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What cars did you collect?

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Im really proud of the cars i have collect in my parking spots in IV. Here is a list

Bohan - Black Bentley (...), Red Ferrari (Turismo)

Algonquin - Black Hummer H2 (Patriot), Red Porsche (Comet)

Alderney - Red Lambo (Infernus), Black Auston Martin (Super GT)


I got Bentley from an ORIGINAL Pegorino mission next to his house where it usually spawns.

You get the Lambo as a REWARD after some missions and if you do not keep it you cannot ever find it again (Not confirmed).

The H2 I own is the one ORIGINALLY from Playboy X resprayed.

The Auston Martin is not common but can be found around but i got it ORIGINALLY from one of Pegorino's missions.

The Porsche is the ORIGINAL one from the racing mission with brucie resprayed.


The red Turismo is the only car i own which is not from an ORIGINAL storyline mission. I found it.

Edited by Dr.Dbl-Gee
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  mutu said:
Nice.. I haven't got time to store up my parking lots yet, but I got an yellow turismo I think, that I got from one of the missions. Other than that it's not much to be proud of outside my safehouses :P

I finished the game and i collected the cars on the way to the finish what makes me proud. In Algonquin you get a nice house. My H2 is standing by its side.

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Dude you guys suck! Check my parking spots (I HAVE A TAXI CAB!!!):

Bohan - Taxi cab (ORIGINAL YELLOW!), Delivery Van (Mule, ORIGINAL!)

Algonquin - Hybrid stationwagon (Perenial, ORIGINAL), Rusty Esparanto type of car (Emperor, ORIGINAL RUST)

Alderney - Empty, ORIGINAL GROUND!

Lol :P

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  GTA Don said:
I don't know exactly what cars I have, but I do know that I have a Patriot in the house that Playboy used to own, and an Infernus (thank you, Bryce Dawkin!) in the apartment that Roman bought.

You get it only once though dont you? because my friend didnt save it and he cant find it anymore... That sucks for him cuz its the best car in the game.

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  Zodiac said:
Yes i do beleive the car you get from Florian/Bryce can only be aquired once, though why he didn't save it is beyond me, i drove it to the safe house straight away before i took it for a spin.

As soon as i got the car i also as quick as possibly drove to the nearest safehouse. On my way i was experementing with the handling and it seems pretty awesome. Since i brought it to my house i havent driven once. Too scared to fuck it up!

Anyways its now added to my collection. Just got it.

Edited by AIR
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  Zodiac said:
not finished yet, nearly there though, multiplayer been distracting me alot :) i do have turismo (favourite car) and a maverick though, nothing else speacial, though i do have a bus in bohan.

How did you park a mevarick?? You mean you can access it or you actually parket it? lol i can imagine.

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  Dr.Dbl-Gee said:
Im really proud of the cars i have collect in my parking spots in IV. Here is a list

Bohan - Black Bentley (...), Red Ferrari (Turismo)

Algonquin - Black Hummer H2 (Patriot), Red Porsche (Comet)

Alderney - Red Lambo (Infernus), Black Auston Martin (Super GT)


I got Bentley from an ORIGINAL Pegorino mission next to his house where it usually spawns.

You get the Lambo as a REWARD after some missions and if you do not keep it you cannot ever find it again (Not confirmed).

The H2 I own is the one ORIGINALLY from Playboy X resprayed.

The Auston Martin is not common but can be found around but i got it ORIGINALLY from one of Pegorino's missions.

The Porsche is the ORIGINAL one from the racing mission with brucie resprayed.


The red Turismo is the only car i own which is not from an ORIGINAL storyline mission. I found it.

What abut the house in broker you can still save cars there even after
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Broker: Rancher,hellfury,backfirin sabre

bohan: ruiner and custom color cavalcade all black including the wheels

plaboy X house: delimonte (prius saw comerial for it had to have)and If I remebr the name I'll edit this

roman big apartment: turiismo, sultun RS

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  AIR said:
  Zodiac said:
Yes i do beleive the car you get from Florian/Bryce can only be aquired once, though why he didn't save it is beyond me, i drove it to the safe house straight away before i took it for a spin.

