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>>GTA4 Wishlist<<


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Maybe this sounds a little bit The Sims heh, but I thought I could mention it anyway. How about if you have an apartment, and you could use your phone to order pizza and all, that'd be pretty damn nice, you know on those days when you don't feel like going out or something. I don't know about that idea but it would sure be funny you know, maybe too realistic, I don't know man.

Oh oh oh, and Cro, great idea man, i like it.

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  GTAPlayer said:
Maybe this sounds a little bit The Sims heh, but I thought I could mention it anyway. How about if you have an apartment, and you could use your phone to order pizza and all, that'd be pretty damn nice, you know on those days when you don't feel like going out or something. I don't know about that idea but it would sure be funny you know, maybe too realistic, I don't know man.

Oh oh oh, and Cro, great idea man, i like it.

A bit like the sims but you design the building of your apartment and stuff like that.

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Yeah a little bit hehe... Well, it's a good idea you know, I wouldn't mind that the day goes a little bit slower... But sleeping and everything, I don't know man, I'm not sure if that's GTA... But yeah, maybe you could have the option to sleep when you need to recover, you know from a fight or something. Oh yeah.

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a couple ideas...

- snow has to be included. it shud accumulate and cover parked cars and make the roads slippery

- snowmobiles, skis, snowboards and other vehicles make for the snow

- you shud see other people in the woods doing their own thing

- much thicker and more life-like woods and better trails with mud. also ponds and rivers and such so you can go white water rafting or sumthin

- when your in a chase with the cops and you switch cars without any cops around to see you and u flee the area quickly enough, your wanted level shud dissapear

- cars such as rocket cars, dragsters ect

- bigger unique jumps like a draw bridge

- tanks with tracks instead of wheels and dont blow up cars on contact, also when the army comes after you they fire the cannon

- a car museum that has cars like the general lee, the bat mobile, and a 007 car that can release tacs or a oil slick behind it

- more ways to control gang members such as having them drive u to a destination or follow somebody. you shud also be able to hav gang members hang out anywhere you want them

- some way to show your last unique jump/ insane stunt

- if a cars locked you should be able to break the door off or smash the window and unlock it

- a more realistic 1st person view when youre driving so you can see the steering wheel and stuff

- more ways to make your car faster and handle better

- u shud be able to use your own music to listen to while playing

- be able to climb ladders fences ect

- bums on the street play instruments and do funny things for money, you shud also be able to hire them just like gang members only they arent as skilled for instance they are shitty drivers and they can't shoot as good

- they shud hav loan sharks and if you dont pay them back people will come and kill you over and over until you pay them back

- new ways to earn and spend money

- being able to rob people instead of having to kill them, but other people shud be able to rob you too

- being able to sell drugs but if you sell to an undercover cop you will get a wanted level

- being able to carry around multiple vehicles on the packer or in the back of a 18 wheeler

- being able to get drunk like in the phil cassidy mission in vice city

- adrenaline pill works while driving

- being able to take hostages but at which point cops will use snipers so you hav to keep moving

- traffic shud be a little more real for example in the middle of the night the streets shud be pretty much empty while during rush hour there shud many many cars on the road. this might help on missions where u get into long car chases.

- when you hear a cop on the police radio you shud be able to go to where they are and see whats happening

Edited by tdog07029
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  tdog07029 said:
a couple ideas...

- snow has to be included. it shud accumulate and cover parked cars and make the roads slippery (I completely agree man, snow is... Oh man, I've said it a hundred times but damn, snow would be great man, yeah, and Moscow would be a great city for it)

- snowmobiles, skis, snowboards and other vehicles make for the snow (Shit man, snowmobiles and all sounds like a pretty damn good idea, why not, great idea!!)

- you shud see other people in the woods doing their own thing (Yeah man, like in SA, you never saw any damn peds just camping around or something, or anyone beating up someone, yeah man, that's a good idea)

- much thicker and more life-like woods and better trails with mud. also ponds and rivers and such so you can go white water rafting or sumthin (Yeah more realistic woods, oh yeah, and I'm pretty damn sure that will happen, and ponds and rivers sounds like a great idea, and white water rafting sounds great too)

- when your in a chase with the cops and you switch cars without any cops around to see you and u flee the area quickly enough, your wanted level shud dissapear (Yeah but the cops should still be suspicious you know, and maybe if driving too close the cops, then they should be able to recognize you, now the cops in the previous GTA games has been kinda stupid you know, so better AI, much better AI)

- cars such as rocket cars, dragsters ect (Yeah sounds like a good idea, you could for an example perform races with dragsters and win money or something)

- bigger unique jumps like a draw bridge (bigger, oh yeah)

- tanks with tracks instead of wheels and dont blow up cars on contact, also when the army comes after you they fire the cannon (Yeah man that sounds cool, and I agree, I don't think the cars should explode when you get in contact with a car, instead when you run over the car it should be totally crushed man, now with better graphics it would look awesome)

