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Realistic Driving


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I really hope that the driving has been improved in GTA: IV. Before when you were driving if you used your Horn cars wouldn't move out of the way and when you were in a Police Car with the sirens on Cars would drive into other cars and crash into walls to get out of the way.

Also if there was a road which was blocked by something cars would wait there for a while then go crazy and start crashing into other cars, all they need to do is drive round.

I would also like to lock and turn of the Engine and lights in my car.

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Well the driving in GTA has been pretty good, but IMO it seriously got better in San Andreas, the cars felt more heavy and all, so it gave you a more realistic driving. In other GTAs it felt almost like toy-cars, I don't know man, that's just how it felt. And I don't think you need to hope, I'm pretty damn sure the driving has been improved in GTA IV, just wait, it's going to be an awesome experience, no I haven't played it :P But I just know it.

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Well there is a possibility the thigns you say will happen, horning when your in a normal car didn't have no effect except for picking up hookers. I think they will probably use this feature where toher cars will actually move out the way.

Well there is a possibility the thigns you say will happen, horning when your in a normal car didn't have no effect except for picking up hookers. I think they will probably use this feature where toher cars will actually move out the way.

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What you mentioned was more AI then the actual handling. I'm fine with the handling, just needs a little tweaking. But the AI should defo change. Like if you suddenly storm at another car they should actualy react to that. I mean, if someone would be charging at you when you're in a car, I'm sure you'll try to get away. If you're on street and someone charges at you, would you put your hands up? No, you would run like hell.

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That would be real if you could create some blocks on road and drivers cant drive around then cars come and come until there is million cars :D and it would be on big tv.

Oh and there should be turning lights too idk how to call in English.

Edited by DeAtH
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I would also like to lock and turn of the Engine and lights in my car.[/font]

Why would you want to control the lights? That just seems kind of retarded.

And cops would stop you if you drive at red light or if you don't use indicators.

And it has nothing to do with topic but car washing would be good because much gtas had carwashing place but you couldn't wash cars.

NO. No f***ing Driver shit. I don't want driving laws.

And signals? Why? So while you're doing 100+ through a residential area on the wrong side of the road while shooting innocent civilians and crashing into cars you can make sure you aren't pulled over for not signalling..... ? Does anyone else notice the irony in that?

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I would also like to lock and turn of the Engine and lights in my car.[/font]

Why would you want to control the lights? That just seems kind of retarded.

And cops would stop you if you drive at red light or if you don't use indicators.

And it has nothing to do with topic but car washing would be good because much gtas had carwashing place but you couldn't wash cars.

NO. No f***ing Driver shit. I don't want driving laws.

And signals? Why? So while you're doing 100+ through a residential area on the wrong side of the road while shooting innocent civilians and crashing into cars you can make sure you aren't pulled over for not signalling..... ? Does anyone else notice the irony in that?

I also dont want it to turn into to Driver with cops chasing you when your speeding and running red lights.

Edited by Dmac_91
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I see no issue with allowing lights and indicators....well, indicators are a bit difficult to be honest, I didn't think they were of much use in Mafia, but I WOULD like to see other cars indicating. and switching your lights off could be a good idea for missions where you have to stalk cars, don't you think?

As for road AI - the GTA3 series as I'll call it had some of the downright stupidest AI I've ever seen in a game, and if Rockstar don't improve it, well, shame on them! I'm sure they will though. A short list of discrepancies in AI to real-life behaviour

- Nobody changes lanes THAT many times

- Indicators

- A siren does not mean the apocalypse is about to hit your car, slam on the accelerator and hit the nearest wall

- Very few drivers will get road rage, and those that do, do not drive around your car in circles ramming it, regardless of whether you are in the car

- Pedestrians do sometimes care if an accident has happened

- Gunshots do not normally trigger "Nascar mode" in most cars, people would normally drive away from the gun shots, not ram the guy firing the shots in a desperate attempt to flee killing 7 pedestrians and taking out a lamppost

- Lamposts are actually built into the ground, they don't just precariously balance there

- Cars don't always set on fire after a heavy crash, they have been known to just stop working

- A horn doesn't mean "pedestrians, run like hell and scream"

- Where a road is blocked, drivers tend to try and get around it, not just sit there parping their horn

- In most countries, the police do notice some of the following offenses:


>Running the lights

>Running DOWN the traffic lights and lampposts

>Running down at least one pedestrian

>Causing a pileup

>Driving on the pavement/sidewalk

>Picking up a hooker

>A suspect running from a car that has just caught fire

>Driving the wrong way on an interstate

>Driving the wrong way on a rail road, or indeed, on a rail road at all

>Attempting a road block with several trailers, and standing there with a rocket launcher waiting for your victims to arrive

I hope that list was pretty much complete!

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- Nobody changes lanes THAT many times

Apparently you've never drove in Florida....

- In most countries, the police do notice some of the following offenses:


>Running the lights

>Running DOWN the traffic lights and lampposts

>Running down at least one pedestrian

>Causing a pileup

>Driving on the pavement/sidewalk

>Picking up a hooker

>A suspect running from a car that has just caught fire

>Driving the wrong way on an interstate

>Driving the wrong way on a rail road, or indeed, on a rail road at all

>Attempting a road block with several trailers, and standing there with a rocket launcher waiting for your victims to arrive

I hope that list was pretty much complete!

The two I bolded ARE picked up in GTA, the thing is, a lot of the time a cop isn't around to notice it.

And a lot of your things fall under "traffic laws", most of which would make GTA TOO realistic.

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