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>>GTA4 Wishlist<<


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Here's my updated wish list B)

Good Graphics (like half life 2)

Dig holes and bury bodies

Do drive bys with any weapon

Better car damage

Police jump on your car but not on missions like if you get three wanted stars

Weapon upgrades on cars like in GTA 2



A zoo

Sharks in sea

Ejector seats in planes

Skate boards


Homies able to drive your car so you can do drive by's

Put things in your car boot like a body

Take people hostage.

Grenade launcher

Pick up bodies

Have gadgets like a laser coming out of your watch

Air ship like in vice city but this time you are able to steel it and hot air balloons.

Police dogs

It would be cool if R* made a cheat for gta4 like all peds are Zombies

and they try and eat you.

A island out at sea and the only way to get there is by plane or boat.

A mission select when you beat the game

Woods like san andreas but bigger

A mission where you have to fly to vice city

Skate board

Shoot holes in cars

More missions

Bigger map

2 player spit screen B)

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what features i would like to see on GTA 4

-able to choose which gang you would like to be a part of


-able to buy cars from a showroom,especially rare and cool cars only

-loads of different gangs

-roughly set in the modern day,around 2000

-create your own character,from scratch,male/female and so on

-brighter colours and car headlights,when driving in san andreas sometimes i am unable to see infront of the car or the car i am driving,possibly need to adjust the brightness on my television?

-split screen multiplayer with free roaming

-able to hide from plice in isolated areas and when killing police in a non-witnessable secluded area no wanted level,how could anybody possibly know?

-more 'r3' missions Eg; hitman/assasin

-refueling equal to the amount of times you would need to refuel in real life but converted into GTA time

-start game young,then as u progress you age maybe from 16 years old untill 30?or a variable age?

-able to sell things that u steal,or unwanted items EG;guns,televisions,microwaves etc.

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-roughly set in the modern day,around 2000

i hope its set in 2006 or 2007, whatever year it comes out

-brighter colours and car headlights,when driving in san andreas sometimes i am unable to see infront of the car or the car i am driving,possibly need to adjust the brightness on my television?

you just need to brighten your TV ;)

-refueling equal to the amount of times you would need to refuel in real life but converted into GTA time

i like this idea, however, the members here do NOT. expect lots to say against this ;)

-start game young,then as u progress you age maybe from 16 years old untill 30?or a variable age?

this would be cool, although i'd rather avoid GTA be turned into the sims

-able to sell things that u steal,or unwanted items EG;guns,televisions,microwaves etc.
you can do this in SA, but you cant sell guns
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i would love GTA to be set in new york, japan and england. that would be good cause it wud be varied. also i would like the following weapons: blowtorch, fibre wire, drill, machete (bring the melee weaponz back from vice city!), a cordless toaster lol, a cordless blender, tazer, pepper spray, and loads more. i would also like the ability to put upgrades on your weapons.

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A) GTA has already been set in New York, named after "Liberty Island" in real life New York.

B ) Rockstar has a license for GTA Japan, so it's a posibility.

C) There has been a lot of talk to england as an upcoming location.

Edited by Dave Yak
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  Carljohnson55 said:
you just need to brighten your TV ;)

you can do this in SA, but you cant sell guns

WRONG,i do not need to brighten my TV i can see other things in the game very clearly except while driving in the countyside at night, so whats the >> ;) look all about ? :angry:

also i do have GTA S.A and have completed it many times and i think that you were trying to mock me or seem smart when you replied "you can so this in SA..." about selling UNWANTED ITEMS ;) EG GUNS!! i also know that you can sell stolen items so why try to be smart? ;) im not stupid!!!

i have freedom of speech and freedom of being able to express my opinion i do not expect to be mocked in the future,it was simply some ideas to help pickle other peoples heads,and was looking for somebody to perhaps build on what i said not mock what i said ;)

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  !craig! said:
WRONG,i do not need to brighten my TV i can see other things in the game very clearly except while driving in the countyside at night, so whats the >> ;) look all about ? :angry:

also i do have GTA S.A and have completed it many times and i think that you were trying to mock me or seem smart when you replied "you can so this in SA..." about selling UNWANTED ITEMS ;) EG GUNS!! i also know that you can sell stolen items so why try to be smart? ;) im not stupid!!!

i have freedom of speech and freedom of being able to express my opinion i do not expect to be mocked in the future,it was simply some ideas to help pickle other peoples heads,and was looking for somebody to perhaps build on what i said not mock what i said ;)

fyi, we arent gonna not make fun of you cuz you told us not to ;) i have played SA all the way through and never noticed being able to sell guns outside the story missions.

and he and you do need to brighten your TVs cuz i brighten mine and i can see just fine so ;) right back at you :bleh:

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did i tell you not to,im 100% sure that i said i dont expect you to mock me in the future get your facts right,and you have missinterpretted what i wrote i said you should be able to sell guns or unwanted items in the next GTA not in S.A

wwwwwwaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I BET YOU FEEL STUPID


Edited by !craig!
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This is dumb but I'll just barge in. :)

i have freedom of speech and freedom of being able to express my opinion i do not expect to be mocked in the future,it was simply some ideas to help pickle other peoples heads,and was looking for somebody to perhaps build on what i said not mock what i said ;)

I don't know if there's a slang, which I believe there isn't, but there's no verb form for "pickle". How do you pickle a person's head? I don't think Jezz had intentions of offending you earlier on, but you started implying that he "mocked" you, which urged him to really mock you, and stop using the wink smiley, please.