- a car museum that has cars like the general lee, the bat mobile, and a 007 car that can release tacs or a oil slick behind it (not sure about that one, but why not)

- more ways to control gang members such as having them drive u to a destination or follow somebody. you shud also be able to hav gang members hang out anywhere you want them (Yeah more options with the gangs, but not too much you know, we don't want GTA to become any strategy game, but those are some good ideas)

- some way to show your last unique jump/ insane stunt (Some kind of replay eh, yeah, like when you've performed a stunt, you get the question if you want to save it, so that way you can show off your crazy stunts)

- if a cars locked you should be able to break the door off or smash the window and unlock it (Yeah man, we've been talking about that before, and yeah, smash the car windows and open the door is something I hope they will have, or brake the door of course)

- a more realistic 1st person view when youre driving so you can see the steering wheel and stuff (That has also been mentioned before, and as I said in another earlier post, you should be able to see the dashboard and the car windows etc, and should also have the option to view outside the windows, let's say with the right analog stick, and for an example, when taking a cab, you could get the option to skip the trip or if you want to stay in the car and enjoy the view, and again, with the right analog stick, that's a great way to see the city)

- more ways to make your car faster and handle better (Oh yeah, we've been on about this too, there should be an option to make your own club or something, having your own garage so you can mod cars and everything, paint jobs, engine tunes etc, and having your own employees wouldn't be such a bad idea, and having the option to fire them, and sell cars to earn some extra cash)

- u shud be able to use your own music to listen to while playing (Oh yeah, that'd be great man)

- be able to climb ladders fences ect (Yeah, many ppl want this, not only that, also to have the option to sit down on a bench or something)

- bums on the street play instruments and do funny things for money, you shud also be able to hire them just like gang members only they arent as skilled for instance they are shitty drivers and they can't shoot as good (Maybe so, I'm not really sure about that idea but yeah it could work)

- they shud hav loan sharks and if you dont pay them back people will come and kill you over and over until you pay them back (Sounds a little bit frustrating, but yeah that would make it more realistic, and having the option to pay back, that's great)

- new ways to earn and spend money (Again, like selling cars, I know you did that in LCS but I'm talking about a more realistic way to do it, there's more, like sell different merchandise, yeah man there's tons of possibilities)

- being able to rob people instead of having to kill them, but other people shud be able to rob you too (You could rob, in VC, but yeah, again with improving stuff and all, and yes, other people should be able to rob stores and all shit, and even you)

- being able to sell drugs but if you sell to an undercover cop you will get a wanted level (That will make things more exciting, knowing that he/she could actually be an undercover cop, so you gotta be a bit careful, yeah I like that)

- being able to carry around multiple vehicles on the packer or in the back of a 18 wheeler (Yeah, I'd like that, would be fun)

- being able to get drunk like in the phil cassidy mission in vice city (Yeah, drunk... I'd like that too you know, it would affect on how you're driving and all, sounds good, and you should be more vulnerable to get in a fight or something)

- adrenaline pill works while driving (Hehe... PEDAL TO THE METAL!)

- being able to take hostages but at which point cops will use snipers so you hav to keep moving (Yeah snipers would be a great idea man, and also take hostages, like when doing robbery or something more interesting)

- traffic shud be a little more real for example in the middle of the night the streets shud be pretty much empty while during rush hour there shud many many cars on the road. this might help on missions where u get into long car chases. (Yeah, but don't forget, like on Fridays/Saturdays and everything the traffic can be real big during night, and yeah rush hour traffic is something we've been going on about, so yeah man, that'd be great)

- when you hear a cop on the police radio you shud be able to go to where they are and see whats happening (That could be pretty damn interesting yeah)

Whoa man, that's quite a list you got there, but hey man, that's what this topic is for, alright man as you can see the bold text is my comments on every wish.

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I dunno about the drugs I mean is like R* has an anti-drug message.In SA you have to clean the streets of drug-deallers and in GTA 3 you have to do a mission about getting rid of some drugs ...But yeah getting high will be so cool but if a cop sees you you`re busted :)

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  tdog07029 said:
a couple ideas...

- snow has to be included. it shud accumulate and cover parked cars and make the roads slippery

- snowmobiles, skis, snowboards and other vehicles make for the snow

- you shud see other people in the woods doing their own thing

- much thicker and more life-like woods and better trails with mud. also ponds and rivers and such so you can go white water rafting or sumthin

- when your in a chase with the cops and you switch cars without any cops around to see you and u flee the area quickly enough, your wanted level shud dissapear

- cars such as rocket cars, dragsters ect

- bigger unique jumps like a draw bridge

- tanks with tracks instead of wheels and dont blow up cars on contact, also when the army comes after you they fire the cannon

- a car museum that has cars like the general lee, the bat mobile, and a 007 car that can release tacs or a oil slick behind it

