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So from where did you learnt romanian ? Chris ...

Um... well, do you know kokane on this forum? I learnt a few important phrases from her, but that's sort of a long story I don't wanna go into, forum veterans will know what I'm talking about :P

But all I remember now is salut, da, nu, te iubesc atat de mult, and multumesc.

I did a quick google search and now I also remember va rog. So that's it like 2 phrases and 4 words. How very useful...

And it's like that for various other European languages, I have a vague interest in linguistics (not so much that I'd actually take up a 2nd language) and running an internationally known site like this I speak on msn and such with people from all over the world so I pick up odd phrases here and there, and I know a bit of French and Spanish from school (have forgotten nearly all Spanish I learned though).

for example in German I can say "Sie sind ein Schießekopf" (you are a shithead) which is an absolutely pointless thing to know because I'd never say that to anyone :P

I know a few swear words in Dutch, such as "kut" (cunt).

In Polish I can say "Jak sie masz" (how are you)

Wow, I'm really weird.

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It`s easy to remember some phrases from different languages ...

Oh and typical for a women to teach you those phases :lol:

Also my langage is pretty difficult to learn , with all those Ş Ă ΠĂ Ţ ...

vă rog for eg., or te iubesc atât de mult ...

The langage is complicated, I killed people ... :)


Thank you, I`ll might need it some day ...

Edited by Gycu
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