A) GTA has already been set in New York, named after "Liberty Island" in real life New York.

B ) Rockstar has a license for GTA Japan, so it's a posibility.

C) There has been a lot of talk to england as an upcoming location.

Most people expect London, for now.

ive been here for like 5 months.

You registered last month. So you took 4 months to decide to join? If I find a forum interesting, the most I'll take is... One day. :mellow:


Now you feel stupid. To prove that you're "smart", push the feel of stupidity to me, I'm very honest, I'll tell you if I feel it. ;) *wink*

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the key-word in that sentence about "pickle" was "believe" just because you believe in something doesnt mean that you're correct,get a better mark in litrature or something,will you,return to school or read more books something to improve your english standard because its appauling,i shall continue to use the ;) *wink* freely thank you very much and to "jezz" have you resulted in giving up beacause you can't think of a good enough come-back or is it because you know that i am correct "yeah whatever" sounds a bit girly to me are u a girl? :clapping::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:

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get a better mark in litrature or something,will you,return to school or read more books something to improve your english standard because its appauling,

I'm fluent in English, just not a literature person. So lesson learnt, don't slang around on forums, because some people may not understand it. I'm pretty sure you can speak well, but your typing, especially the spelling part is appalling.

"yeah whatever" sounds a bit girly to me are u a girl?

My brother uses it, my guy cousins use it, my guy friends use it.

After all, it isn't a crime for a guy showing a little feminine side of his, right? ;)

Edit: "Jezz" is a hip name, I like it.

Edited by EddTehPwn3R
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In an attempt to put this thread back on track:

I want a mission where you can use a robot to do certain actions. Defuse a bomb, find a piece of evidence, put out a fire. Something random.


Edited by Dave Yak
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  Joonas said:
Its so F**KING S**T!!! I get warned by going offtopic look what up here!!! GOSH! Admins have something against me personally i can smell it...

well, mods have a better chance of warning a member if they dont like them. no offense, i dont kno the whole story, but the mods dont seem to like you well. prolly cuz of how much you flip out about a little warning. if you dont like the way this forum goes, no one is making you stay dude. im not telling you to leave, tho, just give TGTAP a chance. stop arguing with mods and youll start to like this place. thats what i did and now i love TGTAP. the mods here are awesome!

Edit: "Jezz" is a hip name, I like it.

thanks. yea cuz you kno Jezz Torrent from vice city?

thats another thing. i hope theres a kick ass punk band in GTA4

Edited by Jezz Torrent
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jezz are you from america or ausrtailia or somwhere about that part of the world because the time that you last left a reply was 3:46 am well thats the time here in britain? i think? i think that we should stop bickering?this is an attempt to sort things out.

Edited by !craig!
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  Jezz Torrent said:
well, mods have a better chance of warning a member if they dont like them. no offense, i dont kno the whole story, but the mods dont seem to like you well. prolly cuz of how much you flip out about a little warning. if you dont like the way this forum goes, no one is making you stay dude. im not telling you to leave, tho, just give TGTAP a chance. stop arguing with mods and youll start to like this place. thats what i did and now i love TGTAP. the mods here are awesome!

Yeah you're right but it all started from an rule - Not bumping old pics and the thing I said "misundaztood" once now the mods hate me. But people are cool around here

EDIT: I bet I'll get warned again :P

Edited by Joonas
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Okay okay guys calm down. Nobody is gonna get warned here unless they keep on bickering, okay?

Craig, there's no need to lash out. If someone is wrong, say so then continue. Bickering about it isn't gonna help anyone, and you're only really gonna make yourself look bad if you spaz out on someone.

Joonas, nobody hates you. Just so long as you don't keep posting useless posts like that then everybody will like you. This is a GTA4 wishlist, remember?

Jezz, whether you're right or wrong, don't wind him up. You know how easy it is to do it, so be sensible enough not to do it.

Back ON TOPIC everybody, now, or else.

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  xenon said:
Joonas, nobody hates you. Just so long as you don't keep posting useless posts like that then everybody will like you. This is a GTA4 wishlist, remember?

You didn't tell to them its gta4 wishlist like they'd be on topic and I did only one simple post and you call it useless off topic blablabla (at least thats what you mean) :down:

Oh and to not be off topic I'd like NFSMW chases, no police helis and wanted basics (better car collisiion, bigger map, better physics, smarter cops....)

I found an undercover way to be on topic :P

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  Atomic77 said:
um How about more realistic blood and gore and you can see the dead peoples guts go flying. as they get distroyed.

more realistic blood yes, but i dont wanna see guts and insides go flying. it isnt a horror game remember. i think it would ruin it if it were too bloody and gorey, but a tune up on the blood would be great. blood splattering on a wall would be good

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  Atomic77 said:
um How about more realistic blood and gore and you can see the dead peoples guts go flying. as they get distroyed.

And if Rockstar did that the game probably would never make it to shelves. Especially in other countries than america.. because america lets go of a lot. And i agree, it's not a horror game. I'd rather see time spent on Ragdoll* and Nature.* When someone gets hit by a car, i don't want to see guts, i want to see their bodies flipping and twirling in the area like real life. I'm not into the pre-animated bodies being thrown everywhere.

Take a look at Saint's Row, they have ragdoll and I'm 70% sure that Rockstar has already implemented ragdoll code.

Edited by Dave Yak
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