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Niko is like almost 100% confirmed Russian.


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  d0gz1lla said:
hehe well we will see if he is serbian or not, but i found out who is realy similar to niko, ever saw the movie behind the enemy lines? Well there is a guy who look similar to niko, and he was serbian :) im not saying this is niko just said he reminds me of him chek the pic.


Some guy on other forum had a same idea sine he opened a topic about it.

cya around :)

That is a russian actor dude, his name is vladimir mashkov and id advise you to stop spreading bullshit. The Caucasian mountains are between Russia, ukraine and kazahstan! and gues what im from ukraine! if you still dont believe me any of you check this out: http://cache.eb.com/eb/image?id=64758&rendTypeId=4

bel20070331ui1.jpg <--- Russian hahaha

Edited by Dr.Dbl-Gee
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  Dr.Dbl-Gee said:
:D HAHAHAHA ALL YOU THOUGHT HED BE SERBIAN OR CROATIAN OR RUSSIAN BUT HES NOT!!! NIKO IS CAUCASIAN and thats nowhere close to Serbia or Croatia! Im so happy!! :lol: YAY WOOHOO!! LOL 100% RUSSIAN and confirmed SERBIAN!!! HAHAHAHA IN YO FACE!!! its funny how people where so proud but hes not!!! NOT NOT NOT soo toooo baaad... ooooh.... im so happy cuz when i read all the posts from people proudly saying these things which now turn out to be complete BULLSHIT!! its funny c'mon.


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And just to let you guys know, Russian and Serbian is almost the same thing. The languages only have 7 different letters in the alphabet, some words are exactly the same, and the people are both under the same religion. Which leads to Russian support in Serbian political affairs, and vice versa. Some Serbs' would say that Russians are our "brothers" if you know what I'm trying to get at.

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  Brotha said:
Hahaha "Dr.Dbl-Gee" You just made a complete fool outta yourself xD

Caucasian means white skincolor,just like Afro American means black/Brown skin color. How could you not know that ? hahahaha You sure are funny xD

Dude u just made a fool outa urself cuz its a fuckin race and complexion is colour... By the black dude complexion is dark and by niko medium so dude before saying something think about it and if not check the map. check yo self before you reck yo self

Edited by Dr.Dbl-Gee
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  Dr.Dbl-Gee said:
  Brotha said:
Hahaha "Dr.Dbl-Gee" You just made a complete fool outta yourself xD

Caucasian means white skincolor,just like Afro American means black/Brown skin color. How could you not know that ? hahahaha You sure are funny xD

Dude u just made a fool outa urself cuz its a fuckin race and complexion is colour... By the black dude complexion is dark and by niko medium so dude before saying something think about it and if not check the map. check yo self before you reck yo self

Nope, I have to stick up for Brotha here, your definitely wrong in this situation. I'm Caucasian/Italian, Niko is Caucasian/Somethingelse, not trying to start anything but you're definitely wrong.

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This may be important, in the third trailer when he gets off of the train (or whatever) in the very beginning, and says, "zdravo, bracaru", that doesn't mean "hello brother". It actually means, "hello first cousin". After looking a little into it and asking someone with a much greater knowledge for the language, they told me that it sounded more like he was saying "first cousin". Saying "brother" in Serbian is "brot" (not actually spelling, but that's how it sounds), "bracaru" sounds like "first cousin". This would make MUCH more sense in this situation, yes? Roman is Niko's cousin, so I'd be willing to be hes his first cousin.

Edited by MishoM
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"Definitions of caucasian on the Web:

White: a member of the Caucasoid race

of or relating to the geographical region of Caucasia; "Caucasian languages"

a number of languages spoken in the Caucasus that have no known affiliations to languages spoken elsewhere"

so shut up all of you lol, there is more than one meaning so drop it, chop it and crop it b4 u slop it? -.-

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Dr.dbl gee i wasnt spreading shit u fool, i only made an asumption NEVER MADE A FUCKING FACT I NEVER SAID HE IS, ALWAYS SAID HE MIGHT BE. you fucking fool and have some respect toward others,....

Btw where did you read he is caucasian?

I agree i was wrong, so mishom is right. Like i said before, similar language, so it was never 100% right.

cya all around

Oh and merry crishtmas and a happy new year.

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Ah, I love all this banter...

P.S., anyone think that the Vladimir actor looks EXACTLY like Niko? For goodness sakes, it looks as if that one screen of him was taken from Grand Theft Auto IV "The Movie" or something. Atleast if Rockstar decides to ever go Hollywood, they know who to call to play the role.

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