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I haven't finished Music in her Bones yet so I'll tell you a secondary one.

JoJo was hiding in the washing basket, he was spying on SpongeBob and Patrick in the shower, the reason why JoJo is hiding in the basket is because SpongeBob mentioned that he had a new TV in his shower and that he would watch the new movie called Turok 4, Seeds of Shags.

"I'm gonna wack off the the sex scene!" Patrick said.

But then the bathroom door opened and then...


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  Alucardo said:
I haven't finished Music in her Bones yet so I'll tell you a secondary one.

JoJo was hiding in the washing basket, he was spying on SpongeBob and Patrick in the shower, the reason why JoJo is hiding in the basket is because SpongeBob mentioned that he had a new TV in his shower and that he would watch the new movie called Turok 4, Seeds of Shags.

"I'm gonna wack off the the sex scene!" Patrick said.

But then the bathroom door opened and then...


Yes, continue the story, I find it very compelling.

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...Raymond jumped in and blew SpongeBob and Patrick's brains out with two sawn-off shotguns!

JoJo dug his way deeper into the washing basket, and put the clothes on top of him.

"I HATE MALAYS!" Raymond screamed at the top of his lungs, then another person appeared.

"Sexinator is here!" Bruane2forever said, he had his machine gun ready.

"Leave Britney Alone!" Itschriscrocker shouted.

"FUCK OFF!!" Warner shouted.

JoJo is now hiding from four crackpots, which consisted of two banned members from TGTAP, and two infamous YouTubers.


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JoJo jumped out of the basket with two Tec9s and blasted Itschriscrocker to death, JoJo has easily slain the Crock, but now he is facing three powerful foes.

"FUCKING WHO-MALAY!" Raymond screamed, he was armed with two sawn-off shotguns.

"You fucking faggot who, I'm gonna fucking kill you, you faggot bitch!" Bruane2forever said, he grabbed his machine gun.

"I'm gonna smack your fucking head!" Warner screamed, he was armed with a toy gun.

It was a bloodbath, JoJo shot off Raymond's balls and then killed him by ripping the toilet off the floor and smashing the toilet on his head.


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"Faggot who! How dare you take the piss outta mah teeth!" Bruane2forever shouted.

"What teeth?" JoJo asked, but Bruane2forever sneered.

"The faggot actually speaks, in that movie Hotbuns hears a What you didn't speak until the end of the film."

"Its Horton hears a Who you dumbass!" JoJo said.

Then JoJo grabbed the TV and smashed it on Bruane2forever's head, his ego disappeared then.

"Ahhhhh! Don't hurt me!" but JoJo filled him with holes with his Tec9s.

Then Warner ran towards JoJo, but tripped and fell out of the window.

JoJo has finally defeated his three other foes, he decided to leave the bathroom.

But then...


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