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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/05/11 in all areas

  1. Good news everyone! After a period of fairly random unreliability and some downtime over the past month, we decided to move to a brand new dedicated server. The new server has a better processor, almost 3 times as much RAM, twice as much bandwidth, and a 1Gbps connection speed - that's 10 times faster than what we had previously! This should really help improve our reliability, and we can now realistically aim for almost 100% uptime through the year. The move is complete, and everything should be working as normally, but if you notice anything strange, let us know!
    2 points
  2. I suppose it is in Rockstar's interest to make it look pretty, but not to such a degree that it compromises the quality of the gameplay. They had their time to experiment with IV; we all expect they know what they're doing with the technology by now. Graphics are a non-issue; the potential gameplay and story should be the focus of any discussion.
    2 points
  3. Yay I can post 0.1 seconds faster!
    2 points
  4. It's out! Now shut up and watch! <iframe src=" http://www.rockstargames.com/videos/embed/8001" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> If Rockstar's site goes down you can check the trailer out on We're uploading Screen Captures of the trailer and now have a list of observations made from it below. Leave your initial impressions in the discussion! Our Analysis/Observations: Now that we've seen the trailer and have a nice selection of screenshots from it available, let's have a little look at them and see what details we can surmise from them. The following is a list of our thoughts and presumptions based on what we can see in the trailer. Nothing is confirmed as fact yet. Music: The song used in the trailer is "Ogdens' Nut Gone Flake" by The Small Faces A dog is seen walking with a couple (screenshot #1) - our guess is we won't be able to keep pets, but we'll see dogs, maybe other animals in game. Men are seeing playing golf. This may be a side activity. (screenshots #5 and #6) A man is seen riding a jetski with the slogan "Speedophile" written on the side. We're pretty sure these will be usable. (screenshot #7) Some friends are seen climbing what could be Mount Chiliad. Two of them are holding hands which suggests relationships might make a return. (screenshots #8 and #9) Convertible cars! Screenshots #10,#11,#12 and #13 show a woman walking past and glancing at a man putting the roof of his car down. Wind turbines in a rural area, could be based on the real life Interstate 8 (thanks chris82). Screenshot #14. Also check this screenshot taken a few frames before by forum member NotYouHaha who draws attention to what appears to be a Skimmer seaplane making a return! Two people are seen exercising on the balcony of a large house. Screenshot #15. Fitness may be incorporated into the game once again, as a moment later in screenshot #17 we see a blonde woman walking past "Muscle Sands" on Vespucci Beach, Los Santos. Is that an older Tommy Vercetti in screenshot #22!? A lot of you are hoping/wishing it is. Others are saying Tony Cipriani is also a possibility. We're not convinced it's the protagonist, whoever it is, but we don't know for sure. UPDATE: Tommy would be 60 years old now, thus it seems unlikely to be him. Tony Cipriani looking more likely if it is indeed a returning character. Planes! Our first shot of a plane in GTA V is this crop duster being a nuisance to some workers in screenshots #23, #24, #25 and #26 A cutscene from a mission is shown in screenshots #27, #28, #29 and #30. Bugstars Pest Control - "putting the FU in fumigate" is shown on the van they are using as cover. Main character(?) driving through town past Pizza This (screenshot #31), doesn't look like we can go inside. Then from a different angle (screenshot #32) we see him drive past a supermarket and in the background a building available for rent, doesn't necessarily mean it's for use in game though. You can see clearly here the license plate on the car says "San Andreas" Screenshot #33 shows an Up-n-Atom Burger truck leaving to reveal Los Santos Port in screenshot #34 We are then taken through what appears to be a poorer area of the city, a black gentleman walks off camera left and we get a glimpse of a white Comet in the background. Screenshots #35, #36, #37 and #38 A postal service van drives away to reveal a man hammering a for sale sign due to foreclosue into the the ground outside his home. A bicycle can be seen in the background, next to some open windows. This makes us believe property buying/selling will be a part of the game (screenshot #40). Our protagonist will be able to have a good time (screenshot #41). We see a nice Audi R8 being driven fast (screenshot #42), and then our attention is turned to some poorer residents (screenshots #43, #44, #45). A jet is seen using its afterburner! We're going to presume this is flyable. Screenshots #46 and #47. A motorbike, possible a PCJ is seen in the foreground while a man is ejected from a club in the background (screenshot #48). A nice shot of the city with mountains visible in the background (screenshot #49) A cop in pursuit through the city. Here again we see "San Andreas" on the license plate. Screenshots #50, #51, #52 and #53 Police on foot and in the air chase a man through some back alleys. Screenshots #54, #55, #56 and #57 The camera pans up to show a burning vehicle and an ambulance in screenshots #58 and #59 In the penultimate shot of the trailer we see plane flying over the iconic Vinewood sign (screenshots #60 and #61 The trailer ends by showing said plane flying toward downtown Los Santos, before the GTAV logo appears and the background fades to black (screenshot #62). That's all we have for now. Let us know in the comments if you think we missed anything that's worth pointing out. Also be sure to comment on the Tommy Vercetti/Tony Cipriani thoughts, we'd love to know what you all think about either of them returning as the main character.
    1 point
  5. Well as we are having a big old reunion and seeing the old faces pop up again, I thought it may be interesting to know what everyone has been up to in the last few years. After all a lot of us have grown from teenagers obsessed with GTA to being adults obsessed with GTA. Hopefully this isn't like school reunions where we secretly hope everyone has failed in life to make us feel better about ourselves.
    1 point
  6. I think you should be banned for having that SR sig and banner.. everybody else has GTA V stuff in their sig's.. And u have fucking SAINTS ROW pfft
    1 point
  7. TUN3R, GTA in general doesn't aim for bar-raising graphics - its focus is, and always has been, gameplay. SA was, at its best moments, maybe 7/10 in terms of looks, at most 8/10 if you squinted. It looks dated, but its aim is to be fun as hell. Compare that to the dozens of games on the market these days that admittedly look pretty but that provide maybe half a dozen to a dozen hours before boredom sets in. In the battle between graphics and gameplay, gameplay will always win to people are looking for a good time and aren't fickle and shallow. I mentioned in a related topic that I welcome the reduced geographic scope in favour of focus on characters and gameplay. The Greater Los Angeles area by itself is massive (33,954 sq mi, according to Wiki), not including surrounding countryside. To recreate this down to the finest detail is itself a monumental achievement; anything else is a welcomed extra. GTA has always found its heart in sprawling urban areas; I'm sure V's Los Santos will provide ample space and variety to suit nearly all tastes. And I'm a guy that romanticises life in a scenic country town.
    1 point
  8. Oh hello TM. It's sure been long, still remember you from the old days when you wanted to make a website or something? Welcome back!
    1 point
  9. This video amused me, but I'm hoping the 'looks better' was sarcasm. I personally am looking forward to both SR3 and GTAV; this is not a place for partisan divisions.
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. IDK I always leave it on...
    1 point
  12. Perks maybe nice, if I count as a veteran of course
    1 point
  13. Thanks EVO? Chris you're starting to lose your mind. You can't get names straight now. Still might be more than that. You never know. And no, I want NOTHING to do with CJ, the "Grove Street", or any of that bullshit. Made the beginning on San Andreas a tad difficult to get through.
    1 point
  14. I wanted so bad to go back to the Vice City '80s... I jumped off my seat when I saw the beach in the beginning thinking it was Vice City but then got disappointed when I saw the Vinewood sign.
    1 point
  15. 1. Read the included readme. 2. Do what it tells you to do.
    1 point
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