As soon as i got the car i also as quick as possibly drove to the nearest safehouse. On my way i was experementing with the handling and it seems pretty awesome. Since i brought it to my house i havent driven once. Too scared to fuck it up!

Anyways its now added to my collection. Just got it.

That's the best car I've seen in the game so far, I also drove to the nearest safehouse to save it there. I drove as carefully as I could but I had to test the acceleration on my way over there, that was amazing. The sounds on the cars in the game are very realistic and good.

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Yes, your original savehouse parking space still works, I have my Comet (from Brucie) & a freeway parked there.

In Bohan I have Little Jacob's Huntly Sport & a Zombie & at the nice apartment Roman bought I have a white Contender

& a green Stallion courtesy of one of the random characters. I haven't opened Playboy X's place yet but have a Patriot

from one of his missions there.

Each space is confirmed to hold 2 vehicles when I shut down & re-load but I have held 2 cars & 2 bikes in Broker

while playing. Just move 2 outside the space when saving.

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Im really sad... I lost most of these cars by trying to complete the game by 100%

My list now

Bohan - Black Bentley (...), Red Ferrari (Turismo) Both gone

Algonquin - Black Hummer H2 (Patriot), Red Porsche (Comet) I still own these 2

Alderney - Red Lambo (Infernus), Black Auston Martin (Super GT) Both gone

Here is how i lost my infernus which you only get once:

I just randomly went on this Assassin mission called "dead end". I went to the location, killed all the fags while the main dude ran off. When i was done with the rest of the people i got a car and drove after him. In the distance i saw a red infernus driving... I was possitive it was mine but not quite sure. The dude didnt stop until the car cought on fire. He fell out, i killed him and the car exploded. I went to my safehouse to save and... Where is my lovely infernus?!? GONE!!! EXPLODED!!! WTF, that fagitass motherfucker went to MY SAFEHOUSE and took MY CAR!!!

Ye, and thats how it ended.

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The Infernus isn't unique.

Once you've aquired a car for the first time the game loads that vehicle into some kind of stored list and you'll start to see loads of them. Before I aquired the comet from the brucie race I hadn't seen a single one, now they're everywhere. Same goes for the Infernus. :)

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  popej said:
The Infernus isn't unique.

Once you've aquired a car for the first time the game loads that vehicle into some kind of stored list and you'll start to see loads of them. Before I aquired the comet from the brucie race I hadn't seen a single one, now they're everywhere. Same goes for the Infernus. :)

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I disagree. Even after i unlocked the infernus and drove around with it, i never saw ANY single one driven by a ped or parket. I still have mine and i drive around in it and i dont see any second one.

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  AIR said:
  popej said:
The Infernus isn't unique.

Once you've aquired a car for the first time the game loads that vehicle into some kind of stored list and you'll start to see loads of them. Before I aquired the comet from the brucie race I hadn't seen a single one, now they're everywhere. Same goes for the Infernus. :)

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I disagree. Even after i unlocked the infernus and drove around with it, i never saw ANY single one driven by a ped or parket. I still have mine and i drive around in it and i dont see any second one.

Comet, ye, but it was never meant to be unique. It was just a cool sports car but the infernus is a Lambo from the 80's which was given to you as a gift. My friend trashed his and since has also not found a new one.

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My List of Cars



Buffalo (NOT FIB)-red

Burnt down safehouse

None (they disapeared) used to have Corquette and A Banshee-both silver

Middle Park East



Playboy's Mansion

FIB Buffalo


Alderny city

PMP 600 (BIG indentation on left rear)

P.S. Can anyone tell me where a parked location of a REGULAR buffalo is, because i hijacked mine from an old person

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