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GTA 4 Kids?


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Here's a thought: How about not let your kids who really shouldn't be playing GTA anyway grow up to be dumbasses who can't tell the difference between reality and games. If they know the difference, they're suited to play GTA.

If I was six and got a botched version of Vice City to play I'd fucking go crazy.

And besides no matter how much you try to pretty up Vice City for kids, it still allows you to kill whoever you want, right down to the bloody decals and death animations. And slingshots/waterguns? Are you trying to turn Vice City into Bully with cars? And a koala bear who hunts rabbits? Are you high?

But even so, I doubt a game in which a koala bear drives a motorbike into a rabbit-strip club and then kills the animal clientèle with a slingshot would be approved by the parents who don't like GTA now.

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  chris82 said:
But even so, I doubt a game in which a koala bear drives a motorbike into a rabbit-strip club and then kills the animal clientèle with a slingshot would be approved by the parents who don't like GTA now.

Damn, I'd buy that. Killer Koalas! The Bunny Club! HAH! :D

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Then there is no point. GTA is directed at mature audiences. That's why there is a black M on the front and back of the box. If you try to make thing politically correct just so six year olds can play games that were/are about drug smuggling and hi-jacking cars, then why don't you just take the titties out of pornos?

EDIT: You want to know what I think about children. f*** them, that's what I think! They're useless 60-pound bags of meat that like to bitch and whine about the smallest things, like when no one believes them over the internet or when everyone hates them over the internet. Does that sound familiar to anybody?

Edited by TEC 9
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Let's see. Vice City would be damn boring if you couldn't gun down a cop in cold blood. Matter of fact, who gives a damn about children? If you don't want your nephew or whoever it is to be exposed to violence, drugs, or sex, lock them in the closet for the rest of his life. He'll thank you for it.

Hmm, kid-friendly versions of movies? That's why we don't let them in R-rated movies. Hey people, is Saw a terrible movie because some lady got her face blown off or a cop almost sawn off his foot?

Listen, a GTA with no violence is just some piece of crap where you can roam around, doing nothing. Everything you can do in Vice City is illegal. Paramedic missions? You have to steal an Ambulance. Good Citizen bonus? You have to punch somebody. Just driving around? You have to steal a car for that.

If you want your nephew to play video games, that's is perfectly fine! But if you want to water down one of the greatest games ever made by removing/replacing everything, GTFO.

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If you really want GTA: VC to be more like Hit and Run, then let your nephew play Hit and Run. It's not a bad game. Do you see all your support for your idea? Oh, you can't? That's because everybody is against your ideas. GTA is a game directed toward mature audiences, not children. If you want to have a game that runs on the Renderware engine so much, why don't you pitch your idea to Sega or Nintendo? And leave the mature games to the mature audience.

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  TEC 9 said:
EDIT: You want to know what I think about children. f*** them, that's what I think! They're useless 60-pound bags of meat that like to bitch and whine about the smallest things, like when no one believes them over the internet or when everyone hates them over the internet. Does that sound familiar to anybody?

Yeah sounds like you.

About the idea - GTA is pretty much based on violence, i think about 80%(or more) of the missions include violence, so theres no point to make it appropriate for children. As someone said before there are games for children and games that are not for children.

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I think it sounds like a cool idea. It'd be a lot of work though.

Personally I have no problem letting my 6year old son play GTA. As long as I teach him the difference between a game and real life I dont see a problem.

A video game alone doesnt make a kid wanna go out and commit crimes alone as long as they know the difference between right and wrong. IMHO.

As for TEC9 saying he hates kids.... youre 14 dude, youre just a kid yourself. And your posts more that prove that.

Edited by BoroVC
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Ahem, me a child? Eff that, I eat children for breakfast. I don't tattle when ever I don't get what I want. I'm not sixty pounds and I'm not useless. Unlike some of you people. And Quickdeath, I'm not that hated around here. However, Venatos.....I'm stopping right there. Except for this. BoroVC, why is it that some people would consider 14 year olds as children? I'm already started Honor's Algebra II and smoking pot. Does that sound like a 6 year old? And about the maturity of my posts, why don't we compare post counts? Hmm? Just a thought?

