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i think swimming should be in gta iv because it rules!

i dont want vice city stories swimming where u could only swim for a minute, and not underwater. also i dont want it like vcs how u have to do missions to swim for ever.

i want it san andreas style, but obviously more realistic.

what r ur views and

is it confirmed?

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I thought swimming was long overdue when SA introduced it, and liked the approach of building a skill.

I think the next step would be sharks, stay in the water too long & you see the fin slicing the surface followed by....HEEERE's BRUCIE!!! Side note, Bruce was the mechanical shark used in filming JAWS.

Not just a rip-off of Scarface, but an actual Shark ped that has own paths, etc.

Oct 16 won't get here fast enough.

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Maybe ferries and cargo ships could sail around for a change and they might run you over from time to time or suck you into the engine? You could even introduce raiding cargo ships (pirate style!) :D Or if you try to swim up to the statue of liberty, security guys shoot at you because they think you're a terrorist! But yes cold water is a good idea especially around NYC, you could hyperventilate and start to loose health if you stay in the water for too long like in winter and autumn.

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You do know NY is a sea port, hence salt water.


And before you categorically say there's no sharks in the NY area...


Fish are cold blooded, so the water temp would not affect them as much as it would a human.

Liberty is a fictional city & can have any climate R* wants to put in it.

Bearing this in mind, why would sharks be stupid.

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  Urbanoutlaw said:
You do know NY is a sea port, hence salt water.


And before you categorically say there's no sharks in the NY area...


Fish are cold blooded, so the water temp would not affect them as much as it would a human.

Liberty is a fictional city & can have any climate R* wants to put in it.

Bearing this in mind, why would sharks be stupid.

Only a hand full have been recorded. And they were whale sharks at that. This means they never come to the surface, because thier bodies have adapted to only survive deep down in the darkest depths.

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Riding on the back of a dolphin, going fishing, catching turtles, buried treasure from sunken pirate ships, titanic, lost city of atlantis, scuba diving, submarines, whales, seals, jelly fish that can actually harm you, sail boats, para-sailing, surfing, people swimming in the water (could also include them getting eaten by sharks if they put them in the game)... Possibly a life guard side mission too... The options for the water can go on and on... I personally would like to see the blood in the water if you got shot while swimming or bitten by a shark... Getting sucked into the propellers of a big ship was a good idea... Hell, making the beaches/shores of New York more realistic would be cool as well... Crabs and Hermits crawling in the sand, starfish getting washed ashore, etc...

One last thought, depending on how far out they allow us to swim, we could see some ice burghs and some small islands to explore.. Imagine swimming upon a deserted island seeing some hobo out there laying up against a tree lol... They can even put an evil ass monkey that attacks you if you go there too, not killable though so PETA won't jump down R*s backs

Edit: I just thought of something else... If we could swim all the way to the border of Canada and they have some signs out there making fun of them or something... Such as "Don't ask us aboot why you can't come ashore" stupid I know, but it's an idea... I have nothing against Canadians btw

I'm chock-full of ideas for this game :P

What do you guys and gals think of my ideas?

Edited by Wolfman
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Do any of you actually know where New York is?!?! It isn't warm! It isn't carribean or floridian or californian, it's in the bloody cold north! For most times of the year if you jumped in the water you'd soon get hypothermia, there are no islands with palm trees, no actual sharks that would ever attack you - get over it, it isn't vice city - when they make the next GTA location, if it's somewhere warm, then you'll see all these typical beach and tropical features, until then it'd look totally stupid putting those things into Liberty City, it ain't gonna happen!

Edited by Alistair
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  selfdefined said:
sharks would be good, but if a shark bit your arm or head off. it says WASTED.

how do you magically appear with your head sown-swen whatever, back on?

To unrealistic. Plus sharks and NY aren't good together.

And New York and be both hot and cold I believe can't it? It's not Antarctic after all. It does have a summer.

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  Jared said:
And New York and be both hot and cold I believe can't it? It's not Antarctic after all. It does have a summer.

I hate new york in the summer. its wayyyy too humid.

Not being able to be shot from more than a foot under water. its impossible unless the bullet is made out of carbon fibre and has a rocket booster on the back that only starts once it hits the water.

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  tilly said:
  Jared said:
And New York and be both hot and cold I believe can't it? It's not Antarctic after all. It does have a summer.

I hate new york in the summer. its wayyyy too humid.

Not being able to be shot from more than a foot under water. its impossible unless the bullet is made out of carbon fibre and has a rocket booster on the back that only starts once it hits the water.

That's true. Bullets can't travel more than a foot or so in water before braking into little pieces and coming to a squiking hault. :lol:

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