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The Old GTA Place


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Argh, those layouts were done in Frontpage and made for 800x600 only!!

omg how much do they suck :weird:

well, it shows you how far we have come though doesn't it.

EDIT: kewl our old phpbb2 boards http://web.archive.org/web/20030714011714/...hpBB2/index.php

how legendary was that, custom skin and stuff. pity the images dont get archived.

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Here are the old forums, back in their hay-day, which we are actually returning to now.


Check out the activity and stats we got

Our members have made a total of 28897 posts

We have 273 registered members

Randomness: an amusing topic http://web.archive.org/web/20040113224441/...=ST&f=45&t=1424

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Oh yeah, he was, lol, anyways, pyroxide, dont you think we could do it again, it was a peacefull place, not shit talking, just serious talking.

So what you say? Only experienced members, veterans, no newbies!

Edited by Bryce
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Yeah, like the Dojo and stuff, no newbies allowed, forum with a password...

yeah, i am

I like member masks better than passwords. Passwords can be cracked.

Back then you were a bit of a prick.

And Pyro wasn't?

Exactly, chris check this

In admin cp, create a new group, but not from members but admins, you call the group Veterans(or wtv), take off admin rights and stuff so they cant enter the admin cp (and if you want take off modding rights). Then you say that to the Dojo only admins can enter, and as you created that group from admins, they will be allowed to enter, unlike normal members, its a great idea!

As in allowed to enter, i mostly mean, allowed to see it.

Edited by Bryce
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Yeah, like the Dojo and stuff, no newbies allowed, forum with a password...

yeah, i am

I like member masks better than passwords. Passwords can be cracked.

Back then you were a bit of a prick.

And Pyro wasn't?

Exactly, chris check this

In admin cp, create a new group, but not from members but admins, you call the group Veterans(or wtv), take off admin rights and stuff so they cant enter the admin cp (and if you want take off modding rights). Then you say that to the Dojo only admins can enter, and as you created that group from admins, they will be allowed to enter, unlike normal members, its a great idea!

As in allowed to enter, i mostly mean, allowed to see it.

Yep, safest way to do it! ^_^

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Wow, you actually understood, i thought chris was the only that could understand it, not that you arent smart enough, but i didnt know you, at least, dont know about the others, actually know about the Admin Cp.

lol, well thanks for supporting my idea



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It's half 2 in the morning. Fuck it, i'll do something tomorrow.

It will be with a password because it's too much hassle with all of that member masks, every time someone becomes a Vet i'll have to switch their groups around etc.

Its easier to just pm them with the pass.

Plus when someone goes in who shouldnt have the password we get some action. As in we get to interrogate people to see how they got the password :P

Im tired.

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good point, it would be fun to question that member, but if you dont want to do it, gimme access to admin cp for 2 mins, and i'll do it. I remember everything, lol, months of working with that, what a pain in the ass (at the start)

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Wow, you actually understood, i thought chris was the only that could understand it, not that you arent smart enough, but i didnt know you, at least, dont know about the others, actually know about the Admin Cp.

lol, well thanks for supporting my idea



I like member masks better than passwords. Passwords can be cracked.


I was the one who mentioned the idea first.

And what makes you more special than me? I know my fair share of IPB. ^_^


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