statue of Liberty I'm trading it in after I beat it. When I'm old and frail I want to die in one of two ways, but preferably both. Either by riding my wheelchair into a tornado, since that would be awesome. Or by jumping off the top of the Statue of Liberty and ruining the tourist attraction for the whole country. I don't care if there's restriction fencing, my 170 year old ass will saw through it if I have to. People ride over Niagara Falls and jump into the Grand Canyon all the time, but there can only be one shithead who jumps off the Statue of Liberty before they shut down its tours forever. After that the Statue of Liberty is basically a Tom Fronczak grave monument memorial, and I rob the entire country of their symbol of pride. Let's see you pay for a better tombstone than mine.

As you can see and other cites have chance.

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New York is a cool city but it`s becoming boring,I want to discover something new,but if the city it`s already used,there will be very few new things.I`m sure there are lots of cities that could be used for GTA 4.If it takes place in NY,I`m sure the next location for GTA 4 part 2 is Miami,& the 3rd part in California.R* please use a new city that hasn`t been used in previous GTAs.I hope it doesn`t take place in NY.

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I don't think it's going to take place in Liberty City again. And let's think a bit realistic, I mean, if they're going to have Liberty City again, I'm sure alot of things are new man, alot of things, I mean, ffs this is a GTA for the next gen and I'm sure R* knows that we want something new, so it's gonna be something new man. And yeah, hopefully Moscow.

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Will there be more secrets/new things in GTA 4 if it`ll take place in Liberty City rather than taking place in an unused city?Be serious man.It will be 10x more secrets.That`s what we all want.SECRETS& FUN.

Edited by Gycu
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Whoa man, I've never said anything about secerts, but I know what you're saying man. Yeah that's right, if it will take place in another city than Liberty City I'm sure we will see more secrets and stuff, but Liberty City can deliver, if you know what I'm saying, but I really hope for another city, Moscow is great dammit, it has snow and all, it's outside of the US, it's big and dangerous, crime filled city and all, atm it's nr 1 on my most wanted list.

Edit: Oh and IF GTA IV will take place in Liberty City again, then there better be some snow dammit!

Edited by GTAPlayer
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I hope they don't use Liberty City again, unless if Liberty City is going to be on a gigantic map (like the one Wu-Zi-Mu has shown us on the other thread) then I wouldn't mind LC.

If the guys over at rockstar are going to make that giant map (with Liberty City, Vice City, San Andreas, Snowy Mountain, Falkenberg, DC) then I definately want to play it. They're also going to have to make different radio stations for each landmass.

I wouldn't mind a place outside of the US so long as it isn't Britain, I want places like Germany/Austria/Switzerland/Neitherlands or China/Japan/Korea/Taiwan.

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