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Merry Christmas Everyone!


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Hmm so far i got

sennheiser hd215 headphones

guitar hero III + 2 guitars (for wii) (i already had a burnt III, and WT lol.)

guitar hero aerosmith + guitar also for wii, but guitar is stuffed, yellow wont work :(

moneys XD

nfs undercover ps2

2yr subscription to fastfours (car magazine)

and i think im getting a top gear DVD from my other cousins.. :)

btw guitar hero i can only play easy LOL. i can play every song like 85% or higher on easy. have tried a couple on medium in guitar hero III

Edited by WRX22B1998
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Hey, hope everyone has a Merry Christmas. It's still the 24th for me. Most of the more expensive things I've been wanting I'm going to get on my own in the future so I'm not expecting anything super expensive but I'm definitely excited for some new running shoes and whatever else I'm getting. Plus I shopped for my parents and my good friends this year with my own money(thank you job), and that felt great to do that - can't wait to see everyone open their presents I got them.

Again, hope everyone here at the forum has a great holiday, whichever one it may be.

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  On 12/25/2010 at 11:01 PM, rockstarrem said:
  On 12/25/2010 at 7:41 PM, Miles Pedro Prower said:

and a toy car (WTF, my aunt thinks I'm 5...) o.o'

Yeah, that's gonna happen. It says on your profile that you're 13, that was such a weird age for gifts for me... I got a Toy Story skateboard from someone. I don't skate, and I wasn't into Toy Story.

rockstarrem speaks the truth. Stuff like that has happened to me a few times. Just always be sure to have good communication with your family on the matter of what you want, unless you want to be surprised(which can be equally nice, especially if they know you well).

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It's probably the best Xmas haul I've had in a long time. Got a new digital camera which can film in HD, but I saw that a 2 min clip I filmed is over 200MB in size... a pair of Turtle Beaches for PS3 - PX21, 2 BluRays - An Idiot Abroad and Top Gear Apocalypse, 4 games, GOW Collection, AC Brotherhood, GT5 and R&C A Crack In Time. Always have a soft spot for R&C games. 3 game books - MGS1, 2 and AC Brotherhood. A game guide for Fallout NV, and just some cash and vouchers from friends and family, including, weirdly, 2 leisure vouchers worth £10 each, for use at a spa or similar place. Gee, um, thanks Auntie.

The reports about the gaming headphones being quite poor are wrong so far, don't hear any hissing at all, and set them up reasonably easily. Build quality is good too, so these people must be morons.

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