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Reading at the "Does death scare you" topic, i wanted to write this, as we got in this conversation, i made so no one goes OT.

Well, i personally belive on ghosts, but i dont think they are white and says "booo!" kinda, well, i've heard many things, wich i think is real, my family wouldnt lie...Anyways, here are some things that happend me, and people close to me:

i was in the kitc hen one day, sitting in the table (metaphoric, i sit in a chair beside the table) with my mom, and we were talking, like allways, and we started to talk about my father, he died for 12 years ago, of loung cancer, he got tortured during the military coup, well, and my mom said like "ah, screw that damn guy" kinda, and suddenly, some pictures of my mom, that were in the wall behind fell down, like if someone throwed them, wich was pretty weird, there was no wind, they were heavenly attached there kinda.

Also, my grandma (she's dont got allzeimer or whatever the name is, or any other thing) allways heard 3 lound hit's on the kitchen, like by something metalic, then, in less than half hour, my brother came home to her, she has told me that it allways happend.

post your toughts about ghosts, and if something happend to you, tell it here

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Well as I said in the death thread, ghosts are quite interesting to me. I think there are ghosts of the dead, and there are demons (from Hell).

I've gone on a couple "Ghost Walks" in Gettysburg, PA.Info Here Which is called the most haunted place in America. (Civil War battle for all you non US folk) Click Here for info

Anyway, I got some pics on this walk, which I will post later on (I'm at work, they're at home). And besides that, you could feel something around some of these haunted places.

My cousin swore she saw my Grandfather after he died, and my Grandmother claimed that he came and ate dinner with her every night. Now I will not say these to be true, since they never happened to me.

I'm a believer, but I don't want to ever see a ghost if that makes sense.

Now I know a lot of you are going to point out my denial of aliens, FreeMasons impact, etc. And that's fine. Even I cannot explain my fascination with ghosts, never really having an expierence. But it's something I've always been fascinated with. And I don't mind people not believing in them.

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but this is no ghost alien topic!

lol, joke

i belive in all that, anyways, that made me go nuts back in sweden, i was paranoid, depressed, and all that stuff.

now im greater...ok, older n' biger, i also feel sometimes that im being watched, or that someone is behind me kinda.

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The House i used to live in was Haunted, when i was a little kid the ghosts would come into my dreams and haunt me! I'm serious about this, like every night i would have a dream about those Ghosts! They were a Family who lived in my food room, sometimes they would take me to the food room so i could hang out with them, it was a family of one girl, one boy, and a mom and dad, but it was the dad who always mess around in my dreams, i hated being tickled in my armpits, and he alwys took me down to the foodroom and tickled my armpits, once i had a dream where he chained up me and my sisters and tickled all of are armpits! And i know what he and his family looked like too, i'm serious on this so please believe me, this was from i was like 7 and shit, for some reason he messed with the rest of my family when they were awake and doing stuff but he would only mess with me when i was sleeping. This was a loooooooooooogn time ago, as you can see i'm 99 years old now. So i believe in Ghosts. Pretty creepy stuff huh?

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  2003 said:
The House i used to live in was Haunted, when i was a little kid the ghosts would come into my dreams and haunt me! I'm serious about this, like every night i would have a dream about those Ghosts! They were a Family who lived in my food room, sometimes they would take me to the food room so i could hang out with them, it was a family of one girl, one boy, and a mom and dad, but it was the dad who always mess around in my dreams, i hated being tickled in my armpits, and he alwys took me down to the foodroom and tickled my armpits, once i had a dream where he chained up me and my sisters and tickled all of are armpits! And i know what he and his family looked like too, i'm serious on this so please believe me, this was from i was like 7 and shit, for some reason he messed with the rest of my family when they were awake and doing stuff but he would only mess with me when i was sleeping. This was a loooooooooooogn time ago, as you can see i'm 99 years old now. So i believe in Ghosts. Pretty creepy stuff huh?

Thats must have been terryifying ghost tickling your armpits. Anyway i do believe as i have had two experiences it was probs around 4 years ago so I was ten and i was trying to get to sleep in the room there were two beds. Then i looked over to the other bed and saw what looked like a little boy around 10 or 11 in those olden day clothes. The rest of the night i was under my blanket pissed scared even to move. My sister said she saw the same then in another room. On a lighter note one time i was bored and got my mobile and shook it when the camera was on and took a pic it looked like and old man. But that could be a cowincidence. At these happended in the same house i am living in today. Our house is around 95 years old.

Edited by Jonker
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Well I can say yes. I was laying on my bed one night (it was around 1am) and I heard a noise, so I opened my eyes and there was a transparent figure sitting on my bed. I looked down at it and it had made a crease in the bed like someone was sitting on it. Then I told my Mum about it the next day, and she got out a picture of my Great Grandpa and I saw that it was him sitting on the bed with me.

Prove is there.

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  draftermatt said:
  The Architect said:
I agree. I'm not gonna believe someone just on their word.

Does someone have a video (not pics) of a ghost?

The show on Sci-Fi "Ghost Hunters" does. Though why are videos so much better than still photos? Both can be manipulated.

I know, but video is alot harder to fake, because of motion an interaction. So people don't even bother, so there's a better chance of a video not being manipulated.

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Alright here are three of my favorite pictures. I took these both, and they are not doctored in any way shape or form.

Look to the far right. See the puffy cloud? This was taken at approx. 10 PM on the campus of Gettysburg College. I turned around and snapped a picture hoping to get something.


This one is hard to explain. There are "orbs" (which no one knows what they are. Could be "ghosts" could be dust. But there was no wind, and it was dark. you should be able to see the orbs.


This is a close up of the house in the last picture. You can again see things around, and also see stuff like faces in the windows.


Now that house we were told has a lot of paranormal activity. Take that for what you will. I've got some other "orb" pictures, and one where you can see something in a window of a barn. What the hell. Here's the barn picture.


Most people I show these too say they can see what I see. Others tell me they see nothing. So who knows really. I don't know if the other people aren't looking hard enough, if they are lying so they don't have to see it. But whatever. Have a gander.

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  -Silberio Da Great- said:

but the second, and forward seems weird, i mean, real kinda

You mean with the "orbs"? Yeah, I've heard about these things. They're around when there's elecro-magnetic activity (aka, ghosts) in the area. But they've been disregarded multiple times, because most of the time they just turn out to be dust particles or in this case I think, mist drops.

That third photo is still creeping me out a little bit... :mellow:

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Oh I know orbs aren't an exact thing. Could be something, could be nothing. The 4th pic has a white ring in part of the photo, which doesn't look like flash to me. And I agree about the third pic. It creeps me out how close I got to that house. I don't think a white puff in the middle of a quiet campus is dust, but it could be.

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