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Grand Theft Auto: SA Trivia!


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False, there are no Cities in the countryside, there are 5 TOWNS

Q: What happens when you get 50 Oysters?


Again,for the second time,the trivia is BUSTED! Samil,i ask from you not to post a question with gaps from a conversation in the game.Because most of us don't actually listen to the guys talking in the cutscene,or in a car.Oh,and BTW,You are a Grade A+ spammer.(no offense).

So'ill post a question.

Where do you stop at the finish in the mission 'Lure'?

A:In the woods

B:At a gas station with a 24/7

This completey missis the point... You can't just ask a new question, just because you don't know the answer to the last question.

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