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Fingerless Glove Issue Solved**


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Hey Guys,

I emailed* Rockstargames and asked about the Fingerless Gloves and this is what they had to say. :hurrhurr:

Pictures from my email! :rolleyes:

Click the pictures to make them larger!






But Look what Fingerless Gloves are in the game. This Images are from the gameplay Niko is wearing the fingerless Gloves!



They were believed to be found by 2 french guys.

Edited by GTA Series Fan
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  Llama said:
We kinda all knew this before... good news is, they're in the PC version!

Well maybe like they did for the console version. They did show the pictures Niko wearing the gloves but in the final gameplay version there weren't any gloves. :bashhead:

WE DON'T know??? If R* is actually going to put the gloves in the PC version! :whistle:

Edited by GTA Series Fan
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