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Chris last won the day on January 21 2023

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About Chris

  • Birthday 09/06/1988

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    GTA. Web development. Movies. Photography. F1.

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  1. Noting your fav GTA is 'Three'  I am actually hoping Ned Luke [Michael De Santa] might live stream himself playing GTA3 but I kinda doubt he has it, he recently bought two PS5s! hahaha I told him to say Hi to you whenever he could, I commented on a stream hours after the event. Name dropped The GTAPlace in there!


    1. BlackListedB


      looks like translation required... bots, oh, and Down With Putin!!

  2. Unfortunate leaks have forced Rockstar's hand, but they've responded in perhaps the best way they could, by dropping the first trailer for Grand Theft Auto VI approximately 15 hours early. Scroll down, hit play, and enjoy! Source: @RockstarGames tweet Press Release: https://www.take2games.com/ir/news/rockstar-games-announces-grand-theft-auto-vi-coming-2025
  3. In a message to fans posted on the Rockstar Newswire and Rockstar's social media accounts, Sam Houser has thanked players worldwide for being part of their journey in making videogames as part of culture as essential as any other form of entertainment. Houser signs off the message with an announcement that the first trailer for the next Grand Theft Auto game will be released early next month. That's got us all pretty excited! Source: A Message from Rockstar Games
  4. It's been a long time coming. In fact, it's been almost a whole decade since we had a new GTA game to talk about! But yesterday, Rockstar Games finally confirmed that development of the next instalment of the Grand Theft Auto series is "well underway". I think most - perhaps all - fans of the franchise suspected this to be the case, but until now it was pure wishful thinking. The confirmation came as part of the latest community update posted on the Rockstar Newswire, and this following tidbit of information has already seen fans buzzing on social media with speculation. See also: Twitter thread Attention has been cast on that final sentence in particular: Of course, this could just be a mere figure of speech, but many fans are already speculating that this could point to a futuristic setting. Indeed, we've already seen Rockstar Games explore the 80s, 90s, and modern day era with the releases from GTA III through to GTA V, so a near future setting would provide something fresh for the developers to work with, and give even more creative freedom surrounding the gameplay and storytelling. That being said, it's important to note that this is simply speculation for now, Rockstar Games as a company is famous for remaining tight-lipped regarding information on upcoming titles. Speaking of which, forget the setting or location, we don't even have the title yet. We're tentatively referring to it as GTA VI for now. Does this mean TGTAP is coming back? Good question! It's been over 5 years since we last posted any news on the website. GTA Online of course became Rockstar's main focus throughout this time, and the unstoppable rise of social media, and Rockstar's own Newswire blog, rendered most of the smaller fansites like ours somewhat redundant. The drastic drop in traffic, coupled with real life getting in the way, has meant that fansites like TGTAP - and numerous others - have been neglected. I won't deny that this announcement has certainly piqued my interest once again, though, so no promises but all I can say is... we'll see.
  5. Chris

    Alive Check

    Quoting for visibility (as if people pay attention to my posts any more!). https://discord.gg/yFYQ9CM I don't know what your plans are for the server but I have now joined. I'm generally around on Discord most of the time for other reasons, can't promise I'll be overly talkative there but I'll try and check it relatively frequently. Forums are a mostly dead format these days as we know, so Discord is infinitely easier for everyone to chat in. Regarding spreading word of the Discord perhaps once it's properly up and running we'll post the link on the main page of the website. Perhaps on our social media channels too which themselves are also inactive; it's unlikely any of this will help much. Also, doing this may attract a ton of randoms rather than all the old-school members of the forums... so yeah, we'll think about what to do. In the meantime, feel free to share the link with any members you talk with outside of TGTAP.
  6. Hi, Sorry for the inconvenience. The app is back on the Play Store now https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tgtap.gtacheats
  7. Chris

    Alive Check

    As I've said numerous times in the past I have no intention of ever taking the site down. The forums have had new registrations disabled for a while now (although I believe signups via Facebook are still possible) for a couple of reasons; 1. to reduce botspam and 2. because the forums are essentially dead we're unlikely to get many new people around here for any legitimate reasons.
  8. Chris

    Alive Check

    That's actually very recent, like the last 2 weeks or so. I don't know... we're on the latest version of IPB, we're using their anti-spam service, but it's useless, the bots still get through. Might disable registrations for a while, seems to be the only way to prevent them getting through. I had to check your username history and profile but yeah I remember. There are plenty of users I didn't talk to much one to one but at least recognise their usernames if they were frequent posters. I noticed a comment on my profile back in 2010 saying that you had added me on PSN. I rarely play PS3/PS4 these days but curious what your username there is? I'm guessing we never played anything together?
  9. Chris

    Alive Check

    Well I guess even if just one person likes to come back to the forums from time to time it's reason enough to leave them online for now. I suspect at some point we'll disable new registrations, maybe even disable posting. But I'll always try to keep an archive of the forums here so all the old topics and posts won't be lost. While I've said in the past I'd try to keep TGTAP online for as long as I'm alive, I have occasionally wondered about the long term future, like really long term, and not just about this website but any in a similar position. I mean, can you imagine coming back here in another 10 years? 20 years? What about 50 years? Some of us probably won't even be alive at that point. The internet could and probably will look very different then. Interest in GTA could be dead too and at some point it may not be worth keeping the website online any more. A number of huge GTA fansites have already closed for good in the past couple of years, GTAGaming and GTAWarehouse are two big names no longer operating. GTAGaming was arguably the next biggest site after GTANet, so if they had to shutdown already the future doesn't look too bright for the rest of. I don't think TGTAP will be the next one though, but sadly it's not a favourable trend we're seeing with videogame fansites these days. P.S. if anyone is reading this in the future and needs to contact me for any reason and is unable to do so here, I'm not particularly difficult to find elsewhere on the Internet. I don't publicly give out my email address but my personal website (https://chrisphillips.uk/) links to places where I can be found.
  10. Chris

    Alive Check

    I don't do anything with the website any more but don't wish to take it down or anything, so it will remain online for the foreseeable future. As for the forums, I've thought about turning them offline as it's clear to see there is barely any activity whatsoever these days. In fact I think aside from GTAForums, pretty much every fansite forum is dead now. Everyone moved to social media. But as with the website, I will probably leave them open for the time being, if any members want to reconnect with one another then they can do so. Out of curiosity, what brought you back here Dmac?
  11. @brewyorkbeer Hi, https://t.co/JCT9a4fTZk and https://t.co/0TNULJ5rOm sound identical. Are these actually the same beer? I will merge if so.

  12. @deyabrewery Very Hoppy Caterpillar is on at @ThePilcrowPub as "Hoppy Little Caterpillar"... Did you actually rename or is this a mistake?

  13. @cloudwaterbrew I hate to be 'that guy' but it's Ekuanot, not Eukanot

  14. Yeah sorry about this I'm really busy at the moment. Please know that the extent of the "hack" or "malware" was the same as before - simply a piece of javascript which redirects users to random websites, not even for phishing usually, just to get them pageviews and ad revenue it seems. It was removed within 24 hours of Google notifying us. We'd actually waited this long to make sure it didn't come back, and in this time we have upgraded both PHP and the IPS forum software itself to the latest and most secure, stable versions. We believe all these factors should permanently fix the problem now. It seems like it was a flaw in IPS 3.x that allowed the malicious content through in the first place. Google has now been notified of its removal so hopefully the warnings will disappear shortly.
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