- more ways to control gang members such as having them drive u to a destination or follow somebody. you shud also be able to hav gang members hang out anywhere you want them

- some way to show your last unique jump/ insane stunt

- if a cars locked you should be able to break the door off or smash the window and unlock it

- a more realistic 1st person view when youre driving so you can see the steering wheel and stuff

- more ways to make your car faster and handle better

- u shud be able to use your own music to listen to while playing

- be able to climb ladders fences ect

- bums on the street play instruments and do funny things for money, you shud also be able to hire them just like gang members only they arent as skilled for instance they are shitty drivers and they can't shoot as good

- they shud hav loan sharks and if you dont pay them back people will come and kill you over and over until you pay them back

- new ways to earn and spend money

- being able to rob people instead of having to kill them, but other people shud be able to rob you too

- being able to sell drugs but if you sell to an undercover cop you will get a wanted level

- being able to carry around multiple vehicles on the packer or in the back of a 18 wheeler

- being able to get drunk like in the phil cassidy mission in vice city

- adrenaline pill works while driving

- being able to take hostages but at which point cops will use snipers so you hav to keep moving

- traffic shud be a little more real for example in the middle of the night the streets shud be pretty much empty while during rush hour there shud many many cars on the road. this might help on missions where u get into long car chases.

- when you hear a cop on the police radio you shud be able to go to where they are and see whats happening

Grate list some of those stuff I realy love, man.

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  tdog07029 said:
a couple ideas...

- snow has to be included. it shud accumulate and cover parked cars and make the roads slippery

- snowmobiles, skis, snowboards and other vehicles make for the snow

- you shud see other people in the woods doing their own thing

- much thicker and more life-like woods and better trails with mud. also ponds and rivers and such so you can go white water rafting or sumthin

- when your in a chase with the cops and you switch cars without any cops around to see you and u flee the area quickly enough, your wanted level shud dissapear

- cars such as rocket cars, dragsters ect

- bigger unique jumps like a draw bridge

- tanks with tracks instead of wheels and dont blow up cars on contact, also when the army comes after you they fire the cannon

- a car museum that has cars like the general lee, the bat mobile, and a 007 car that can release tacs or a oil slick behind it

- more ways to control gang members such as having them drive u to a destination or follow somebody. you shud also be able to hav gang members hang out anywhere you want them

- some way to show your last unique jump/ insane stunt

- if a cars locked you should be able to break the door off or smash the window and unlock it

- a more realistic 1st person view when youre driving so you can see the steering wheel and stuff

- more ways to make your car faster and handle better

- u shud be able to use your own music to listen to while playing

- be able to climb ladders fences ect

- bums on the street play instruments and do funny things for money, you shud also be able to hire them just like gang members only they arent as skilled for instance they are shitty drivers and they can't shoot as good

- they shud hav loan sharks and if you dont pay them back people will come and kill you over and over until you pay them back

- new ways to earn and spend money

- being able to rob people instead of having to kill them, but other people shud be able to rob you too

- being able to sell drugs but if you sell to an undercover cop you will get a wanted level

- being able to carry around multiple vehicles on the packer or in the back of a 18 wheeler

- being able to get drunk like in the phil cassidy mission in vice city

- adrenaline pill works while driving

- being able to take hostages but at which point cops will use snipers so you hav to keep moving

- traffic shud be a little more real for example in the middle of the night the streets shud be pretty much empty while during rush hour there shud many many cars on the road. this might help on missions where u get into long car chases.

- when you hear a cop on the police radio you shud be able to go to where they are and see whats happening

I agree with nearly all of those ideas. Im guessing that this has already mentioned in the previous 85 pages but it would be cool if you could pimp out your house by chosing funiture and etc and being able to make cars and boats spawn at your house and where ever you are like in Scarface.

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  CroScorpion said:
Yeah, thats it.

And if police see you entering in pay n spray then police will not stop killing you

Yeah it to unrealistic, ive had a cop drive into the pay and spray with me and lost all my stars. It would be good if you could buy a radar for your car to see where the cops are.

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Well, I kinda like that feature, you know when you go into Pay 'N' Spray and you lose all your wanted level stars. I know it's not that realistic, but damn, don't forget that this is a game, I know now when the next-gen consoles are coming we want it as realistic as possible, but not too realistic if you know what I mean, I'd love to have it very realistic but I don't want it to cross the line if you know what I'm saying. Pay 'N' Spray has served that feature for a long time, and I like it, wouldn't mind still having it in GTA IV, but maybe it's time for a change, I don't know, it's going to be interesting to see what R* has done, but one thing is for sure, whatever they do, it will be amazing.

Edit: jonker93, not bad, not bad at all, know what I'm saying, having some kind of radar sounds nice, you know what would be cool? Something like Driver, so you can see the cops on your mini-map, know what I'm saying. Oh and Gycu, you're probably right, I knew that, they have had drugs in the past GTA games but you've never like tried it youself, know what I'm saying, but we'll see what they do.

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