Anyway, why would you want to water down a great game with drugs, sex, and violence to a POS mod with bunnies, pascifists, and no guns? Your nephew will hate you for the rest of your life when he finds out he's been handed down tame Saturday-morning crap while his friends got to play the real deal.

EDIT: Not so damn full of yourself now, are you, Boro?

Edited by TEC 9
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  bakuretsu said:
I have Simpsons Hit & Run. It's a terrible game.

GTA III (Vice City,San Andreas, Liberty City Stories, Vice City Stories) may not be the best in every individual aspect (driving, third-person shooter, flight sim, and so on), but it is by far the best sandbox game available. I would much rather play a Simpsons Total Conversion of Vice City than Simpsons Hit & Run. I'd rather play a Destroy All Humans Total Conversion of Vice City than Destroy All Humans. Mercenaries is the only one that comes close to it.

One way to find out if your game (or story) is good or not is to make a version for kids. If taking away the violence ruins the game, it's not a good game. (I can name at least a dozen games that would be terrible without the violence. In other words, they're terrible to me. A lot of people buy them, though, just for the violence. Grand Theft Auto is not one of those games.) And the same holds true for porno. If you can't make a kid-friendly version, it's a terrible movie. Most porn is terrible (that's why they call it pornography--it has no artistic or social value), but there are some great European and Japanese trash films that would be great with or without the explicit content.

Maybe you just get off on the violence. I don't. I enjoy GTA because it's a great game. I think it would be just as great if it were toned down for children.

(There's no way I'm letting my nephew play Bully, by the way. I don't want him to become bisexual when he grows up.)

Out of all the stupid you have said, this has to be the one that angers me the most. How can you even say that your nephew will become bi by playing a game. I hate to think how you would react if your nephew came to you and confided that he thought he was gay. Shockingly people dont decided to be bi, gay or straight. Its who they are and .hat you have saud is extremly ignorant,

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Damn straight!


Sorry, but it is true. Just because that there is homosexual content in Bully doesn't make it a game not worth playing. And besides, you can only have the main character bisexual if you feel like it; it's not mandatory. You can have him straight or flaming gay, it doesn't matter. It's not part of the storyline.

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  Yellowcard said:
Just like in Sims... Grand Fun Isle: Koala World... Grand Fun Isle: 4

What the hell? Those games sound crappy.

  bakuretsu said:
I have Simpsons Hit & Run. It's a terrible game.

GTA III (Vice City,San Andreas, Liberty City Stories, Vice City Stories) may not be the best in every individual aspect (driving, third-person shooter, flight sim, and so on), but it is by far the best sandbox game available. I would much rather play a Simpsons Total Conversion of Vice City than Simpsons Hit & Run. I'd rather play a Destroy All Humans Total Conversion of Vice City than Destroy All Humans. Mercenaries is the only one that comes close to it.

One way to find out if your game (or story) is good or not is to make a version for kids. If taking away the violence ruins the game, it's not a good game. (I can name at least a dozen games that would be terrible without the violence. In other words, they're terrible to me. A lot of people buy them, though, just for the violence. Grand Theft Auto is not one of those games.) And the same holds true for porno. If you can't make a kid-friendly version, it's a terrible movie. Most porn is terrible (that's why they call it pornography--it has no artistic or social value), but there are some great European and Japanese trash films that would be great with or without the explicit content.

Maybe you just get off on the violence. I don't. I enjoy GTA because it's a great game. I think it would be just as great if it were toned down for children.

(There's no way I'm letting my nephew play Bully, by the way. I don't want him to become bisexual when he grows up.)

My girlfriends bi is that a problem.

And i loved Hit and run as a kid and i still play it when not playing GTA.

THis mod would be shit if made

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